Utah Regional 2024

to Week 1
Maverik Center in West Valley City, UT, USA
http://www.utfrc.utah.edu - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3200 8087 4944 5933 9423 159 26 16
8839 4598 9044 3009 7634 3288 18 20
5071 1891 4183 8885 1339 1569 20 42
3245 3374 4585 2486 6560 4068 58 67
9138 1828 3405 7426 1410 2240 21 85
3006 6400 3501 7895 2594 6411 52 28
1619 3243 2122 9037 7436 4348 50 30
7906 5851 8839 8174 3288 3166 23 26
7426 2594 8087 1339 6411 3245 38 32
4598 6560 3405 9044 3243 8885 55 8
8174 7436 1619 7634 9423 3006 37 36
1891 7895 4068 2122 2240 3200 56 42
4183 3009 3374 4585 3501 159 32 41
2486 1828 9037 5071 9138 3166 40 7
5933 1410 6400 1569 4944 7906 36 30
5851 2240 8885 7634 4348 3501 48 38
3405 5071 3006 4068 8087 4183 45 38
1339 6400 9037 3374 8174 3243 38 22
9423 7906 9138 2594 2122 4598 14 68
9044 7426 5933 4585 2486 1619 41 40
1569 3166 8839 6411 1828 3200 24 20
159 7436 6560 4348 4944 7895 42 50
3288 1410 5851 3009 3245 1891 55 46
7906 4183 1339 3006 9044 4585 51 27
6411 8885 8087 3243 6400 9138 23 12
3245 3405 3166 7436 9423 1891 62 49
2240 3288 5933 159 3374 2594 43 21
2122 5071 3009 1619 1569 6560 58 45
4598 7426 4068 8839 9037 7895 64 32
1410 2486 4348 5851 3200 8174 31 23
1339 7634 1828 4944 3501 3009 41 76
3243 3006 3288 6560 5933 5071 33 37
4348 3405 1891 7906 2486 2594 34 38
1410 3245 7895 2240 9037 8087 68 44
6400 2122 7436 4585 8174 7426 76 27
4944 4068 159 3166 8885 3501 64 29
4598 9138 3374 7634 1569 4183 32 29
1619 5851 9044 9423 8839 1828 40 27
3200 1339 2486 6411 3288 3405 48 27
9037 3245 8174 6560 4183 7895 49 60
8839 4585 4348 1828 4598 1410 24 50
9044 159 6411 2122 4068 5851 7 93
5071 2594 8885 7436 3200 7426 4 101
9138 3006 2240 3166 3009 6400 55 19
3374 4944 7634 1891 1619 7906 24 29
8087 3243 9423 3501 1569 5933 8 24
7436 3245 3288 3006 2122 1828 53 64
2594 1339 9044 3374 9037 3166 46 17
1569 4585 5071 7895 9138 5851 20 39
7634 7426 3243 159 1410 3200 55 37
8885 3009 7906 6411 5933 1619 25 33
3405 8087 3501 1891 8174 8839 49 33
4944 6560 2240 4183 4598 2486 72 40
6400 9423 1569 4068 4348 1339 32 72
1410 8174 8087 1828 3374 8885 32 28
6560 4585 2122 2594 3501 2240 43 53
9138 5933 4944 7426 5851 3245 28 76
4598 1891 7634 5071 6411 3243 30 8
2486 9044 9423 7906 7895 7436 17 46
4183 159 3405 1619 8839 6400 42 42
4348 3009 3200 4068 3166 3006 32 75
9037 6411 1569 3288 4944 4585 39 34
7895 3374 2486 8885 7634 1410 17 37
9423 5071 1339 2240 159 8839 35 51
1828 3166 4183 2122 1891 5933 46 58
2594 5851 9037 8087 7436 4598 39 44
3245 3501 6560 9044 3200 6400 90 34
7426 3006 3009 3243 3405 7906 88 14
3288 1619 4348 8174 9138 4068 16 51
1828 5933 5851 6400 7634 6560 43 34
1569 4598 3243 2486 8839 3245 36 59
7895 159 3006 8885 4585 1891 58 11
3501 9037 3288 9423 4348 7426 34 47
3200 7906 3374 9138 1339 2122 34 39
4944 6411 8174 2240 9044 5071 27 49
3009 4068 1410 7436 4183 2594 84 52
8087 3166 4585 3405 1619 7634 12 36
159 6400 8174 9037 3200 4598 13 55
3501 8839 9138 3006 8885 7436 62 44
4348 7906 9044 3245 8087 5071 6 54
3374 1891 7426 5851 4183 9423 49 30
4068 2594 1828 3243 2486 4944 41 20
3166 2122 6411 1339 6560 1410 48 71
3009 2240 1619 3288 7895 1569 52 26
5933 7906 7634 3405 4068 9037 35 61
3166 7426 2486 8087 3006 3374 58 39
3200 8885 9423 4585 1828 3009 34 34
1891 1569 159 6560 9044 9138 31 45
1410 1619 2594 3501 5071 4598 58 45
5851 3243 7436 4183 2240 6411 37 53
8839 3288 2122 6400 3405 4944 54 52
8174 7895 1339 5933 4348 3245 36 50


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4068 2122 1891
Alliance 2 7426 3245 3374
Alliance 3 1410 1339 5851 5933
Alliance 4 2240 1619 3200
Alliance 5 3501 6560 8839
Alliance 6 3006 3009 4944
Alliance 7 4598 2594 4183
Alliance 8 7895 7436 9037

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4068 2122 1891 9037 7895 7436 65 64
2240 1619 3200 8839 6560 3501 46 61
3374 3245 7426 2594 4183 4598 76 64
1410 5851 1339 3009 4944 3006 51 55

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9037 7895 7436 3200 1619 2240 22 53
4598 4183 2594 5851 1339 1410 45 90
4068 2122 1891 8839 6560 3501 59 86
3374 3245 7426 3009 4944 3006 67 63

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4068 2122 1891 5851 1339 1410 60 86
3006 4944 3009 3200 1619 2240 69 62

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8839 6560 3501 7426 3245 3374 70 73
3006 4944 3009 5851 5933 1410 51 55

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3501 6560 8839 5851 1339 1410 58 74


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3374 3245 7426 5851 1339 1410 60 65
3374 3245 7426 5851 1339 1410 58 68

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 4068-2122-1891 1
8 7895-7436-9037 0
Match 7
1 4068-2122-1891 0
5 3501-6560-8839 1
Match 2
4 2240-1619-3200 0
5 3501-6560-8839 1
Match 11
5 3501-6560-8839 0
2 7426-3245-3374 1
Match 3
2 7426-3245-3374 1
7 4598-2594-4183 0
Match 8
2 7426-3245-3374 1
6 3006-3009-4944 0
2 7426-3245-3374 0
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 2
Match 4
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 0
6 3006-3009-4944 1
Match 13
5 3501-6560-8839 0
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 1
Match 10
6 3006-3009-4944 1
4 2240-1619-3200 0
Match 5
8 7895-7436-9037 0
4 2240-1619-3200 1
Match 12
6 3006-3009-4944 0
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 1
Match 9
1 4068-2122-1891 0
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 1
Match 6
7 4598-2594-4183 0
3 1410-1339-5851-5933 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 4068 3.00 0.25 55.92 20.67 4.83 11-1-0 0 12 36
2 7426 2.75 0.33 55.08 19.42 6.83 11-1-0 0 12 33
3 1410 2.42 0.33 48.58 18.17 5.00 11-1-0 0 12 29
4 2240 2.25 0.08 50.17 17.50 5.08 10-2-0 0 12 27
5 2122 2.00 0.08 50.67 15.08 3.25 9-3-0 0 12 24
6 1339 1.83 0.33 41.33 13.33 2.75 8-4-0 0 12 22
7 3501 1.83 0.17 41.83 15.00 3.00 8-4-0 0 12 22
8 6560 1.83 0.08 49.67 18.00 3.92 8-4-0 0 12 22
9 3006 1.83 0.00 46.00 13.92 5.25 7-5-0 0 12 22
10 4598 1.75 0.17 41.92 16.50 4.50 8-4-0 0 12 21
11 3009 1.67 0.42 40.50 14.17 6.33 6-5-1 0 12 20
12 3245 1.67 0.33 49.58 16.83 3.17 7-5-0 0 12 20
13 2594 1.67 0.25 34.25 12.42 2.67 7-5-0 0 12 20
14 1619 1.58 0.25 35.50 12.58 3.83 8-3-1 0 12 19
15 7895 1.58 0.17 36.92 12.42 4.75 7-5-0 0 12 19
16 5933 1.58 0.17 35.50 13.67 3.25 9-3-0 0 12 19
17 5851 1.50 0.17 41.50 11.58 4.25 7-5-0 0 12 18
18 2486 1.50 0.17 34.67 13.58 2.83 7-5-0 0 12 18
19 7436 1.42 0.17 44.00 14.67 5.08 5-7-0 0 12 17
20 9138 1.42 0.08 31.17 11.25 3.25 7-5-0 0 12 17
21 9037 1.25 0.25 37.33 14.92 2.50 5-7-0 0 12 15
22 8087 1.25 0.08 30.08 11.67 3.08 7-5-0 0 12 15
23 3405 1.25 0.00 35.25 14.42 2.67 6-5-1 0 12 15
24 7634 1.17 0.25 31.50 13.25 5.42 5-7-0 0 12 14
25 4944 1.17 0.08 33.67 14.25 3.00 5-7-0 0 12 14
26 8839 1.17 0.00 34.67 9.83 3.92 5-6-1 0 12 14
27 4348 1.08 0.33 31.83 11.00 2.75 5-7-0 0 12 13
28 3288 1.08 0.33 31.42 15.67 2.67 5-7-0 0 12 13
29 6400 1.08 0.17 30.67 10.33 3.50 4-7-1 0 12 13
30 1828 1.08 0.08 36.58 12.08 3.08 5-6-1 0 12 13
31 3166 1.08 0.08 30.00 11.50 3.17 5-7-0 0 12 13
32 3200 1.00 0.25 34.17 13.58 3.25 4-7-1 0 12 12
33 1891 1.00 0.17 34.25 13.42 3.25 5-7-0 0 12 12
34 159 1.00 0.08 28.00 10.42 2.17 4-5-1 2 12 12
35 7906 0.92 0.08 25.75 7.42 4.58 4-8-0 0 12 11
36 9044 0.92 0.08 25.33 9.17 3.50 5-7-0 0 12 11
37 8885 0.92 0.08 23.50 6.42 3.75 4-7-1 0 12 11
38 8174 0.83 0.42 27.42 10.33 2.75 4-8-0 0 12 10
39 5071 0.83 0.08 30.42 10.83 3.33 5-7-0 0 12 10
40 4183 0.75 0.08 37.83 13.67 2.83 3-8-1 0 12 9
41 1569 0.75 0.08 30.33 12.67 4.33 4-8-0 0 12 9
42 6411 0.67 0.25 25.00 9.33 3.83 4-8-0 0 12 8
43 3243 0.67 0.17 24.17 6.33 5.50 2-10-0 0 12 8
44 3374 0.42 0.17 26.08 10.17 3.42 2-10-0 0 12 5
45 9423 0.33 0.08 24.00 9.00 2.58 1-10-1 0 12 4
46 4585 0.25 0.17 28.08 10.08 2.08 1-10-1 0 12 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Vail, Arizona, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Boulder City, Nevada, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Centennial, Colorado, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Big Piney, Wyoming, USA
Jackson, Wyoming, USA
Salem, Utah, USA
Sunnyvale, California, USA
Monument, Colorado, USA
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Team Location Image
Tooele, Utah, USA
Midvale, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Draper, Utah, USA
Downey, California, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Manhattan, Montana, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Irvine, California, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
South Jordan, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Homedale, Idaho, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Show Low, Arizona, USA
Holladay, Utah, USA
Shoshone, Idaho, USA
Lindon, Utah, USA
Hurricane, Utah, USA
Coeur D Alene, Idaho, USA
Mount Pleasant, Utah, USA
Herriman, Utah, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 2486
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 4944
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Sohini Stone (3501)
Volunteer of the Year Rachel Sellers
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Senya W (4585)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Aditya S (4183)
Regional Winners 1410
Regional Winners 1339
Regional Winners 5851
Regional Winners 5933
Regional Finalists 7426
Regional Finalists 3245
Regional Finalists 3374
Autonomous Award 3245
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 6560
Excellence in Engineering Award 4068
Gracious Professionalism Award 1339
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1569
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2240
Innovation in Control Award 7426
Judges' Award 3501
Quality Award 3243
Rookie Inspiration Award 9423
Team Spirit Award 4585
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 4598
Wildcard 5851

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