From Redwood City, California, USA
aka Apple/Oracle/Johnson & Johnson/Capricorn Investment Group/CGB Enterprises/Comcast/Gene Haas Foundation/Westcoast Products/Intuitive Foundation/Kikkoman/PTC/PG&E/DreamMaker /Costco&Design Tech High School
Rookie Year: 2016
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: Focaccia
1 CAD Model

Event Results

Team 5940 was 6-14-1 in official play and 22-23-1 overall in 2017.

San Francisco Regional

in San Francisco, CA 94116, USA
to Week 3

Team 5940 was Rank 13 with a record of 5-6-1

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 6036
Pick 1 5940
Pick 2 5924
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Silicon Valley Regional

in San Jose, CA 95112, USA
to Week 5

Team 5940 was Rank 59 with a record of 1-8-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5026 8 6418 6380 1280 5940 325 145
6619 5940 5677 972 668 3482 220 310
6039 581 5940 192 4255 5171 235 261
1351 5773 254 6410 5940 256 268 145
604 2367 6410 5940 6036 115 255 215
2035 199 2473 5104 192 5940 380 334
5924 841 5940 5104 6059 1280 225 215
2643 5940 1868 114 971 5104 255 321
4990 4171 4186 299 1351 5940 285 255

Capital City Classic

in Elk Grove, CA, USA

Team 5940 was Rank 19 with a record of 5-4-0

Captain 2073
Pick 1 701
Pick 2 1280
Pick 3 5940
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MadTown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 5940 was Rank 9 with a record of 11-5-0

Captain 5940
Pick 1 971
Pick 2 3482B
Pick 3 3303
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6657 5817C 3303 1671B 5940 4255B 140 405
4159 5012 5940 3482B 6305 6174 240 90
2659 971C 5940 973C 5700 1678 230 224
4171 971B 1678C 5940 1836 1323B 274 332
5940 1678B 1671 5012 4255B 1323 211 326
2073B 973 5852 4159B 5104 5940 238 185
1671 4255 5817 2135 5940 2073 215 235
2813 973C 5940 6657 2135B 5012B 200 190
3859 5104 4171B 5104B 5940 6657 185 235
1671 2659 1323B 971 5940 3482B 195 272
1671 2659 1323B 971 5940 3482B 297 377
2073 2135 1678 971 5940 3482B 322 400
2073 2135 1678 971 5940 3482B 486 373
2073 2135 1678 971 5940 3482B 325 366
971C 1323 973 971 5940 3482B 369 318
971C 1323 973 971 5940 3482B 259 248

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Robot Name: Focaccia

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