Lake Superior Regional 2018

to Week 2
DECC Arena/South Pioneer Hall in Duluth, MN 55802, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6047 6318 5913 93 5143 4238 179 184
4009 4198 4217 6628 4539 4607 207 451
3058 4215 2846 6217 5595 2264 84 232
2977 3740 4166 3840 4845 2538 258 246
3082 5348 4728 4536 3293 6146 301 239
4778 7028 4011 3276 4397 6720 401 287
5299 2511 2052 3042 4741 3055 322 169
5542 1816 4480 3755 5464 3100 100 352
2175 3122 6160 6022 2526 2202 293 306
7041 3294 5253 2503 5690 3291 248 413
2499 4166 6318 4536 4009 4230 40 317
6720 4539 3082 5348 2264 4215 458 177
4741 2846 3100 4238 3293 2977 312 230
5542 6047 4728 4480 2202 6628 211 309
2175 6217 4217 3055 4397 6146 246 254
5464 2499 4607 93 4778 3740 341 138
2538 4230 3755 3291 3122 5595 273 125
2503 3276 2052 5690 6022 3058 369 208
1816 7028 4845 5143 6160 5299 250 296
5913 4011 2511 3294 2526 4198 293 378
4607 3042 7041 3840 5253 5348 156 150
4539 4741 6217 2202 2499 4230 307 294
5595 3082 2503 4009 4238 6720 217 229
7028 6146 6628 3100 4166 4215 330 264
5143 2846 2538 5542 2175 5299 146 383
6160 3291 3740 3042 4011 6047 215 389
4728 4217 3840 1816 2526 4778 188 279
5690 3276 93 4845 2511 4480 446 55
4536 5913 7041 2977 6022 3755 97 326
3055 3294 3122 6318 5253 2264 87 325
5464 4198 4397 2052 3058 3293 153 338
2175 6720 1816 4741 6047 3291 303 159
4238 4230 5542 4217 5690 4011 325 247
4607 2538 5299 4215 4480 5913 464 97
93 3100 4539 3042 3122 4728 418 238
5253 4778 5143 6146 2264 6022 140 217
3058 4009 2526 7041 4845 2846 102 392
5348 2202 2511 2499 2503 4397 385 99
3755 6318 3082 2052 6628 3840 194 384
3740 5595 4536 6160 3294 3276 59 398
3055 6217 5464 7028 2977 4198 212 388
3122 6022 3293 4166 4217 6047 340 112
2526 7041 93 6146 4741 5542 393 185
2846 3042 4778 2503 2202 6318 320 328
4607 6720 3291 5143 4728 2052 166 427
4539 4238 4845 3082 5464 2175 341 202
4215 3055 2977 3276 4230 5348 362 281
4480 2499 2264 4011 3840 3293 132 366
5595 1816 4198 4166 5690 7028 377 254
3294 4536 2511 2538 3100 3058 142 393
5299 3755 4009 3740 5253 6217 227 253
4741 6628 4397 6160 5913 4539 213 462
2499 3291 3042 3276 4217 2977 147 382
4011 7041 3055 4845 4607 5595 214 382
4230 5143 5690 2526 5464 4536 257 392
2202 3740 6146 6720 4198 6318 236 258
3293 1816 6628 3294 93 2175 280 234
6022 5542 3840 2511 4009 4215 352 233
2538 2503 4778 6047 3100 6217 164 402
5348 2052 3122 2846 5913 7028 305 276
5253 4480 3082 4397 3058 6160 284 399
2264 5299 4238 3755 4728 4166 151 341
3293 4539 5690 3740 5143 3055 393 36
3100 4607 6022 6318 5595 4741 292 143
4011 2977 2503 3122 6146 1816 421 197
6047 2052 4845 4215 4536 5253 430 246
4238 2538 2526 2264 3042 3276 56 460
3840 3058 93 3291 5299 2202 318 254
4728 4009 6160 5464 5348 3294 174 434
5913 4166 6720 6217 5542 2499 209 465
2846 3755 4217 2511 3082 7028 349 131
4198 4778 4480 4230 2175 7041 341 215
4397 2264 5690 6628 2977 6047 304 347
4009 2202 3100 2052 2538 4011 354 233
6217 6160 2526 3293 6318 4607 349 278
6146 3291 4166 4539 2846 5464 125 451
1816 4215 5143 7041 2511 3740 296 185
5595 2175 3276 5253 4728 5913 474 231
4480 3840 4536 4217 2503 4741 193 292
7028 4397 4230 3294 5542 3042 265 451
6022 93 4845 4198 3755 5348 344 236
3082 4238 3058 4778 3055 2499 252 328
5299 6628 5464 3122 6720 7041 408 255
2264 3740 2175 3100 2052 4536 166 250
5913 6146 3042 5690 4480 4009 266 354
4845 3293 3755 4230 4607 2503 90 319
3276 3055 6022 2846 3840 1816 343 288
6318 7028 3058 4728 4011 4539 210 458
2202 2977 3294 4166 3082 5143 440 281
4198 4215 5542 4778 3122 4741 398 211
6628 5348 3291 2511 6217 4238 240 381
4217 6160 5253 6720 93 2538 220 422
4397 6047 5595 2526 5299 2499 214 364


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4539 3276 2175
Alliance 2 2052 4198 2846
Alliance 3 3100 4607 5464
Alliance 4 6628 2202 4741
Alliance 5 6022 5542 3042
Alliance 6 93 2526 5690
Alliance 7 2977 2503 4009
Alliance 8 6217 3294 (5299) 6160

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3276 4539 2175 3294 6217 6160 463 224
3276 4539 2175 5299 6217 6160 426 232
2202 6628 4741 5542 6022 3042 345 261
2202 6628 4741 5542 6022 3042 308 181
4198 2052 2846 2503 2977 4009 399 208
4198 2052 2846 2503 2977 4009 439 201
4607 3100 5464 2526 93 5690 332 312
4607 3100 5464 2526 93 5690 324 318
3276 4539 2175 2202 6628 4741 379 295
3276 4539 2175 2202 6628 4741 417 185
4198 2052 2846 4607 3100 5464 429 286
4198 2052 2846 4607 3100 5464 356 250
3276 4539 2175 4198 2052 2846 442 224
3276 4539 2175 4198 2052 2846 350 361
3276 4539 2175 4198 2052 2846 396 259

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 4539 3.11 600 310 2429 360 9-0-0 0 9 28
2 2052 2.88 495 312 1953 225 8-1-0 0 9 26
3 3276 2.44 550 273 2270 315 7-2-0 0 9 22
4 3100 2.44 350 271 2122 225 8-1-0 0 9 22
5 6628 2.22 500 237 1772 380 7-2-0 0 9 20
6 6022 2.22 485 191 1843 200 8-1-0 0 9 20
7 93 2.22 450 239 1987 250 7-2-0 0 9 20
8 2977 2.11 555 192 2149 230 8-1-0 0 9 19
9 6217 2.00 355 194 1908 235 7-2-0 0 9 18
10 4198 1.88 575 171 1761 190 6-3-0 0 9 17
11 2526 1.88 475 129 1730 145 7-2-0 0 9 17
12 5299 1.88 465 197 1714 215 6-3-0 0 9 17
13 4607 1.88 375 230 1689 325 7-2-0 0 9 17
14 2202 1.77 470 226 1956 210 6-3-0 0 9 16
15 2503 1.77 410 212 1667 230 6-3-0 0 9 16
16 5464 1.66 575 168 1820 225 6-3-0 0 9 15
17 3294 1.66 550 204 1712 220 5-4-0 0 9 15
18 6160 1.66 505 221 1867 225 5-4-0 0 9 15
19 5542 1.66 505 167 1720 245 6-3-0 0 9 15
20 3293 1.66 475 157 1694 235 5-4-0 0 9 15
21 4009 1.66 430 178 1392 145 4-5-0 0 9 15
22 6720 1.66 405 228 1672 265 5-4-0 0 9 15
23 4011 1.55 530 212 1947 330 5-4-0 0 9 14
24 4728 1.55 440 220 1609 185 4-5-0 0 9 14
25 4845 1.55 435 222 1655 225 5-4-0 0 9 14
26 5348 1.44 455 202 1609 225 4-5-0 0 9 13
27 1816 1.44 440 170 1550 190 5-4-0 0 9 13
28 4238 1.44 440 156 1294 185 5-4-0 0 9 13
29 3042 1.44 410 243 1631 270 4-5-0 0 9 13
30 3058 1.44 380 210 1554 200 4-5-0 0 9 13
31 5690 1.33 530 172 1671 300 4-5-0 0 9 12
32 4230 1.33 525 172 1571 265 4-5-0 0 9 12
33 2511 1.33 470 206 1232 220 3-6-0 0 9 12
34 2846 1.33 425 201 1723 225 4-5-0 0 9 12
35 2264 1.33 390 188 1349 205 4-5-0 0 9 12
36 2538 1.33 370 217 1477 170 4-5-0 0 9 12
37 3755 1.33 350 149 1668 150 5-4-0 0 9 12
38 5595 1.33 300 210 1324 120 4-4-0 1 9 12
39 6047 1.22 420 164 1453 375 4-5-0 0 9 11
40 3840 1.22 390 163 1755 155 4-5-0 0 9 11
41 7028 1.11 580 151 1360 320 3-6-0 0 9 10
42 2175 1.11 445 214 1551 235 3-6-0 0 9 10
43 3055 1.11 435 136 1185 195 4-5-0 0 9 10
44 4741 1.11 370 204 1201 260 3-6-0 0 9 10
45 4480 1.11 365 171 1030 210 3-6-0 0 9 10
46 6146 1.11 340 238 1199 200 3-6-0 0 9 10
47 2499 1.11 320 148 1305 175 4-5-0 0 9 10
48 3082 1.00 480 208 1350 250 2-7-0 0 9 9
49 7041 1.00 445 187 1090 365 3-6-0 0 9 9
50 4536 1.00 440 136 1080 170 3-6-0 0 9 9
51 4215 1.00 405 178 1392 170 3-6-0 0 9 9
52 6318 1.00 360 170 1185 190 3-6-0 0 9 9
53 4778 1.00 355 130 1592 200 4-5-0 0 9 9
54 3122 0.88 475 222 1106 205 2-7-0 0 9 8
55 4217 0.88 365 172 1553 190 3-6-0 0 9 8
56 5143 0.88 365 100 1263 140 4-5-0 0 9 8
57 5253 0.77 360 167 1317 220 2-7-0 0 9 7
58 4397 0.66 425 186 1218 275 2-7-0 0 9 6
59 4166 0.66 280 145 1244 175 2-7-0 0 9 6
60 5913 0.55 410 191 1125 320 1-8-0 0 9 5
61 3740 0.44 240 140 1031 140 2-7-0 0 9 4
62 3291 0.33 285 159 1044 235 1-8-0 0 9 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Edina, Minnesota, USA
New Brighton, Minnesota, USA
Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Hibbing, Minnesota, USA
Brainerd, Minnesota, USA
Lakeville, Minnesota, USA
Osseo, Minnesota, USA
Morris, Minnesota, USA
Roseville, Minnesota, USA
La Crescent, Minnesota, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Austin, Minnesota, USA
Annandale, Minnesota, USA
Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
New Ulm, Minnesota, USA
New London, Minnesota, USA
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA
Fergus Falls, Minnesota, USA
Pine River, Minnesota, USA
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, USA
Litchfield, Minnesota, USA
Isanti, Minnesota, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Mora, Minnesota, USA
Waconia, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Nashwauk, Minnesota, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Belgrade, Minnesota, USA
Bagley, Minnesota, USA
Upsala, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Frazee, Minnesota, USA
Becker, Minnesota, USA
Cold Spring, Minnesota, USA
Redwood Falls, Minnesota, USA
Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Coleraine, Minnesota, USA
Bigfork, Minnesota, USA
Red Wing, Minnesota, USA
Cokato, Minnesota, USA
Cambridge, Minnesota, USA
Buffalo, Minnesota, USA
New Richmond, Wisconsin, USA
Esko, Minnesota, USA
Pequot Lakes, Minnesota, USA
Blooming Prairie, Minnesota, USA
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Dawson, Minnesota, USA
Barnum, Minnesota, USA
Cannon Falls, Minnesota, USA
Freedom, Wisconsin, USA
Kerkhoven, Minnesota, USA
Walker, Minnesota, USA
Saint Michael, Minnesota, USA
Carlton, Minnesota, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 4607
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2202
Rookie All Star Award 7028
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Sherri Ohnsted (4230)
Volunteer of the Year Minnesota Power
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Morgan Sheehy (1816)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Eva Langenbrunner (4536)
Regional Winners 4539
Regional Winners 3276
Regional Winners 2175
Regional Finalists 2052
Regional Finalists 4198
Regional Finalists 2846
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 6146
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1816
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2977
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 93
Highest Rookie Seed 7028
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2846
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3276
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4198
Judges' Award 4536
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 4539
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 7041
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 4607
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3042
Wildcard 2052
Wildcard 4198

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
4539 196.00
3276 180.49
2977 176.56
2202 158.05
5690 152.89
2052 150.24
6160 147.86
5542 147.33
6217 147.21
4011 143.05
3100 139.83
5299 137.13
6628 135.88
4198 133.93
93 133.15
6720 123.97
5464 121.39
2846 120.56
4607 120.28
3042 113.16
4230 109.04
4778 103.17
4845 102.28
2526 99.13
3082 98.18
3294 97.82
4728 96.82
2503 95.00
3840 91.44
5595 89.14
5253 88.18
6146 84.57
7028 82.60
6022 82.54
6047 81.60
3293 79.89
1816 78.93
2175 76.13
5348 76.09
2264 75.79
3755 75.21
4215 74.59
3058 70.21
2511 67.36
2499 64.18
7041 62.98
2538 56.99
3122 55.08
4009 53.95
5913 51.89
4536 51.80
4166 50.41
5143 44.89
3055 42.93
6318 42.46
4397 40.24
4741 34.35
4217 33.04
4238 25.55
4480 15.02
3291 14.67
3740 -7.65


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 470 558 84.23%
Auto Switch Owned 99 186 53.23%
Auto Quest * 72 186 38.71%
Force Played 73 186 39.25%
Levitate Played 150 186 80.65%
Boost Played 117 186 62.90%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 113 558 20.25%
Face the Boss * 10 186 5.38%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
6 186 3.23%

Match Statistics

High Score 474 in Q78
Average Match Score 275.20
Average Winning Score 354.52
Average Win Margin 158.63
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.63 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.75 56.24 56.99
Average Switch Ownership Points 8.03 100.90 108.94
Scale Neutral % 94.98% 16.69% 24.52%
Winner Scale Ownership % 4.52% 70.53% 63.93%
Winner Switch Ownership % 36.34% 88.13% 82.95%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 27.99% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.18 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.99 --
Average Vault Points -- 25.40 --
Average Endgame Points -- 48.09 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 16.29
Average Score 21.42 237.49 275.20


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 86 90 95.56%
Auto Switch Owned 25 30 83.33%
Auto Quest * 22 30 73.33%
Force Played 17 30 56.67%
Levitate Played 28 30 93.33%
Boost Played 20 30 66.67%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 29 90 32.22%
Face the Boss * 3 30 10.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
2 30 6.67%

Match Statistics

High Score 463 in QF1-1
Average Match Score 320.07
Average Winning Score 387.73
Average Win Margin 135.33
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 14.33 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 1.73 59.77 61.50
Average Switch Ownership Points 14.87 117.70 132.57
Scale Neutral % 88.44% 11.46% 19.16%
Winner Scale Ownership % 7.11% 75.60% 68.76%
Winner Switch Ownership % 51.56% 98.67% 93.96%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 1.33% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.94 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.25 --
Average Vault Points -- 30.00 --
Average Endgame Points -- 61.83 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 12.00
Average Score 30.93 277.13 320.07
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