From Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
aka Crabshell Education Consulting Ltd&Crabshell Robotics
Rookie Year: 2018
Last competed in 2018
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Event Results

Team 6801 was 8-8-0 in official play in 2018.

Shenzhen Regional

in Shenzhen City, 44 518000, China
to Week 2

Team 6801 was Rank 18 with a record of 8-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Backup of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6706
Pick 1 6402
Pick 2 6948
Backup for 6948 6801
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7080 5449 6801 6383 5849 7238 296 51
5839 6801 6402 7047 6766 5823 252 326
6952 7238 5453 6801 7184 7006 315 163
6801 6940 6766 5453 6946 6304 179 250
5449 7006 6941 6706 6801 6948 334 249
1884 6402 7149 6801 5453 6386 264 423
1797 6941 6393 6952 5823 6801 238 204
6356 6383 6393 6801 7149 7047 112 304
6304 6801 5831 5445 6946 7080 272 75
7095 6402 6801 6393 7009 7080 319 209
7009 1884 6801 6941 5839 5823 45 392
6383 6801 5522 6948 7184 7080 383 228
7149 5839 5449 5883 6801 5445 296 340
6402 6706 6801 1797 1884 7047 350 100
5453 5883 5849 6402 6706 6801 400 173
5453 5883 5849 6402 6706 6801 552 117

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