From Penfield, New York, USA
aka The Hoselton Foundation/Xerox Corp/Techwell Consulting/Admar construction equipment & supplies/X-cell Precision/Arrow Electronics/Finger Lakes Tram/Vanteon wireless solutions/FIRST Consulting Inc&The Charles Finney School
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1405 was 8-10-0 in official play and 10-15-0 overall in 2006.

Finger Lakes Regional

in Rochester, NY, USA
to Week 2

Team 1405 had a record of 8-10-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1405 250 1507 1901 1713 271 31 21
1405 211 1507 1126 1713 250 24 81
250 84 578 1126 1507 1405 27 68
1405 188 578 1901 1126 250 20 41
1405 1585 145 84 467 1518 22 67
1405 1930 639 1585 1450 1511 27 15
1405 229 340 1511 1591 639 26 57
1405 1551 1591 1531 1511 1567 30 0
578 340 191 1405 1567 145 67 29
211 229 1930 1405 1765 1559 41 8
211 772 1531 1405 1591 191 40 39
1518 229 1713 1405 772 188 30 45
378 578 467 1559 340 1405 23 0
378 578 467 1559 340 1405 19 40
378 578 467 1559 340 1405 33 37
191 250 211 1559 340 1405 27 39
191 250 211 1559 340 1405 45 16
191 250 211 1559 340 1405 51 11

Battlecry@WPI 7

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 1405 had a record of 2-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1733 1405 126 246 234 121 44 59
190 1405 271 175 1307 1733 8 9
166 176 157 1405 809 190 17 23
1405 1289 1100 467 1685 157 12 23
166 1126 1405 1733 839 237 67 8
1027 1733 88 177 131 1405 15 11
1405 811 1103 1124 1725 126 32 55

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