From Newport, Michigan, USA
aka DTE Foundation & Jefferson High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 240 was 10-6-0 in official play in 2006.

Detroit Regional

in Detroit, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 240 had a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Autodesk Visualization Award
  • Radio Shack Innovation in Control Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
240 1602 33 519 406 47 49 0
379 240 94 1481 397 515 33 26
1508 240 903 1188 1509 123 3 39
1250 1216 1504 818 94 240 42 21
818 49 33 302 240 515 58 17
1508 1489 1481 1476 240 247 3 14
49 469 1509 240 1216 1476 91 41
240 440 703 1250 247 515 51 37
240 1286 1504 703 1489 302 65 47
397 1941 240 217 406 1506 24 20
519 49 184 240 1188 247 27 35
1286 1506 240 1188 1941 1481 40 12
1286 240 519 1504 1509 1481 58 22
1286 240 519 1504 1509 1481 52 33
1286 240 519 703 818 1602 30 66
1286 240 519 703 818 1602 15 107

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