From Anderson, Indiana, USA
aka DRN Machine/Rockhill Lawn Care/Madison County Community Foundation/Soverns Charitable Trust/The Hack Foundation, Argosy Fund/Karma Kitchen Food Truck/IN-MAC&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 447 was 10-12-1 in official play and 13-18-1 overall in 2011.

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 447 was Rank 61 with a record of 4-6-0

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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 447 had a record of 3-6-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1503 1720 1732 447 359 973 65 86
2122 233 135 447 573 118 110 107
987 1477 11 447 1730 292 120 94
447 2415 781 2081 2056 1018 104 124
303 494 447 399 2016 1675 87 126
1747 1114 447 548 2826 245 99 83
447 469 931 1114 829 48 77 94
1640 74 51 33 25 447 48 94
1741 125 461 1501 341 447 82 47

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