From Denver, Colorado, USA
aka Denver Public Schools/George Washington High School/Young Engineers Association/Rev Robotics/Comcast NBC Universal/BAE/Medtronic/Hot Shot Fabrication/MiTek Industries/Xcel Energy&George Washington High School&Young Engineers Association
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1410 was 17-14-1 in official play and 23-23-1 overall in 2022.

Arizona North Regional

in Flagstaff, AZ, USA
to Week 2

Team 1410 was Rank 28 with a record of 6-8-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Entrepreneurship Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4068
Pick 1 3200
Pick 2 1410
Backup for 1410 8087
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6127 6833 4068 8021 2486 1410 32 45
2486 8021 3009 4418 996 1410 58 27
4984 1165 114 1410 3200 6127 36 32
2083 1410 114 1726 1891 8745 39 51
991 1410 6833 2403 3019 3009 33 35
1165 1410 1828 8087 114 498 16 43
1891 2478 1410 2122 4984 3200 50 62
2478 1726 4550 1410 3200 8745 53 53
4984 2288 2486 2122 8087 1410 40 44
1410 1726 8087 3187 498 4183 49 60
2403 6821 1492 1410 3200 4550 36 44
7426 1410 6821 2240 4550 4984 *
2240 6821 3019 60 1410 498 *
3200 4068 1410 7426 8021 4550 53 0
3200 4068 1410 7426 8021 4550 54 35
2403 60 2240 3200 4068 1410 52 47
2403 60 2240 3200 4068 1410 47 52

Colorado Regional

in Denver, CO, USA
to Week 4

Team 1410 was Rank 5 with a record of 11-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 1410
Pick 1 4068
Pick 2 4418
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1410 4550 1332 662 7485 8334 36 29
7737 1410 7243 5690 3200 1799 29 60
4386 2240 8250 159 8283 1410 56 45
4944 4386 2036 4388 1977 1410 35 43
5493 1332 3374 4499 1410 2945 52 78
5493 1245 7243 2083 8334 1410 26 54
1410 662 2996 1245 4499 4388 37 63
1619 1410 2972 2945 3374 3648 84 83
7737 1303 1619 5493 1410 2240 68 47
4293 1410 3648 3729 7737 4068 71 54
4550 5763 4593 1410 2036 3374 55 79
8334 1339 2945 2486 1011 1410 85 88
1410 4944 5690 1245 2996 2972 62 37
4068 1410 4418 159 8250 4388 60 33
4068 1410 4418 159 8250 4388 76 24
4499 2486 7485 4068 1410 4418 93 62
4499 2486 2036 4068 1410 4418 91 47

2022 Kendrick Castillo Memorial Tournament

in Denver, CO, USA

Team 1410 was Rank 20 with a record of 6-9-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Octo-finals.

Captain 1977
Pick 1 3648
Pick 2 1410
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2996 3374 1410 4499 1977 1619 37 123
4418 2083 9999 5493 1977 1410 25 4
5493 4068 1799 2036 1619 1410 37 94
2996 9993 4944 2083 1410 9988 22 30
1410 9994 4944 4068 2036 3200 22 43
9994 4068 4499 2945 4418 1410 95 57
1410 1339 4068 5493 4944 4418 47 25
9988 5493 7737 4175 1410 1339 19 26
1977 2240 3200 1410 4550 2083 35 13
9991 1410 2240 4944 9999 4499 27 55
1410 4499 9993 3648 2240 4293 57 53
9999 1410 3648 1339 2996 4293 40 81
2996 4293 9999 3648 1977 1410 49 51
2996 4293 9999 3648 1977 1410 64 39
2996 4293 9999 3648 1977 1410 51 41

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