From Tolland, Connecticut, USA
aka Triumph/Pratt & Whitney, A Raytheon Technologies Company/Intuitive Foundation/CNC Software & Ellington High School & Tolland High School
Rookie Year: 1995
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Robot Name: Roger

Event Results

Team 173 was 12-18-0 in official play and 20-29-0 overall in 2016.

As a member of the New England district, Team 173 ranked 93 having earned 46 points.

NE District - WPI Event

in Worcester, MA 01609, USA
to Week 2

Team 173 was Rank 31 with a record of 4-8-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 9
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 9
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NE District - Hartford Event

in Hartford, CT 06105, USA
to Week 5

Team 173 was Rank 23 with a record of 8-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4055
Pick 1 173
Pick 2 4557

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 37
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5746 3182 173 4628 4572 4987 77 42
4557 3718 181 2170 3104 173 68 77
1124 4572 173 176 177 175 96 109
173 5142 4987 1991 571 558 77 115
1699 4628 173 5129 2168 839 75 84
173 237 3464 999 3634 1124 94 97
5142 236 2785 176 173 2067 95 108
4055 1099 3104 3146 571 173 88 85
236 195 3718 173 1740 5856 111 71
155 5856 839 173 2785 175 92 98
181 173 3654 2785 999 5686 83 91
5686 173 1099 3182 176 1740 100 96
176 2067 3104 173 4055 4557 145 112
176 2067 3104 173 4055 4557 105 136
176 2067 3104 173 4055 4557 104 145
173 4055 4557 155 177 2168 112 158
173 4055 4557 155 177 2168 131 109
173 4055 4557 155 177 2168 140 187

Connecticut State Championship

in Southbury, CT, USA

Team 173 was Rank 11 with a record of 4-6-0

Captain 4055
Pick 1 173
Pick 2 2836

BattleCry 17

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 173 had a record of 4-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2262 501 195 173 5813 2342 154 123
3467 5813 246 173 228 467 120 80
157 2342 3958 173 3467 319 60 144
173 181 1058 138 5556 1100 132 90
238 121 1735 131 2168 173 97 141
4151 1153 2791 1474 4564 173 129 94
2648 839 126 190 173 176 158 103
173 2876 4097 3236 2423 4048 84 112
3314 173 716 2877 157 4176 142 113

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Robot Name: Roger

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