MAR FIRST Robotics Springside Chestnut Hill District Competition 2014

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
56 365 3974 316 4454 423 82 50
4575 5080 203 486 225 3929 25 135
2495 2234 1712 204 222 2539 90 93
2180 357 484 4373 11 433 33 95
2016 304 5181 293 4342 1168 93 88
4637 321 203 1495 1218 56 42 123
3929 2539 2234 4373 225 423 25 110
4454 321 5080 293 1495 2180 5 100
4342 304 316 484 11 486 81 65
357 4575 365 3974 222 5181 106 113
204 1168 2016 1712 433 4637 93 62
1218 4373 4575 2495 56 5080 137 57
11 1712 304 2234 365 4637 124 50
4342 222 486 1168 2539 484 116 28
5181 4454 2495 423 203 433 21 60
225 2180 204 3974 1495 321 131 76
293 316 357 2016 3929 1218 62 116
321 365 433 2234 5181 423 46 30
4637 4373 1168 203 1218 3974 86 131
5080 204 293 4454 11 357 47 145
3929 4342 1712 56 225 316 79 110
4575 1495 304 2495 2539 2180 37 21
222 484 5080 2016 486 4637 142 87
204 423 4342 56 1168 304 28 267
4373 484 1712 4575 293 4454 54 48
2180 316 321 357 203 2234 81 87
1218 2016 2539 11 5181 3929 108 27
486 2495 433 365 225 222 136 115
3974 2234 316 1495 5181 5080 170 59
56 321 357 222 4373 304 68 132
203 484 3929 204 1712 365 74 94
4342 2539 1495 433 4454 1218 92 91
1168 3974 486 11 293 2495 201 105
4575 225 4637 2180 423 2016 62 30
4373 204 316 433 222 293 101 191
423 1712 3974 486 2180 1218 78 170
56 4637 3929 321 484 5181 118 73
2016 11 203 357 2539 304 42 53
225 2234 5080 2495 365 4342 92 117
1495 4454 204 1168 4575 423 14 17
4373 321 2539 11 365 5080 61 107
5181 293 56 1712 486 1495 23 111
3929 2180 4454 484 4637 4342 105 68
1218 1168 222 225 304 203 98 121
2495 3974 4575 316 433 2016 87 102
2234 486 293 357 204 1218 156 172
423 56 484 2539 3974 5080 106 37
4454 2016 225 2234 11 1168 116 86
1712 222 203 4575 4342 321 68 38
304 433 2180 316 365 3929 115 96
4637 1495 2495 4373 357 5181 66 97
222 11 56 2180 4575 2234 196 80
225 5181 1218 4454 304 484 150 126
5080 433 3929 1168 321 1712 86 23
486 423 365 357 1495 2016 105 117
3974 4637 293 2539 203 316 119 51
4342 4373 2016 204 2495 321 152 53
365 484 293 203 2180 56 109 137
2539 5181 433 1218 4637 5080 19 76
4373 2234 4454 486 304 204 41 107
1495 11 423 222 3929 2495 41 97
225 357 1168 1712 316 4575 130 93
4342 11 1218 3974 3929 204 146 37
486 4575 2539 484 433 2234 95 84
1168 316 5181 5080 2180 4373 111 75
2495 423 304 321 225 293 88 67
1495 365 203 2016 1712 56 42 168
4637 222 357 3974 4342 4454 92 82


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 304 11 4342
Alliance 2 1218 357 2539
Alliance 3 222 56 484
Alliance 4 2016 365 2234
Alliance 5 225 316 1495
Alliance 6 486 2495 293
Alliance 7 433 1168 2180
Alliance 8 4373 3974 1712

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
304 11 4342 4373 3974 1712 150 108
304 11 4342 1712 4373 3974 91 128
4342 11 304 1712 3974 4373 107 179
2016 365 2234 316 225 1495 68 122
2234 2016 365 316 225 1495 117 78
2016 2234 365 316 1495 225 82 116
2539 1218 357 433 2180 1168 187 97
357 2539 1218 1168 433 2180 71 121
2539 1218 357 433 2180 1168 146 125
56 222 484 293 2495 486 167 160
222 56 484 2495 293 486 168 92
4373 1712 3974 1495 225 316 69 136
3974 4373 1712 225 1495 316 100 78
3974 1712 4373 225 1495 316 43 201
1218 2539 357 484 222 56 155 91
2539 1218 357 484 222 3929 145 66
1495 225 316 1218 2539 357 80 151
316 225 1495 1218 357 2539 118 72
225 316 1495 1218 2539 357 141 116

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 304 22 260 547 230 307 11-1-0 0 12 1.83
2 1218 20 350 380 350 438 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
3 222 20 320 562 270 301 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
4 2016 18 340 542 140 202 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
5 56 18 310 426 230 489 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
6 225 18 270 531 170 368 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
7 486 16 310 567 250 357 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
8 357 16 240 472 220 230 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
9 433 16 200 442 140 305 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
10 4373 14 300 477 140 224 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
11 11 12 300 436 170 273 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
12 1168 12 260 518 100 350 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
13 1712 12 250 487 130 177 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
14 3974 12 240 502 210 261 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
15 4342 12 190 503 160 234 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
16 204 12 170 401 180 219 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
17 3929 12 160 426 140 269 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
18 2180 12 140 330 140 468 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
19 203 12 120 391 150 219 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
20 1495 12 120 328 160 270 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
21 365 10 190 512 160 207 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
22 316 10 180 546 150 232 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
23 5181 10 150 351 170 145 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
24 4637 10 130 457 180 161 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
25 4575 10 130 410 110 175 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
26 423 10 130 346 130 137 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
27 2539 10 80 312 110 181 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
28 2495 8 200 397 160 181 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
29 5080 8 110 350 120 228 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
30 484 6 260 356 220 126 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
31 293 6 230 413 150 322 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
32 4454 6 140 360 130 214 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
33 2234 4 230 507 130 124 2-10-0 0 12 0.33
34 321 2 100 352 130 51 1-11-0 0 12 0.17

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
Sicklerville, New Jersey, USA
Voorhees, New Jersey, USA
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA
Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, USA
Pennington, New Jersey, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Carneys Point, New Jersey, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Flourtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Havertown, Pennsylvania, USA
Wallingford, Pennsylvania, USA
Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA
Team Location Image
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
West Grove, Pennsylvania, USA
Ardmore, Pennsylvania, USA
Ewing, New Jersey, USA
Hamilton, New Jersey, USA
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA
Hamilton, New Jersey, USA
Palmyra, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Wyncote, Pennsylvania, USA
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, USA
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Media, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Wilmington, DE, USA
Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 433
Engineering Inspiration 365
Rookie All Star Award 5181
Winner 225
Winner 316
Winner 1495
Finalist 1218
Finalist 357
Finalist 2539
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 357
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 225
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2180
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2016
Highest Rookie Seed Award 5181
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1218
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 11
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 203
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 56
Judges Award 321
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 316
Rookie Inspiration Award 5080
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 203
Rank Team Qual Points Elim Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 225 18 30 12 5 65
2 1218 20 20 15 5 60
3 316 10 30 12 5 57
4 357 16 20 15 5 56
5 1495 12 30 5 0 47
6 56 18 10 14 5 47
7 222 20 10 14 0 44
8 304 22 0 16 0 38
9 2016 18 0 13 5 36
10 433 16 0 10 10 36
11 4373 14 10 9 0 33
12 11 12 0 16 5 33
13 2539 10 20 2 0 32
14 3974 12 10 9 0 31
15 365 10 0 13 8 31
16 1712 12 10 8 0 30
17 486 16 0 11 0 27
18 2180 12 0 7 5 24
19 1168 12 0 10 0 22
20 203 12 0 0 10 22
21 484 6 10 3 0 19
22 2495 8 0 11 0 19
23 5181 10 0 0 8 18
24 4342 12 0 1 0 13
25 5080 8 0 0 5 13
26 293 6 0 6 0 12
27 204 12 0 0 0 12
28 3929 12 0 0 0 12
29 4575 10 0 0 0 10
30 4637 10 0 0 0 10
31 423 10 0 0 0 10
32 2234 4 0 4 0 8
33 321 2 0 0 5 7
34 4454 6 0 0 0 6

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1218 66.23
486 63.19
56 62.28
222 56.44
304 53.37
225 52.29
3974 50.67
4373 41.02
2016 38.42
1168 38.33
357 37.96
316 37.42
433 36.47
11 34.03
4342 32.72
293 32.37
2180 32.17
365 31.09
2234 29.90
2495 25.55
1712 25.44
484 24.78
3929 19.65
1495 18.92
204 17.04
203 12.72
4454 11.86
5080 11.39
4575 10.17
4637 9.28
5181 3.97
321 -1.40
423 -3.40
2539 -6.17
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