From Chicago, Illinois, USA
aka Baxter, Inc./Shure Inc./RTX-Raytheon&Lindblom Math Science Academy
Rookie Year: 2006
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Event Results

Team 1781 was 12-18-0 in official play in 2006.

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 1781 had a record of 10-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
862 1710 1753 1739 1781 1675 11 20
1716 1163 1781 537 1732 1714 10 55
1714 1739 1163 1753 1108 1781 15 23
754 1781 862 1714 1108 1710 6 18
70 1652 1816 706 754 1781 65 31
1816 706 1108 537 862 1781 27 30
930 1108 537 1753 754 1781 49 31
1781 1091 857 754 269 1753 27 28
1781 494 1306 269 1864 862 77 38
1781 1091 1306 1864 1108 269 26 57
1103 1781 494 1306 1091 537 48 9
1103 1781 525 1864 930 269 46 27
70 494 1781 1864 1716 1675 67 21
70 494 1781 1864 1716 1675 60 31
70 494 1781 1739 706 1103 79 34
70 494 1781 1739 706 1103 52 18
70 494 1781 111 1625 1816 45 73
70 494 1781 111 1625 1816 25 53

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