Event Results

Team 3461 was 3-6-0 in official play and 6-10-0 overall in 2013.

Connecticut Regional sponsored by UTC

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 5

Team 3461 was Rank 38 with a record of 3-6-0

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Where is Wolcott

in Wolcott, CT, USA

Team 3461 had a record of 3-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
181 716 176 571 237 3461 40 20
3461 558 155 716 2064 4055 78 54
3461 2170 3654 1796 3525 571 68 35
2836 1511 3461 716 178 155 71 90
3461 4055 3718 3654 230 177 54 95
178 176 3461 1099 2836 3718 81 24
666 2067 195 228 3461 177 148 90

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