From Houston, Texas, USA
aka S&K Engineering & Research/NASA - Johnson Space Center/Clear Creek Independent School District&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2025
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Currently competing at:
FIT District Houston Event

Upcoming Matches

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance
* 4597 7691 10014 10118 8515 2585
* 6488 8827 9137 1255 10118 9521
* 4587 9137 5414 8827 9658 10118

Event Results

Team 10118 was 26-16-1 in official play in 2025.

As a member of the FIRST In Texas district, Team 10118 ranked 12 having earned 96 points.

FIT District Tomball Event

in Tomball, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 10118 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist (Elizabeth C)

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 10118
Pick 1 4639
Pick 2 9478

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 13
Award Points 0
Total Points 46
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
10118 4328 1477 4639 8591 6645 90 40
8392 4295 10118 2882 5788 3735 54 27
118 6488 10118 4295 8370 9478 109 50
624 231 8879 9307 10118 5788 39 59
4328 8879 5923 3735 10118 231 26 91
8576 9478 4587 10118 8177 5923 27 40
231 8144 8392 9478 10118 9289 80 56
8177 5261 118 6645 2882 10118 115 64
9512 10118 5261 9307 4295 9181 101 55
10118 4587 4219 8879 1477 118 55 166
8576 9289 4295 624 8591 10118 33 78
10118 4639 8370 5417 3735 7312 63 64
4639 9478 10118 4295 6488 8177 127 76
624 9289 1477 4639 9478 10118 112 101
4639 9478 10118 4587 3735 4219 117 82
4639 9478 10118 8370 9181 9512 97 76
624 9289 1477 4639 9478 10118 113 83

FIT District Manor Event

in Manor, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 10118 was Rank 8 with a record of 10-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 5).

Captain 10118
Pick 1 2687
Pick 2 9577

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 12
Playoff Points 13
Award Points 0
Total Points 40
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8576 6800 2158 9577 10118 2789 133 71
2158 10118 6800 2687 9054 9311 180 105
3743 10118 10032 2687 2158 6180 53 43
2689 5052 3743 9054 8370 10118 61 65
2468 9577 8370 5052 10118 418 88 108
418 2881 10118 9311 6180 9577 160 75
10118 2789 3743 418 8879 9506 64 118
9577 8879 2158 10118 3743 9137 56 35
2881 2158 9054 10118 2468 8879 114 106
8576 9311 10118 10032 2789 2468 103 98
118 2687 10118 5052 2789 9137 144 62
3743 624 4251 10118 5052 6377 85 73
2689 10032 6377 2687 10118 9577 108 104
9054 8879 8370 2687 10118 9577 77 114
624 2468 6180 2687 10118 9577 95 115
2687 10118 9577 2689 10032 6377 113 107
418 2881 4251 2687 10118 9577 155 103

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