New York City Regional 2017

to Week 6
The Armory Track & Field Center in New York, NY 10032, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
333 4383 5891 4299 4613 1155 200 261
694 4640 5030 371 5806 6195 213 105
1230 369 395 334 2344 3760 125 365
3017 4012 5298 6415 2383 1660 45 180
5421 4263 2265 4528 2895 5599 265 150
1880 4571 6402 3419 1251 6431 105 210
4856 6590 2791 5202 6354 743 80 150
335 4773 806 354 2579 640 85 90
2265 3760 4613 334 1155 6415 226 180
1660 4640 5421 4383 1230 6402 250 55
5030 371 4571 2383 4263 5202 227 245
333 640 743 6431 5806 369 210 145
5599 2579 4856 354 395 1880 175 250
5891 5298 4773 2895 6195 3017 160 85
4299 4528 4012 2344 2791 6354 120 255
3419 6590 335 806 694 1251 255 241
369 743 2579 5202 1660 2265 285 255
4773 4856 334 5806 5891 5030 110 268
4528 4383 1155 371 3017 4640 190 145
2344 3419 6415 694 6354 4263 305 260
335 5298 1251 5599 6431 4299 145 135
2895 395 806 2791 4012 4571 95 287
354 4613 6402 6590 1230 640 275 90
5421 2383 3760 6195 1880 333 240 185
5298 1660 371 5030 2344 1251 210 288
6415 6354 4571 5599 4640 5806 265 190
4012 743 2265 6590 6402 5891 220 170
4263 3017 1880 4613 395 335 160 226
2579 2791 6431 694 4383 5421 210 205
1230 4299 2895 5202 3760 806 90 90
3419 640 6195 333 4856 4528 195 280
1155 354 4773 369 2383 334 240 191
395 5298 5806 335 2265 6402 145 165
1880 1230 1660 694 2895 5891 185 210
371 4613 4012 4856 5421 5202 200 235
640 4571 4299 2579 1155 2344 155 345
6195 2383 6431 369 6354 6590 195 240
2791 334 4528 1251 333 4773 255 175
3760 6415 5030 3419 5599 4383 173 220
4263 806 4640 3017 354 743 130 230
4856 6402 1155 2344 335 2895 195 200
4012 6431 1230 2265 6195 4773 140 160
1660 5806 6590 3760 4528 371 270 215
354 5202 5891 333 6415 694 190 245
4383 334 6354 5298 806 4571 245 115
369 1880 5599 3017 4299 2791 200 225
743 1251 4263 5421 640 5030 255 117
395 2579 4640 2383 3419 4613 180 353
806 371 6415 6402 6431 334 95 135
6590 4571 4383 1230 333 335 105 175
5891 2265 4299 4263 5030 2791 250 200
4528 694 4613 5298 743 2383 245 125
6354 4856 3017 3760 1251 2579 145 270
5806 5421 2895 369 354 3419 150 260
4012 6195 395 640 1880 1155 190 235
5599 1660 2344 5202 4773 4640 205 260
3017 5030 333 6354 6402 2579 220 145
2265 2895 3419 354 371 4383 255 115
5806 1155 1230 5298 4263 4856 215 100
6195 2344 4571 1660 4613 2791 95 304
806 5891 2383 1251 369 4528 272 275
334 5202 1880 743 335 4640 325 90
694 6431 640 4012 5599 3760 205 200
6415 6590 395 5421 4773 4299 370 50
4383 2344 806 4856 5806 2383 100 169
4613 333 6354 1880 2265 371 326 240
5202 640 2791 1155 3419 5298 215 227
6590 5599 4263 1660 334 2579 140 300
4640 369 3760 335 5891 4012 230 200
1230 5030 354 395 4528 6431 143 285
6402 5421 3017 4773 694 4571 120 315
1251 4299 6195 6415 743 2895 85 190
4613 334 640 1660 4012 6354 180 190
354 3760 5806 1880 2791 5298 165 315
2344 3017 5891 5421 6590 6431 190 255
333 1155 2895 5030 806 5599 280 184
1251 5202 4383 4773 4263 395 235 205
369 2265 694 4640 4856 4571 370 195
2383 335 4528 4299 6415 6402 200 175
3419 371 2579 743 6195 1230 295 115


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4613 3419 5891
Alliance 2 694 333 4571
Alliance 3 2265 1155 334
Alliance 4 4528 1660 6415
Alliance 5 2791 2383 1880
Alliance 6 1251 369 395
Alliance 7 2579 2344 5030
Alliance 8 743 335 (6354) 5202

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5891 4613 3419 335 743 5202 348 145
5891 4613 3419 6354 743 5202 335 250
6415 4528 1660 2383 2791 1880 95 335
6415 4528 1660 2383 2791 1880 185 389
4571 694 333 2344 2579 5030 445 237
4571 694 333 2344 2579 5030 250 264
4571 694 333 2344 2579 5030 420 273
334 2265 1155 369 1251 395 258 210
334 2265 1155 369 1251 395 284 495
334 2265 1155 369 1251 395 258 255
5891 4613 3419 2383 2791 1880 296 445
5891 4613 3419 2383 2791 1880 332 308
5891 4613 3419 2383 2791 1880 316 313
4571 694 333 1155 2265 334 260 313
4571 694 333 1155 2265 334 325 243
4571 694 333 1155 2265 334 255 0
5891 4613 3419 333 694 4571 273 260
5891 4613 3419 333 694 4571 319 210

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 4613 2.10 2596 579 1060 950 351 8-2-0 0 10 21
2 3419 1.90 2575 618 1360 900 45 9-1-0 0 10 19
3 694 1.70 2509 687 1420 800 44 7-3-0 0 10 17
4 2265 1.70 2406 626 1200 900 36 8-2-0 0 10 17
5 1155 1.70 2368 495 1000 1000 48 8-2-0 0 10 17
6 4528 1.60 2215 404 1160 650 40 7-3-0 0 10 16
7 2791 1.50 2346 459 1180 850 66 7-3-0 0 10 15
8 333 1.50 2296 495 1160 700 26 7-3-0 0 10 15
9 1251 1.50 2179 293 1060 900 9 7-3-0 0 10 15
10 369 1.40 2321 305 1300 800 1 6-4-0 0 10 14
11 2579 1.40 2295 310 1060 900 5 7-3-0 0 10 14
12 743 1.40 1870 433 980 700 10 7-3-0 0 10 14
13 335 1.40 1741 258 920 500 31 7-3-0 0 10 14
14 1660 1.30 2349 572 1180 850 44 6-4-0 0 10 13
15 5202 1.30 2200 310 1100 850 0 6-3-1 0 10 13
16 6415 1.30 2178 439 1060 850 28 6-4-0 0 10 13
17 2383 1.30 2170 400 1160 750 60 6-4-0 0 10 13
18 2344 1.20 2348 383 1040 850 8 6-4-0 0 10 12
19 334 1.20 2286 442 1060 650 36 6-4-0 0 10 12
20 6354 1.20 1976 440 980 800 21 6-3-0 1 10 12
21 354 1.20 1958 382 1040 700 23 6-4-0 0 10 12
22 3760 1.10 2174 320 940 750 64 5-4-1 0 10 11
23 2895 1.10 1610 295 900 550 0 5-3-1 1 10 11
24 6590 1.00 1975 445 980 600 0 5-5-0 0 10 10
25 5421 1.00 1887 312 940 750 22 5-5-0 0 10 10
26 6431 1.00 1780 390 1060 500 5 5-4-0 1 10 10
27 4773 1.00 1760 320 920 500 0 5-5-0 0 10 10
28 1880 0.80 2200 425 1180 800 5 4-6-0 0 10 8
29 5891 0.80 2110 234 960 850 25 4-6-0 0 10 8
30 395 0.80 2071 183 1060 650 31 4-6-0 0 10 8
31 5030 0.80 2033 279 1040 700 138 4-6-0 0 10 8
32 4640 0.80 1883 158 1020 700 3 4-6-0 0 10 8
33 5806 0.80 1822 376 840 800 27 4-6-0 0 10 8
34 640 0.80 1692 414 980 550 57 4-6-0 0 10 8
35 4383 0.80 1670 300 940 450 0 4-6-0 0 10 8
36 5298 0.80 1587 340 920 400 17 4-6-0 0 10 8
37 4299 0.80 1546 273 900 450 46 3-6-1 0 10 8
38 4012 0.70 1792 133 760 750 42 3-7-0 0 10 7
39 4263 0.60 1960 432 1140 600 10 3-7-0 0 10 6
40 4571 0.60 1864 428 940 650 29 3-7-0 0 10 6
41 4856 0.60 1684 379 920 450 4 3-7-0 0 10 6
42 3017 0.60 1565 225 840 550 5 3-7-0 0 10 6
43 6402 0.60 1540 325 860 400 15 3-7-0 0 10 6
44 371 0.30 1847 396 920 700 67 1-9-0 0 10 3
45 1230 0.30 1158 287 860 150 8 1-7-1 1 10 3
46 5599 0.20 1799 363 1040 550 4 1-9-0 0 10 2
47 6195 0.20 1315 305 880 350 0 1-8-0 1 10 2
48 806 0.10 1407 175 900 350 7 0-9-1 0 10 1

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Jamaica, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Tamarac, Florida, USA
New York, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Far Rockaway, New York, USA
Fresh Meadows, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Team Location Image
Bronx, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
new york, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Utica, New York, USA
New Rochelle, New York, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bayside, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
İSTANBUL, Istanbul, Türkiye
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 4613
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1660
Rookie All Star Award 6431
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Paul Lucien (395)
Volunteer of the Year Lee Reichman
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Yedoh Kang (694)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Benjamin Spector (5806)
Regional Winners 4613
Regional Winners 3419
Regional Winners 5891
Regional Finalists 694
Regional Finalists 333
Regional Finalists 4571
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 333
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 694
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2383
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4571
Highest Rookie Seed 6415
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2265
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2791
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1155
Judges' Award 6590
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5030
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6402
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 333
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 6415
Wildcard 4571

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3419 133.83
694 121.22
1155 119.81
333 110.30
2265 107.01
4613 103.96
2791 103.88
395 102.07
2344 99.65
5891 96.17
1251 92.26
1660 89.98
1880 89.89
334 89.24
5202 87.86
2383 87.36
4571 83.40
2579 82.49
4528 78.84
6354 76.41
5421 74.66
369 73.98
6590 72.90
743 71.65
3760 71.62
5030 69.91
6415 63.45
354 60.54
5806 58.45
4640 58.22
371 56.96
4263 56.48
6431 55.48
5599 55.12
4012 50.08
4773 37.93
3017 36.28
335 35.07
4299 30.63
2895 28.13
4856 27.87
6402 20.66
1230 16.59
5298 14.98
4383 11.58
640 10.86
806 7.76
6195 5.12


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 383 480 79.79%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 216 480 45.00%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 5 160 3.12%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 64 160 40.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 160 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 160 160 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 149 160 93.12%
Rotor 3 Engaged 69 160 43.12%
Rotor 4 Engaged 3 160 1.88%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 160 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 46 in Q1
High Score 370 in Q64
Average Match Score 199.29
Average Winning Score 242.91
Average Win Margin 87.25
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 11.97 -- --
Average Rotor Points 24.00 79.25 103.25
Average Fuel Points 1.34 1.92 3.26
Average High Goals 1.34 5.88 7.21
Average Low Goals 0.01 0.17 0.19
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 67.50 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 13.31
Average Score 37.31 148.67 199.29


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 106 108 98.15%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 76 108 70.37%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 1 36 2.78%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 23 36 63.89%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 36 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 36 36 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 36 36 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 32 36 88.89%
Rotor 4 Engaged 6 36 16.67%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 36 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 41 in SF1-1
High Score 495 in QF4-2
Average Match Score 283.31
Average Winning Score 340.28
Average Win Margin 113.94
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.72 -- --
Average Rotor Points 38.33 96.67 135.00
Average Fuel Points 3.28 1.28 4.56
Average High Goals 3.28 4.19 7.47
Average Low Goals 0.00 0.00 0.00
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 105.56 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 12.36
Average Score 56.33 220.72 283.31