Event Results

Overall, Team 4786 had an average qual score of 57.61 and an average playoff score of 110.86 in 2015.

Northern Lights Regional

in Duluth, MN, USA
to Week 1

Team 4786 was Rank 33 with an average qual score of 44.56 and an average playoff score of 110.86 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 5172
Pick 1 2512
Pick 2 4786
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4531 3026 5232 3055 5172 4786 18 40
5464 4207 4786 3267 5290 3381 22 29
2532 2175 4480 5232 4786 525 25 114
2502 4786 4480 4656 5348 876 38 17
2847 4786 4656 2705 4226 5172 26 32
4624 3297 4506 4786 3754 3883 18 44
3723 3298 2512 2532 3297 4786 50 30
2846 4674 2509 4786 877 2518 39 49
2491 4671 4786 4166 3633 2574 38 0
2512 5172 4786 3055 5232 2502 86 54
2512 5172 4786 4207 3883 4656 102 50
2512 5172 4786 3055 5232 2502 126 81
2512 5172 4786 876 4859 2846 108 95
525 3130 4215 2512 5172 4786 99 118
525 3130 4215 2512 5172 4786 142 127
525 3130 4215 2512 5172 4786 163 109

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 4786 was Rank 15 with an average qual score of 70.67

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