From Tucson, Arizona, USA
aka Apple/Society of Women Engineers/Texas Instruments/Xerocraft Hackerspace/Pitt Family Foundation/Raytheon&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 4183 was 15-13-0 in official play in 2013.

Phoenix Regional

in Chandler, AZ, USA
to Week 4

Team 4183 was Rank 45 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Judges' Award

Captain 1290
Pick 1 1165
Pick 2 4183
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3019 3133 996 3944 4183 1633 16 13
4841 3785 4496 4183 4146 4018 30 2
3187 1164 4126 991 4111 4183 25 0
2647 4183 4565 2449 2486 1290 19 38
698 3944 4629 2662 1212 4183 27 17
3281 2128 4202 2839 4183 2840 0 43
4183 3577 2844 3321 2647 4102 31 25
4183 1165 1726 2403 2657 2375 62 22
4183 1290 2375 2134 2840 1013 61 19
3577 1011 3853 1828 1492 4183 42 70
1165 1290 4183 2647 1011 4126 69 30
1165 1290 4183 4126 1011 2647 91 24
1165 1290 4183 60 3785 2839 83 78
4183 1165 1290 60 2839 3785 56 61
1290 4183 1165 60 2839 3785 46 62

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