BattleCry at WPI 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2713 166 9295 190 2262 8544 46 81
7153 1922 1058 1468 6324 467 63 71
9443 501 1721 4048 5813 1796 57 144
3171 2370 2877 8626 125 2791 74 97
4041 8085 48 7407 8567 2876 65 32
1735 319 177 694 1474 2084 88 47
1729 1073 228 3467 4575 157 73 43
78 6153 131 6328 1991 1768 50 94
2342 2872 4546 126 2053 4909 56 51
9443 8708 8724 2423 7869 1100 70 50
9295 2877 8626 2713 1468 4041 48 79
1796 1922 2791 1735 7407 2262 100 54
2084 1058 6324 5813 8544 228 37 61
78 2876 501 2370 7153 467 80 53
131 3171 3467 177 190 8085 100 62
8724 2342 2053 157 48 1474 38 53
2423 1768 1721 166 4909 1729 53 101
694 6328 2872 1073 125 7869 81 51
4048 319 6153 4575 126 8708 87 54
1991 1100 501 4546 8567 1922 59 69
2791 2262 3467 1468 9443 78 74 86
7153 228 4041 2342 177 1796 23 90
1768 157 4909 1735 2876 8544 79 67
5813 166 2370 2053 6328 8085 121 94
8708 4048 2084 1073 2713 48 68 82
1991 8724 1721 319 2872 9295 44 59
125 1729 467 8567 126 190 70 59
694 7407 131 4575 2877 2423 114 59
6324 6153 1474 7869 4546 3171 55 62
8626 1100 78 1058 166 177 64 96
2791 2084 6328 2342 4909 8085 83 45
3467 1468 8544 2370 1796 319 89 115
125 1991 2262 4041 4048 157 36 68
467 2423 1735 2872 4575 2713 35 94
190 1768 1073 9443 2877 4546 61 76
501 1474 7407 9295 8708 228 72 66
1721 2053 694 3171 1058 2876 55 86
5813 6153 8626 1922 1729 8724 59 51
126 48 1100 7153 131 7869 54 66
8567 1735 2342 6324 78 4048 43 67
2084 3467 166 2877 467 1991 66 42
1474 4041 190 1768 2791 2872 56 73
1468 1073 4575 2053 501 3171 72 46
2876 4546 2423 2262 228 6328 75 75
177 7407 7869 1729 319 5813 67 74
8626 8544 126 48 9443 694 26 96
1796 8567 4909 1058 9295 6153 111 51
8085 2713 8724 125 6324 7153 39 73
8708 1721 1922 131 157 2370 65 85
1100 190 6328 1468 4048 1474 117 94
2053 7869 3467 501 4041 1735 92 62
319 467 1768 228 8626 2342 82 49
1073 126 1058 7407 2791 1991 79 56
48 5813 4575 4546 9295 125 82 103
2876 131 166 8724 1796 6324 74 47
1729 8708 2872 8544 78 2877 55 66
157 7153 8567 2423 3171 2084 58 41
8085 694 2262 6153 1721 1100 57 56
4909 177 2713 2370 1922 9443 76 70
7869 8626 4575 190 2342 1991 56 68
228 1735 1468 166 48 125 62 119
467 9295 4048 131 2791 2053 61 81
2877 157 319 6328 501 1058 85 96
8544 4546 7407 1721 3467 7153 85 83
177 2370 8567 2262 8724 1073 91 24
1474 2423 78 1922 8085 126 42 55
6324 4041 5813 4909 694 8708 42 68
1796 3171 2713 1100 1768 1729 106 64
2872 2876 9443 6153 2084 1468 70 70


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 1796 6328 9295 501
Alliance 2 131 125 126 1474
Alliance 3 166 3467 1073 2262
Alliance 4 4546 48 6153 1991
Alliance 5 5813 4909 1100
Alliance 6 319 177 7153 2084
Alliance 7 4048 78 6324 8544
Alliance 8 2791 2713 3171 2342
Alliance 9 157 1058 8567 1735
Alliance 10 694 7407 4575 8724
Alliance 11 2370 8085 8708 1721
Alliance 12 9999 9998 9997
Alliance 13 1468 1768 4041 7869
Alliance 14 9443 1922 2423 8626
Alliance 15 2872 1729 2053 467
Alliance 16 2876 2877 190 228

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6328 9295 1796 2876 228 2877 113 64
3171 2342 2713 157 8567 1058 39 75
166 2262 3467 8626 9443 1922 119 62
177 2084 319 2370 8708 8085 72 79
4546 1991 48 1468 7869 1768 62 63
131 1474 125 467 2872 1729 100 93
4048 8544 78 7407 694 8724 60 107
190 228 2877 2713 2791 3171 108 96
8624 2423 1922 319 7153 177 52 100
1729 2872 2053 78 6324 4048 88 68
6328 501 1796 157 1735 1058 154 72
1073 166 3467 8085 1721 2370 116 51
4041 1768 1468 5813 4909 1100 128 93
131 126 125 7407 4575 694 94 88
694 4575 7407 2877 2876 190 79 90
1100 4909 5813 319 7153 177 85 80
8085 8708 2370 48 4546 6153 83 102
1058 8567 157 2053 2872 1729 60 94
6328 501 1796 3467 166 1073 128 96
1768 4041 1468 125 126 131 91 108
190 2876 2877 5813 4909 1100 113 109
6153 4546 48 467 2053 1729 72 103
1073 166 3467 2877 2876 190 102 76
1768 4041 1468 467 2872 1729 86 87
6328 501 1796 125 126 131 160 94
2262 166 3467 467 2872 1729 85 88
131 126 125 467 2872 1729 85 72


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6328 501 1796 125 126 131 137 77

Playoff Bracket

Match 7
Winner of M1
Winner of M2
Match 2
Alliance 4
Alliance 5
Match 11
Winner of M7
Winner of M8
Match 3
Alliance 3
Alliance 6
Match 8
Winner of M3
Winner of M4
1 1796-6328-9295-501 1
2 131-125-126-1474 0
Match 4
Alliance 2
Alliance 7
Match 13
Loser of M11
Winner of M12
Match 10
Loser of M8
Winner of M5
Match 5
Loser of M1
Loser of M2
Match 12
Winner of M10
Winner of M9
Match 9
Loser of M7
Winner of M6
Match 6
Loser of M3
Loser of M4
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1796 3.00 1.00 98.14 34.57 9.86 6-1-0 0 7 21
2 6328 2.86 1.00 82.00 33.86 7.43 5-1-1 0 7 20
3 131 2.86 1.00 78.71 27.71 12.29 6-1-0 0 7 20
4 166 2.86 0.71 85.14 30.14 8.71 6-1-0 0 7 20
5 4546 2.71 0.57 69.57 28.86 3.29 6-0-1 0 7 19
6 5813 2.57 1.00 78.43 27.71 6.57 5-2-0 0 7 18
7 319 2.57 0.71 80.86 20.71 5.43 6-1-0 0 7 18
8 4048 2.43 1.00 80.00 30.29 7.57 4-3-0 0 7 17
9 2791 2.43 1.00 75.57 28.43 8.00 5-2-0 0 7 17
10 125 2.43 1.00 74.86 35.71 7.43 5-2-0 0 7 17
11 48 2.43 0.86 71.57 24.14 7.86 5-2-0 0 7 17
12 157 2.43 0.86 62.43 24.14 5.14 5-2-0 0 7 17
13 177 2.43 0.71 77.43 31.86 6.14 5-2-0 0 7 17
14 694 2.43 0.71 72.00 25.29 9.86 5-2-0 0 7 17
15 2370 2.29 1.00 82.57 26.57 7.29 4-3-0 0 7 16
16 1468 2.29 1.00 74.43 26.43 6.43 3-3-1 0 7 16
17 9443 2.29 1.00 73.00 26.57 8.14 4-2-1 0 7 16
18 4909 2.29 0.86 73.86 27.00 7.71 5-2-0 0 7 16
19 2713 2.29 0.71 67.14 21.71 5.71 5-2-0 0 7 16
20 2872 2.29 0.71 65.00 19.57 5.57 5-1-1 0 7 16
21 2876 2.14 0.86 67.00 26.29 7.43 3-2-2 0 7 15
22 1058 2.14 0.71 65.14 24.71 5.71 4-3-0 0 7 15
23 1729 2.00 1.00 68.00 25.14 6.43 4-3-0 0 7 14
24 8544 2.00 0.86 66.71 28.29 5.86 4-3-0 0 7 14
25 3171 2.00 0.71 70.43 22.00 7.86 4-3-0 0 7 14
26 78 2.00 0.71 63.29 29.14 7.43 4-3-0 0 7 14
27 1922 2.00 0.71 61.57 21.86 8.00 3-4-0 0 7 14
28 7407 1.86 1.00 67.71 22.29 9.00 3-4-0 0 7 13
29 1073 1.86 1.00 53.43 23.57 6.43 4-3-0 0 7 13
30 1768 1.86 0.86 68.57 28.71 5.29 4-3-0 0 7 13
31 501 1.86 0.86 61.29 24.14 8.00 3-4-0 0 7 13
32 3467 1.71 1.00 75.43 25.14 5.29 3-4-0 0 7 12
33 8567 1.71 0.86 61.29 23.29 4.00 4-3-0 0 7 12
34 8708 1.57 1.00 62.43 26.00 7.86 2-5-0 0 7 11
35 7153 1.43 1.00 56.00 22.29 6.57 3-4-0 0 7 10
36 228 1.43 0.86 55.57 23.86 5.57 2-4-1 0 7 10
37 467 1.43 0.71 58.43 23.14 6.86 3-4-0 0 7 10
38 1474 1.43 0.43 57.14 23.57 7.57 2-5-0 0 7 10
39 2877 1.29 1.00 61.00 24.29 6.86 2-5-0 0 7 9
40 4041 1.29 1.00 50.00 18.29 3.29 3-4-0 0 7 9
41 6153 1.29 0.86 58.57 20.29 4.43 2-4-1 0 7 9
42 8085 1.29 0.86 57.43 23.43 6.71 3-4-0 0 7 9
43 2262 1.29 0.86 55.29 21.86 6.57 2-4-1 0 7 9
44 6324 1.29 0.86 54.71 23.43 4.86 3-4-0 0 7 9
45 4575 1.29 0.71 63.57 23.57 6.29 2-5-0 0 7 9
46 7869 1.29 0.71 59.29 27.71 7.00 3-4-0 0 7 9
47 9295 1.14 0.86 57.43 21.14 6.29 2-5-0 0 7 8
48 2084 1.14 0.86 56.86 28.86 2.43 2-4-1 0 7 8
49 190 1.14 0.71 68.29 31.57 6.29 3-4-0 0 7 8
50 1735 1.00 0.71 53.71 19.29 6.00 1-6-0 0 7 7
51 2053 1.00 0.57 63.57 22.86 6.29 2-5-0 0 7 7
52 8626 1.00 0.57 52.43 20.71 5.71 2-5-0 0 7 7
53 2342 1.00 0.43 53.29 22.57 1.86 3-4-0 0 7 7
54 126 0.86 0.71 51.29 21.14 5.71 2-5-0 0 7 6
55 1991 0.71 0.71 54.29 24.86 5.00 2-5-0 0 7 5
56 1100 0.57 0.71 61.86 30.14 3.71 1-6-0 0 7 4
57 1721 0.43 0.86 57.14 22.43 5.14 0-7-0 0 7 3
58 2423 0.43 0.71 50.14 24.71 5.14 0-6-1 0 7 3
59 8724 0.29 0.86 43.00 17.43 4.57 1-6-0 0 7 2

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Warren, Ohio, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester/Goffstown, New Hampshire, USA
New York, New York, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Hicksville, New York, USA
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Contoocook, New Hampshire, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Vestal, New York, USA
Manchester, Massachusetts, USA
Holliston, Massachusetts, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Rutland, Vermont, USA
Watertown, Massachusetts, USA
Melrose, Massachusetts, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Old Westbury, New York, USA
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Westhampton Beach, New York, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Media, Pennsylvania, USA
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Farmington, Maine, USA
Salem, New Hampshire, USA
Littleton, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester, Connecticut, USA
Wallingford, Connecticut, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Milford, Connecticut, USA
Sutton, Massachusetts, USA
Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Scituate, Massachusetts, USA
Dunbarton, New Hampshire, USA
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA
New York, New York, USA
West Newbury, Massachusetts, USA

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