From Aiken, South Carolina, USA
aka Savannah River Nuclear Solutions / Savannah River National Laboratory / Crane Fund / SHAW Floors / BAE Systems / Merrick Corporation / Generac / Gene Haas Foundation / Novelis / Savannah River Mission Completion / The Thrifty Bot / Aiken County Public Schools &Aiken High School&MAiken Magic STEM Foundation
Rookie Year: 2003
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Event Results

Team 1102 was 13-13-3 in official play in 2010.

Palmetto Regional

in Clemson, SC, USA
to Week 4

Team 1102 was Rank 18 with a record of 11-5-3 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 1772
Pick 1 1102
Pick 2 2751
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2430 1379 1293 945 1102 1915 2 0
1539 1102 1398 1772 945 1287 3 3
1102 1772 2751 945 1553 1261 2 1
538 3025 2121 2974 1051 1102 4 6
1225 343 1539 1102 281 3270 2 5
1225 1915 281 1026 1319 1102 3 0
3371 342 1102 49 1379 1398 1 7
1102 343 804 2751 2815 1436 6 2
3371 1553 1915 538 1959 1102 0 1
804 49 1319 3025 2430 1102 2 2
2187 1261 1102 1539 1051 1319 5 4
337 3025 281 1102 2751 1772 3 4
337 3025 281 2751 1772 1102 3 5
337 281 3025 1772 2751 1102 5 5
2815 1379 1293 1102 1772 2751 5 6
1293 2815 1379 2751 1772 1102 1 7
1398 343 1261 1772 2751 1102 0 5
343 1398 1261 1772 2751 1102 7 0
1261 1398 343 1102 2751 1772 8 3

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