From Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
aka NRG Energy / Westmont Hilltop School District & Westmont Hilltop High School
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2022
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Robot Name: Jack

Event Results

Team 4547 was 1-8-0 in official play and 6-11-0 overall in 2018.

Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in California, PA 15419, USA
to Week 4

Team 4547 was Rank 51 with a record of 1-8-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2252 2641 4547 3260 4269 3171 218 375
3504 2656 6032 1308 4547 7165 381 71
5740 2656 4547 2051 4027 3957 235 348
4521 1787 5842 217 3511 4547 299 257
4930 4547 5472 117 6947 3062 395 215
156 303 3492 48 4547 4150 442 107
4547 4991 3260 6054 217 4467 255 371
6414 4991 1708 4547 1743 945 491 184
5811 870 7274 4547 5077 3504 307 301

Mahoning Valley Robotics Challenge

in Austintown, OH, USA

Team 4547 was Rank 13 with a record of 5-3-0

Captain 48
Pick 1 291
Pick 2 4547
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
48 5811 4547 2010 4467 4269 303 202
9986 48 379 4547 4601 3193 375 123
4547 379 4467 4121 3193 2656 394 130
4027 379 4121 9985 4547 2656 378 107
4027 2656 4547 4780 4269 48 87 368
4269 291 4547 4780 379 1787 313 220
4780 3193 4467 2010 4547 1787 245 291
4547 4121 4780 5811 4467 4601 314 198

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Robot Name: Jack

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