Winners advance to the Einstein Field (St. Louis)
America's Center/Dome in St. Louis, MO, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
834 3974 1519 2537 1792 6538 347 325
2168 111 4991 1985 4607 4481 270 300
2039 3452 4506 2607 3683 1706 260 314
193 3359 2177 1391 271 4356 345 301
6582 4241 2068 272 2851 1023 210 305
3464 190 2783 2084 3201 469 250 350
6419 5422 772 829 3015 4508 266 370
3419 5528 3954 4342 2386 6637 287 255
3546 3547 1939 4485 3284 1781 288 374
292 11 95 6622 191 51 205 250
5952 3525 5016 714 2619 3130 195 308
834 469 148 3414 4241 772 324 255
271 1985 2068 4342 4508 4506 255 305
1519 3683 4991 2168 190 3015 247 347
4481 292 2084 3419 4356 3974 295 255
111 3546 1706 5016 6637 6582 321 355
95 6419 4607 5952 2783 3954 255 245
2386 829 2039 51 1781 714 295 208
2537 4485 5422 3525 1023 191 280 297
2619 193 3547 148 3464 3452 325 353
1391 3201 11 1792 3130 5528 295 255
2851 3359 3284 3414 6538 272 309 295
190 6622 2607 2177 1939 111 255 215
4607 4356 3015 2386 834 5016 245 285
3546 469 5422 3683 2619 292 345 354
5528 1023 4241 2039 271 5952 184 250
6419 193 3284 6582 3419 2537 205 395
2177 4991 714 3452 95 1792 305 315
3464 1519 1939 2068 3359 51 299 255
3525 1391 4508 3547 2084 272 307 325
3414 148 829 2783 1985 1706 364 303
772 4342 2607 4485 3974 11 258 340
6538 6637 2168 6622 4506 3201 345 325
4481 191 1781 3130 3954 2851 307 346
1939 2619 2386 193 1792 4241 345 256
1391 3284 469 2068 714 95 325 250
51 3547 4356 3414 5952 3683 305 208
6622 4508 3359 2537 5016 4607 156 181
2084 111 3954 4506 148 11 318 312
2039 4991 190 6419 4485 3130 306 295
1781 2851 5422 1706 834 271 308 344
1985 3419 1023 3201 3452 2607 345 352
3525 292 3974 3464 829 5528 205 298
191 272 2168 2177 3015 3546 306 307
4342 6582 2783 4481 1519 6538 255 387
4607 2851 6637 3683 772 193 268 309
1985 3547 1792 2039 95 3359 305 371
5422 5016 3201 2084 1781 4991 295 278
4485 3414 3525 3452 111 3419 295 335
4506 1706 5528 190 2619 2537 329 347
829 4342 4481 1023 2177 148 275 345
2783 4241 11 3464 714 2168 310 352
2386 3130 3546 271 6622 3974 377 225
3954 1939 272 1519 772 292 255 293
5952 6637 3015 6538 6582 469 261 295
834 6419 191 1391 2068 2607 255 321
4356 3284 2619 4508 51 4991 311 255
95 3546 4342 3525 193 3201 396 285
829 1792 5016 2851 4506 4485 370 260
1985 11 5952 292 2177 1781 250 280
3974 3954 469 6622 2039 1391 395 335
2386 1023 1706 772 2168 3284 350 359
3015 2068 3130 111 2783 3359 276 352
3452 6538 271 1939 2084 6419 331 235
6637 51 2537 3547 4481 4241 265 205
3464 191 6582 4607 5528 3414 320 257
714 3419 3683 4508 834 272 325 345
190 148 1519 5422 2607 4356 376 345
2084 4485 3015 1985 95 3130 373 345
292 1391 6538 4241 4991 5016 312 160
6622 5952 3452 1792 4481 2068 408 305
3683 11 1023 193 3974 2783 355 295
3359 2168 1781 3525 772 190 365 165
4607 2177 5422 3419 4506 3547 205 306
271 272 6637 2619 829 2607 311 345
2537 3201 4356 3954 714 6582 250 255
2851 51 5528 6419 3546 148 308 256
111 2039 3284 3464 834 4342 348 335
1519 4508 2386 191 1706 469 324 329
1391 3414 4481 1939 5422 3683 311 351
3130 2084 193 4241 2607 714 276 202
5016 2068 3546 3419 190 829 205 346
95 1023 1781 4356 3464 6637 248 255
1792 3015 148 271 3525 3284 324 130
4991 2783 3547 834 5528 6622 255 241
4508 2177 2851 3201 2039 1519 309 208
272 2537 11 1985 469 1939 255 298
2168 3414 2619 292 4342 6419 232 207
772 3452 3974 111 5952 191 321 315
51 1706 4485 4607 3954 6538 360 259
4506 6582 834 3359 2386 3525 265 221
4241 1781 829 95 1519 3419 257 385
3464 2607 4991 3546 2537 2851 285 305
4508 4481 271 190 3414 11 305 298
193 6538 5528 111 5422 2068 300 319
4506 2783 6637 191 1939 3284 295 290
4356 3130 469 4607 4342 3452 357 312
6622 772 6582 2084 1985 2619 325 275
3015 292 51 1391 1792 1023 275 305
2177 5016 3683 2386 6419 3954 285 290
148 272 5952 2039 4485 2168 273 348
1706 714 3201 3974 3359 3547 199 311
1939 6582 95 3130 4508 5422 235 300
1023 4607 834 3546 1519 2084 330 309
2177 271 772 51 3464 5016 205 295
3452 2537 2386 2851 1391 2783 370 272
3201 3683 111 292 4241 3284 258 255
1792 4356 3954 829 2168 3547 170 354
190 3974 6419 6637 3525 1985 235 230
4342 5952 193 272 1706 4991 345 236
3414 6622 714 4506 1781 3015 205 279
2619 3419 6538 191 11 2039 365 297
4485 2607 3359 5528 4481 469 296 335
2068 4607 292 148 2386 5422 205 350


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 469 148 3464 51
Alliance 2 829 1519 191 3414
Alliance 3 2168 3015 3546 11
Alliance 4 3452 3683 2084 2537
Alliance 5 3419 1706 4481 1391
Alliance 6 2619 3130 193 4485
Alliance 7 6538 834 95 2607
Alliance 8 190 111 1023 3284

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
469 148 51 111 190 1023 397 473
469 148 3464 111 190 1023 413 211
469 148 3464 111 190 1023 469 308
2084 3452 3683 1706 3419 4481 466 467
2084 3452 3683 1706 4481 3419 473 318
2084 3452 3683 1706 4481 3419 489 280
191 829 1519 834 6538 95 483 445
191 829 1519 6538 2607 95 317 451
829 191 1519 6538 2607 95 358 445
2168 3546 3015 193 2619 3130 358 450
2168 3546 3015 193 2619 3130 472 445
2168 3546 3015 193 2619 3130 292 450
469 148 3464 3683 3452 2084 467 330
469 148 3464 3683 3452 2084 260 495
51 148 3464 3683 3452 2084 315 500
6538 2607 95 193 2619 3130 445 396
95 2607 6538 193 2619 3130 255 308
6538 2607 95 193 2619 3130 396 443
2084 3452 3683 193 2619 3130 402 366
2084 3452 3683 193 2619 3130 475 423

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 469 2.70 3353 613 1660 1350 83 9-1-0 0 10 27
2 829 2.50 3274 656 1720 1300 44 8-2-0 0 10 25
3 2168 2.40 3278 781 1720 1300 38 8-2-0 0 10 24
4 148 2.30 3277 659 1600 1250 272 7-3-0 0 10 23
5 3452 2.20 3357 663 1600 1400 57 8-2-0 0 10 22
6 3419 2.20 3344 670 1640 1400 54 7-3-0 0 10 22
7 2619 2.20 3207 815 1660 1300 22 8-2-0 0 10 22
8 6538 2.10 3214 727 1700 1300 59 6-4-0 0 10 21
9 1519 2.00 3175 915 1500 1200 320 6-4-0 0 10 20
10 3130 1.90 3135 636 1640 1250 20 6-4-0 0 10 19
11 3015 1.90 3057 543 1380 1300 157 6-4-0 0 10 19
12 3683 1.90 3006 652 1600 1150 106 6-4-0 0 10 19
13 190 1.90 2925 710 1540 1200 40 7-3-0 0 10 19
14 2386 1.80 3177 727 1540 1350 67 6-4-0 0 10 18
15 834 1.80 3071 498 1420 1300 111 7-3-0 0 10 18
16 1023 1.80 3064 731 1540 1250 99 6-4-0 0 10 18
17 2084 1.80 3034 515 1560 1250 24 6-4-0 0 10 18
18 6582 1.80 2910 505 1480 1100 0 7-3-0 0 10 18
19 3464 1.80 2690 592 1420 1050 55 6-3-0 1 10 18
20 4485 1.70 3221 717 1660 1250 41 5-5-0 0 10 17
21 111 1.70 3051 516 1480 1250 96 6-4-0 0 10 17
22 2039 1.70 3018 649 1560 1150 38 6-4-0 0 10 17
23 3359 1.70 2981 695 1540 1150 21 6-4-0 0 10 17
24 3974 1.70 2929 706 1540 1100 44 6-4-0 0 10 17
25 95 1.60 3005 650 1560 1100 55 5-5-0 0 10 16
26 2607 1.60 2973 689 1620 1100 38 5-5-0 0 10 16
27 2537 1.60 2973 616 1480 1250 3 6-4-0 0 10 16
28 3284 1.60 2906 666 1440 1250 41 6-4-0 0 10 16
29 5016 1.60 2626 436 1380 1050 1 6-4-0 0 10 16
30 4481 1.50 3025 658 1520 1300 50 5-5-0 0 10 15
31 5422 1.50 3019 753 1560 1200 29 5-5-0 0 10 15
32 3547 1.50 2979 636 1480 1250 9 6-4-0 0 10 15
33 4508 1.50 2976 775 1520 1250 26 6-4-0 0 10 15
34 193 1.50 2941 636 1640 1100 16 4-6-0 0 10 15
35 1391 1.40 3084 568 1500 1350 9 5-5-0 0 10 14
36 2851 1.40 2990 580 1380 1400 20 6-4-0 0 10 14
37 4506 1.40 2936 515 1380 1150 131 5-5-0 0 10 14
38 3954 1.40 2820 512 1320 1250 20 6-4-0 0 10 14
39 3201 1.40 2817 645 1480 1100 67 5-5-0 0 10 14
40 1706 1.30 3085 585 1260 1250 345 4-6-0 0 10 13
41 191 1.30 2966 663 1520 1200 56 4-6-0 0 10 13
42 1781 1.30 2904 610 1500 1150 74 4-6-0 0 10 13
43 6637 1.30 2840 569 1380 1250 10 5-5-0 0 10 13
44 51 1.30 2776 717 1380 1150 51 6-4-0 0 10 13
45 772 1.30 2756 780 1440 1050 56 5-5-0 0 10 13
46 11 1.20 2917 527 1520 1150 52 3-7-0 0 10 12
47 1939 1.20 2811 487 1380 1200 76 4-6-0 0 10 12
48 2177 1.20 2801 591 1340 1200 66 5-5-0 0 10 12
49 5528 1.20 2794 497 1420 1150 79 4-6-0 0 10 12
50 3546 1.10 3109 655 1480 1350 74 4-6-0 0 10 11
51 1792 1.10 2930 589 1380 1300 55 4-6-0 0 10 11
52 272 1.10 2906 738 1500 1150 71 3-7-0 0 10 11
53 4342 1.00 2943 690 1540 1200 13 3-7-0 0 10 10
54 2783 1.00 2832 447 1420 1200 22 3-7-0 0 10 10
55 4356 1.00 2794 654 1280 1200 49 4-6-0 0 10 10
56 5952 0.90 2750 592 1340 1100 45 3-7-0 0 10 9
57 271 0.90 2657 637 1320 1100 47 4-6-0 0 10 9
58 292 0.90 2532 601 1380 900 57 4-6-0 0 10 9
59 6622 0.80 2725 617 1360 1000 15 4-6-0 0 10 8
60 3414 0.80 2720 712 1540 950 45 2-8-0 0 10 8
61 714 0.80 2609 691 1420 950 49 3-7-0 0 10 8
62 4991 0.80 2597 676 1360 900 87 2-8-0 0 10 8
63 4607 0.80 2572 544 1300 1050 27 4-6-0 0 10 8
64 1985 0.70 2906 558 1420 1300 21 2-8-0 0 10 7
65 6419 0.70 2499 454 1300 1000 29 3-7-0 0 10 7
66 2068 0.60 2601 622 1440 950 16 2-8-0 0 10 6
67 3525 0.40 2330 572 1220 950 10 1-9-0 0 10 4
68 4241 0.00 2294 562 1300 800 14 0-10-0 0 10 0

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Greenville, Texas, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Bay Shore, New York, USA
Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
LaSalle, Ontario, Canada
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Center Valley, Pennsylvania, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Wentzville, Missouri, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Florissant, Missouri, USA
Rockford, Illinois, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Manchester, Massachusetts, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Mendota Heights, Minnesota, USA
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
La Grange, Kentucky, USA
Team Location Image
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Spencerport, New York, USA
Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
New York, New York, USA
Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA
Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Grand Haven, Michigan, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Emlenton, Pennsylvania, USA
Wyncote, Pennsylvania, USA
Joliet, Illinois, USA
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, USA
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA
Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Danville, Indiana, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Schuylerville, New York, USA
Becker, Minnesota, USA
Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, USA
Huntington, New York, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Trois-Rivieres, Québec, Canada
Verdun, Québec, Canada
West Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Vestaburg, Michigan, USA
Outremont, Québec, Canada
Carney, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 1023
Championship Subdivision Winner 3452
Championship Subdivision Winner 3683
Championship Subdivision Winner 2084
Championship Subdivision Winner 2537
Championship Subdivision Finalist 2619
Championship Subdivision Finalist 3130
Championship Subdivision Finalist 193
Championship Subdivision Finalist 4485
Championship Division Highest Rookie Seed 6538
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3683
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2177
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2168
Judges' Award 3954
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6419
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3284

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3452 143.05
4485 131.66
3419 129.11
829 128.35
469 128.19
2168 126.36
1391 126.36
148 121.54
2619 117.80
834 116.40
3130 116.18
6538 116.04
5422 115.70
193 114.69
4481 114.61
1023 114.30
1519 113.59
1706 112.77
2386 112.40
95 111.14
3546 111.03
3015 109.69
3683 108.94
3464 106.33
3284 105.52
191 105.04
2084 104.83
111 103.73
6582 103.16
3359 102.93
3547 102.46
6637 101.29
4508 101.03
2607 100.56
190 100.25
2851 99.40
3974 99.11
11 98.11
1985 98.03
3954 95.30
4342 94.53
2039 93.84
51 92.48
272 92.41
2537 91.77
2177 91.39
772 90.95
1781 90.94
2783 89.39
1792 87.97
4506 85.70
3201 83.55
5952 83.33
5016 81.22
6622 80.14
3414 79.59
5528 76.95
292 76.71
4356 74.99
1939 74.02
271 71.03
2068 70.33
714 68.24
4991 67.30
4607 63.70
6419 43.83
4241 43.27
3525 35.10


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 648 684 94.74%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 539 684 78.80%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 13 228 5.70%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 171 228 75.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 2 228 0.88%
Rotor 1 Engaged 228 228 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 226 228 99.12%
Rotor 3 Engaged 213 228 93.42%
Rotor 4 Engaged 89 228 39.04%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
2 228 0.88%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 44 in Q111
High Score 408 in Q71
Average Match Score 292.92
Average Winning Score 322.09
Average Win Margin 58.34
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.21 -- --
Average Rotor Points 45.53 102.28 147.81
Average Fuel Points 3.35 2.57 5.92
Average High Goals 3.25 7.57 10.82
Average Low Goals 0.33 1.61 1.94
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 118.20 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 6.78
Average Score 63.09 223.05 292.92


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 117 120 97.50%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 106 120 88.33%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 40 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 39 40 97.50%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 5 40 12.50%
Rotor 1 Engaged 40 40 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 40 40 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 40 40 100.00%
Rotor 4 Engaged 27 40 67.50%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 40 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 38 in QF3-1
High Score 500 in SF1-3
Average Match Score 400.15
Average Winning Score 453.50
Average Win Margin 106.70
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.62 -- --
Average Rotor Points 66.00 103.00 169.00
Average Fuel Points 6.83 3.45 10.28
Average High Goals 6.83 7.22 14.05
Average Low Goals 0.00 12.15 12.15
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 132.50 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 6.25
Average Score 87.45 306.45 400.15
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