From Helensburgh, New South Wales, Australia
aka Blackbird Ventures/Argosy Foundation/Ford Australia/AARNet/B.A and N Whipp Plastics/TAFE Illawarra/All Source Aluminium Supplies/Metropolitan Coal/Macquarie University/Charlie Designs/Versuita Mechanica/Bryan Scott&Komplete Kaos Inc
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2021
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Event Results

Team 6579 was 24-8-0 in official play and 30-13-0 overall in 2018.

Southern Cross Regional

in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia
to Week 2

Team 6579 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Jiah Pang)
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6579
Pick 1 5985
Pick 2 7130
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4739 5983 3008 6579 4802 6191 143 365
6579 6508 6998 5593 5331 4537 376 245
6187 7278 5983 6579 6434 6836 86 370
6579 6083 6204 6024 7023 6508 227 357
4739 4537 6579 6508 5985 6996 245 422
6118 6998 3132 7074 6579 7278 206 301
4613 5331 6579 6520 3132 4253 319 283
6579 5985 6118 6836 4739 7130 504 162
7023 4537 6579 5983 6434 4774 375 147
5331 5983 7074 6024 6579 6191 319 265
4739 4774 6520 5593 6579 4253 226 401
4817 5983 6579 6187 6083 6520 350 160
6118 7130 6434 6520 6579 4537 219 389
5985 6579 7130 6024 6998 5331 425 178
5985 6579 7130 6024 6998 5331 396 231
5985 6579 7130 6996 6508 4774 319 321
5985 6579 7130 6996 6508 4774 284 399

South Pacific Regional

in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia
to Week 3

Team 6579 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6579
Pick 1 6510
Pick 2 4802
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4774 6440 6579 7113 4613 5331 236 351
6509 7050 6432 6579 6434 5988 89 336
5988 4802 3132 6083 6579 6035 336 392
4613 4801 6579 6524 7128 5564 510 134
6449 6063 7163 6575 6579 6524 250 377
6083 6510 5584 6579 5985 6509 328 364
6579 5564 6024 4614 6476 4729 396 298
6579 5333 5331 6050 6510 6063 440 107
6432 5876 6579 4801 6024 7050 363 182
6007 7124 6440 4802 6579 6813 193 311
5333 7050 6035 6476 6449 6579 227 435
6510 6579 4802 4729 6524 6007 391 249
6510 6579 4802 4729 6524 6007 459 270
5663 5985 7128 6510 6579 4802 371 166
5663 5985 7128 6510 6579 4802 454 283

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