Lake Superior Regional 2023

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4511 2847 2531 5826 8516 3291 79 62
7797 4229 7041 8744 7893 4656 50 33
2823 6160 7103 8878 5143 6318 99 23
4011 3692 1716 6045 8836 4693 43 136
7068 2227 2264 5653 3276 4009 123 62
2177 5464 3297 3197 3122 2503 68 69
3267 2574 5690 93 8372 3294 70 58
2526 2511 5253 1714 1816 6175 65 83
4741 2530 2861 1732 3042 7619 81 93
6047 2538 5348 6217 2239 4728 50 66
7103 6318 7893 4656 5826 6045 37 97
6160 3291 7797 3692 7041 4009 45 58
2531 8878 2503 8836 5653 3197 42 72
8744 3297 93 4011 3294 2227 113 59
2526 7068 6175 5690 5464 2823 67 83
8372 2511 1732 1716 2264 3042 78 86
4229 2847 4693 1816 2530 5348 64 119
2861 5253 4511 6217 2574 6047 46 58
4741 7619 2177 3267 8516 2538 47 54
5143 3276 2239 3122 1714 4728 52 139
3294 3197 7893 93 3291 3692 115 95
4011 7041 6318 4009 2526 2503 41 83
2227 1732 5464 2511 6045 8878 43 101
5348 4656 3297 8372 1816 2531 99 47
7103 5826 2847 2264 2861 6175 106 62
6047 2823 5653 2530 1716 2538 56 53
3122 6217 8744 1714 6160 3267 47 62
5690 5253 4229 7619 4728 4511 62 83
2574 4693 2177 7797 4741 3276 89 79
3042 8836 5143 8516 2239 7068 37 95
4656 2526 2531 93 2503 1732 60 66
4009 7893 8372 2847 2861 1816 54 97
8878 2538 2823 2264 7041 6045 55 81
2530 6217 2227 6175 3294 3122 75 79
1716 3297 6160 4728 5253 7103 70 103
1714 4011 5464 2177 4511 5653 89 51
3291 5348 2239 7068 4741 2511 100 82
3197 5143 2574 4229 3042 6318 75 31
7619 3267 7797 5826 3276 8836 57 101
3692 4693 8516 5690 8744 6047 51 75
7893 3122 1816 2538 2503 2264 49 59
2530 8372 4728 6045 2526 6217 69 99
2531 2823 93 7041 1714 2861 95 67
5253 2847 3294 2177 8878 7068 69 30
3042 4511 4741 2227 4656 6160 85 65
8836 7103 3291 4229 5464 3276 65 64
3692 7797 2511 3297 5143 8516 57 77
5653 6175 3267 2239 6318 4693 72 39
8744 4009 3197 6047 1716 7619 104 39
5348 5690 5826 2574 4011 1732 128 74
3294 2823 6045 5253 2531 3122 70 73
2503 1816 7041 7068 4511 2530 56 95
2264 4229 8836 6160 2177 93 95 67
2227 8516 7893 8372 7103 2526 41 44
2847 2239 1714 6318 7797 3297 102 73
4728 3267 8744 4009 2861 2511 91 59
3197 5826 8878 4693 5348 3276 82 108
3291 3042 6047 7619 6175 4011 47 85
6217 1716 5653 4741 5690 5143 51 65
1732 2538 4656 5464 3692 2574 55 90
2503 4229 8516 2823 2227 5253 27 111
4511 2264 3294 2239 7797 2526 88 23
2861 6318 8744 8836 2530 2177 56 72
4693 4009 3122 7103 93 1714 37 115
7893 6047 3267 3042 2531 5348 38 96
7041 4741 1716 6175 3297 5826 60 96
6160 8372 5690 2538 3197 5464 79 86
1732 6045 1816 3291 5653 5143 102 61
2574 7068 7619 4728 8878 3692 102 74
2511 6217 4656 3276 4011 2847 66 110
2503 4693 1714 2861 3294 4229 70 32
5348 2227 2526 5253 8836 7797 89 46
8516 6047 4741 6318 3122 2264 71 101
1716 4009 5690 2531 2177 2239 78 58
5464 93 5826 1816 8744 3042 60 76
2538 6045 7068 3297 3267 4511 89 52
5653 7619 3692 7041 7103 6217 93 100
5143 2511 4011 7893 2574 2530 65 92
6175 4728 3291 8878 4656 8372 78 38
3276 6160 3197 2823 1732 2847 80 107
3294 1714 4009 8516 5348 8836 90 76
2239 2264 4741 5464 8744 5253 108 43
3122 93 2861 7797 7068 1716 98 54
5826 5653 3042 2526 3692 4229 78 58
6318 7619 2538 2511 2531 2227 43 66
5143 2177 8372 4656 6047 7041 48 47
3276 3291 8878 3297 5690 2530 58 76
4511 1732 6217 4693 7893 2823 90 46
6045 2503 2574 2847 6175 6160 74 82
1816 4728 4011 3267 3197 7103 106 96


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1714 6045 4011
Alliance 2 2847 5348 5826 8836
Alliance 3 2264 4728 5653
Alliance 4 5690 93 2823
Alliance 5 7103 4511 1732 3042
Alliance 6 1816 2530 4741
Alliance 7 7068 3297 3276
Alliance 8 6175 2531 4009

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4011 1714 6045 4009 2531 6175 121 73
2823 5690 93 1732 7103 4511 120 118
5348 5826 2847 7068 3297 3276 64 106
5653 4728 2264 2530 4741 1816 113 81

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2531 6175 4009 1732 7103 3042 58 124
2847 5826 5348 2530 4741 1816 118 93
4011 1714 6045 2823 5690 93 124 107
3276 3297 7068 2264 4728 5653 87 75

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2823 5690 93 2847 8836 5348 90 118
5653 4728 2264 1732 7103 3042 140 121

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4011 1714 6045 7068 3297 3276 134 104
5653 4728 2264 5348 8836 2847 97 115

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3276 3297 7068 5348 8836 2847 87 113


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4011 1714 6045 5348 8836 2847 129 95
4011 1714 6045 5348 5826 2847 127 108

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 1714-6045-4011 1
8 6175-2531-4009 0
Match 7
1 1714-6045-4011 1
4 5690-93-2823 0
Match 2
4 5690-93-2823 1
5 7103-4511-1732-3042 0
Match 11
1 1714-6045-4011 1
7 7068-3297-3276 0
Match 3
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 0
7 7068-3297-3276 1
Match 8
7 7068-3297-3276 1
3 2264-4728-5653 0
1 1714-6045-4011 2
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 0
Match 4
3 2264-4728-5653 1
6 1816-2530-4741 0
Match 13
7 7068-3297-3276 0
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 1
Match 10
3 2264-4728-5653 1
5 7103-4511-1732-3042 0
Match 5
8 6175-2531-4009 0
5 7103-4511-1732-3042 1
Match 12
3 2264-4728-5653 0
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 1
Match 9
4 5690-93-2823 0
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 1
Match 6
2 2847-5348-5826-8836 1
6 1816-2530-4741 0
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 1714 2.66 86.44 30.66 25.11 8-1-0 0 9 24
2 2847 2.44 86.77 28.88 27.00 8-1-0 0 9 22
3 2264 2.44 85.88 28.22 24.11 8-1-0 0 9 22
4 5348 2.33 93.33 28.66 27.11 7-2-0 0 9 21
5 6045 2.22 85.55 26.88 27.66 7-2-0 0 9 20
6 4728 2.22 85.00 26.66 20.44 7-2-0 0 9 20
7 5690 2.11 77.33 25.77 23.88 7-2-0 0 9 19
8 7103 2.00 83.33 24.88 22.44 7-2-0 0 9 18
9 1816 2.00 78.88 27.77 28.55 6-3-0 0 9 18
10 7068 2.00 76.66 28.88 24.11 5-4-0 0 9 18
11 6175 2.00 75.44 24.88 22.33 7-2-0 0 9 18
12 2574 2.00 74.44 24.22 21.88 7-2-0 0 9 18
13 3042 2.00 66.00 23.55 18.55 6-3-0 0 9 18
14 5826 1.88 87.77 26.88 28.33 6-3-0 0 9 17
15 4511 1.88 73.77 26.66 20.11 6-3-0 0 9 17
16 3122 1.88 72.55 25.55 20.33 6-3-0 0 9 17
17 2531 1.88 67.33 29.33 19.44 5-4-0 0 9 17
18 93 1.77 82.44 26.88 24.33 5-4-0 0 9 16
19 2530 1.77 80.22 26.66 25.22 5-4-0 0 9 16
20 8836 1.77 71.77 24.00 18.44 6-3-0 0 9 16
21 2239 1.77 67.33 25.11 15.77 5-4-0 0 9 16
22 2823 1.66 75.77 21.33 21.44 6-3-0 0 9 15
23 1732 1.66 73.66 23.11 20.44 5-4-0 0 9 15
24 8744 1.66 68.66 22.22 19.55 5-4-0 0 9 15
25 2526 1.66 61.44 28.00 18.88 4-5-0 0 9 15
26 3297 1.55 78.22 23.77 23.55 5-4-0 0 9 14
27 4741 1.55 72.55 30.66 24.44 3-6-0 0 9 14
28 6217 1.55 69.66 27.55 17.77 5-4-0 0 9 14
29 4009 1.55 68.33 22.66 19.00 5-4-0 0 9 14
30 3197 1.44 77.66 14.22 18.77 6-3-0 0 9 13
31 4011 1.44 70.55 24.44 17.55 4-5-0 0 9 13
32 7619 1.44 68.00 24.66 19.77 4-5-0 0 9 13
33 5653 1.44 64.55 23.55 19.33 4-5-0 0 9 13
34 3267 1.44 63.00 23.55 20.55 5-4-0 0 9 13
35 7041 1.44 58.66 24.44 18.88 4-5-0 0 9 13
36 2503 1.44 58.44 20.00 19.66 5-4-0 0 9 13
37 3276 1.33 74.66 25.77 19.22 3-6-0 0 9 12
38 2227 1.33 70.77 21.33 19.55 4-5-0 0 9 12
39 5253 1.33 64.77 25.33 16.11 4-5-0 0 9 12
40 3294 1.33 63.88 17.33 16.77 5-4-0 0 9 12
41 4693 1.22 58.33 19.77 17.22 4-5-0 0 9 11
42 5143 1.22 53.66 21.11 15.66 4-5-0 0 9 11
43 5464 1.11 67.88 15.77 22.66 4-5-0 0 9 10
44 2511 1.11 66.55 28.66 20.55 2-7-0 0 9 10
45 2538 1.11 56.55 17.33 20.00 4-5-0 0 9 10
46 2177 1.11 52.88 22.88 18.66 3-6-0 0 9 10
47 6160 1.00 66.55 24.22 18.44 3-6-0 0 9 9
48 3291 1.00 65.44 23.33 15.66 3-6-0 0 9 9
49 1716 1.00 54.66 24.00 16.44 2-7-0 0 9 9
50 8516 1.00 53.88 19.33 14.66 3-6-0 0 9 9
51 2861 0.88 64.22 23.33 18.88 2-7-0 0 9 8
52 3692 0.88 62.77 21.55 16.44 2-7-0 0 9 8
53 6047 0.88 51.77 18.44 14.11 3-6-0 0 9 8
54 4656 0.77 60.55 16.22 16.77 2-7-0 0 9 7
55 8372 0.77 54.44 21.33 14.33 2-7-0 0 9 7
56 4229 0.66 50.11 18.00 13.22 2-7-0 0 9 6
57 7797 0.55 50.22 20.22 14.00 1-8-0 0 9 5
58 7893 0.55 47.22 11.33 12.00 2-7-0 0 9 5
59 8878 0.33 50.66 14.22 17.88 1-8-0 0 9 3
60 6318 0.33 48.22 11.77 13.44 1-8-0 0 9 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
De Pere, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Edina, Minnesota, USA
Mendota Heights, Minnesota, USA
Fridley, Minnesota, USA
Hopkins, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Brainerd, Minnesota, USA
Lakeville, Minnesota, USA
Osseo, Minnesota, USA
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Chaska, Minnesota, USA
Morris, Minnesota, USA
St. Anthony, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Fairmont, Minnesota, USA
Lake City, Minnesota, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
New Ulm, Minnesota, USA
Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
Silver Bay, Minnesota, USA
New London - Spicer, Minnesota, USA
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA
Pine River, Minnesota, USA
Perham, Minnesota, USA
Janesville, Wisconsin, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Team Location Image
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Plymouth, Minnesota, USA
Two Harbors, Minnesota, USA
Rockford , Minnesota, USA
Cold Spring, Minnesota, USA
Redwood Falls, Minnesota, USA
Coleraine, Minnesota, USA
Bigfork, Minnesota, USA
Cokato, Minnesota, USA
Cambridge, Minnesota, USA
Babbitt, Minnesota, USA
Esko, Minnesota, USA
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Sartell, Minnesota, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Barnum, Minnesota, USA
Eden Valley-Watkins, Minnesota, USA
Cannon Falls, Minnesota, USA
Freedom, Wisconsin, USA
Carlton, Minnesota, USA
Saint Francis, Minnesota, USA
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Cloquet, Minnesota, USA
Maple Lake, Minnesota, USA
Remer, Minnesota, USA
Andover, Minnesota, USA
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Chisholm, Minnesota, USA
Ashby, Minnesota, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 5653
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1816
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Todd Kruse (8516)
Volunteer of the Year Bennett Norris
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Megan Schutte (5826)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Paige Erickson (6045)
Regional Winners 1714
Regional Winners 6045
Regional Winners 4011
Regional Finalists 2847
Regional Finalists 5348
Regional Finalists 5826
Regional Finalists 8836
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 4009
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 6175
Excellence in Engineering Award 2264
Gracious Professionalism Award 5464
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 7619
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3197
Innovation in Control Award 4728
Judges' Award 7103
Quality Award 1714
Team Spirit Award 3291
Team Sustainability Award 6045
Wildcard 2847

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 271 540 50.19%
Auto Docked 111 180 61.67%
Auto Engaged 99 180 55.00%
Coopertition Criteria Met 104 180 57.78%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 180 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 87 180 48.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 180 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 139 in Q20
Average Match Score 72.23
Average Winning Score 87.81
Average Win Margin 31.16
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 4.52 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 8.14 24.38 --
Average Park Points -- 1.49 --
Average Charge Station Points 7.13 16.17 --
Average Link Points -- -- 6.47
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.93
Average Score 19.79 42.04 72.23


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 62 90 68.89%
Auto Docked 29 30 96.67%
Auto Engaged 23 30 76.67%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 30 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 30 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 140 in SF10-1
Average Match Score 105.33
Average Winning Score 119.27
Average Win Margin 27.87
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.20 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 15.97 32.77 --
Average Park Points -- 0.60 --
Average Charge Station Points 10.80 21.40 --
Average Link Points -- -- 10.83
Average Foul Points -- -- 6.77
Average Score 32.97 54.77 105.33
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