From Taipei, Taipei Special Municipality, Chinese Taipei
aka Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited(TSMC)&Taipei First Girls High School
Rookie Year: 2016
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Event Results

Team 6191 was 8-9-0 in official play in 2018.

Southern Cross Regional

in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia
to Week 2

Team 6191 was Rank 18 with a record of 8-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 7074
Pick 1 3008
Pick 2 6191
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4739 5983 3008 6579 4802 6191 143 365
4253 4774 6187 6191 7130 6996 282 120
6191 6204 4253 4537 4802 4774 376 201
4537 6836 4613 6191 3132 4774 476 115
4817 6520 6191 5983 6998 6204 194 234
6996 4537 6191 6024 4739 4802 134 202
4739 6508 6434 6191 7074 7023 343 258
7278 6083 3132 7023 3008 6191 332 295
7278 6191 6998 6118 5331 4739 331 205
5331 5983 7074 6024 6579 6191 319 265
6083 6191 6434 6187 6118 4537 337 154
5985 6191 5331 6204 4613 6118 362 299
6836 6191 5593 7278 6996 6204 357 296
3008 7074 6191 4537 7278 5983 292 113
3008 7074 6191 4537 7278 5983 392 149
4613 4253 4802 3008 7074 6191 469 167
4613 4253 4802 3008 7074 6191 481 142

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Robot Name: TFG

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