From Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
aka BAE Systems/Protocase/Suborbital/Purewater Total Home Leisure&Ottawa Community Educational Robotics Association
Rookie Year: 2009
Last competed in 2022
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Robot Name: Habfield

Event Results

Team 2994 was 28-32-0 in official play in 2019.

As a member of the Ontario district, Team 2994 ranked 22 having earned 185 points.

ONT District Durham College Event

in Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, Canada
to Week 1

Team 2994 was Rank 15 with a record of 8-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6135
Pick 1 2994
Pick 2 4519

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 41
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
610 6135 7267 4936 2994 4152 48 44
7564 4015 2994 6987 4525 6859 42 20
4907 2994 6514 6864 4951 2852 51 46
7267 5426 2994 4907 7614 188 37 48
7614 2994 2852 4015 5036 4946 47 35
2994 2708 4525 2852 7712 7735 31 43
4015 5885 6975 2994 7712 2386 57 40
7614 4783 6867 2994 188 6135 39 62
6070 4936 6110 4704 2994 4951 57 41
6866 7564 4783 2994 6864 4476 36 69
7735 6070 2994 5426 2200 4783 48 60
3571 188 7710 7690 5885 2994 51 58
4946 2386 6110 2994 6135 4519 64 55
4946 2386 6110 2994 6135 4519 64 69
4946 2386 6110 2994 6135 4519 44 62
610 2200 4783 2994 6135 4519 90 53
610 2200 4783 2994 6135 4519 73 43

ONT District North Bay Event

in North Bay, ON P1B 8K9, Canada
to Week 5

Team 2994 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation
  • Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4069
Pick 1 2994
Pick 2 1374

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 10
Total Points 39
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3543 4678 7267 2994 4519 6135 51 73
2994 6461 1310 6865 2013 610 72 56
1334 6987 6632 2994 1246 4968 42 56
6461 6632 6514 7267 2013 2994 44 59
1246 3543 4914 4917 2994 6859 44 67
6514 1334 2994 4783 2013 4704 50 63
2706 2994 4914 6865 6987 6336 87 55
1246 4783 6135 1374 6987 2994 62 60
7476 4704 2994 6859 6135 1334 54 51
2994 6865 4152 1305 6336 7476 73 94
6864 2994 7052 5672 4678 4917 67 72
5672 4946 1305 6632 2994 4069 81 60
6336 6461 7267 2994 4069 1374 57 70
6336 6461 7267 2994 4069 1374 68 65
6336 6461 7267 2994 4069 1374 74 71

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Science Division

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 7

Team 2994 was Rank 33 with a record of 8-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist
  • Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 188
Pick 1 1325
Pick 2 2994

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 24
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 60
Award Points 15
Total Points 105
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7022 1114 5834 2994 854 4152 82 70
2994 2198 5672 7520 4525 1075 64 60
854 4976 4476 4525 2994 2935 83 76
4939 1310 4783 4976 1325 2994 73 62
2994 5024 7722 1114 188 4946 60 102
7664 7558 865 4939 2994 3739 77 74
4932 6135 2994 3739 6378 5036 80 76
5834 2994 7136 7558 7520 7722 64 68
907 6461 772 5036 2994 1305 50 74
2994 4783 7558 4932 1305 1310 74 79
1310 188 2994 4519 7520 5036 88 62
5483 6135 4936 907 1241 2994 76 69
1325 188 2994 4152 7022 6461 88 59
1325 188 2994 4152 7022 6461 86 85
1325 188 2994 1305 1310 4939 90 84
1325 188 2994 1305 1310 4939 103 90
1241 1114 771 1325 188 2994 97 89
1241 1114 771 1325 188 2994 125 74

Daly Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 2994 was Rank 44 with a record of 4-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4039
Pick 1 694
Pick 2 2702
Pick 3 2994
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Robot Name: Habfield

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