New York City Regional 2009

to Week 2
Javits Convention Center in New York, NY, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
329 2601 3111 369 1230 2933 26 34
1237 354 2895 2579 371 1660 18 60
1520 41 1396 334 1156 2753 36 28
1563 1340 1796 3059 1635 2285 84 58
237 1302 375 1862 806 3112 68 22
2554 2681 263 1155 743 1807 24 108
270 1881 1989 2070 335 380 32 16
2205 1880 640 527 759 694 36 58
3017 2344 1257 2265 3053 56 62 36
3004 2577 358 271 2573 1600 54 42
555 395 333 1211 421 1698 92 14
1155 2285 806 2070 2895 41 62 20
1230 1862 2579 1520 380 2681 12 0
1660 1302 2753 1881 2601 1796 82 42
56 369 527 263 237 1156 58 46
371 759 2265 329 743 2577 40 14
1698 3111 358 3112 1396 354 8 42
640 3017 1340 1211 335 1600 0 30
421 2933 2344 1563 3004 1880 62 30
271 375 3059 334 395 270 56 50
1635 3053 1237 2205 555 2554 26 50
1807 333 2573 1989 694 1257 6 70
354 1302 2577 527 3017 41 73 44
421 1660 56 380 1600 743 70 62
806 2601 2681 1563 2265 1698 58 34
371 1156 395 358 2554 1340 60 24
1862 3004 555 1155 640 1881 14 64
2285 333 2753 3112 2933 2205 90 30
1237 369 1520 759 3059 1989 18 30
1211 2070 375 263 2579 2573 68 24
1635 1230 1257 1396 270 694 26 85
1796 334 237 2895 3111 2344 54 66
1880 3053 335 271 1807 329 36 48
2554 1989 806 640 56 354 10 70
3059 421 371 2601 1862 2205 35 26
1340 1698 743 270 1237 41 32 71
2577 1520 2933 375 1796 694 62 92
334 335 1155 527 1257 3112 50 48
1660 263 329 2285 3017 3004 56 54
2895 1881 1230 1156 1807 1211 32 68
380 759 555 2753 2573 2344 34 102
395 1880 1396 1600 2681 237 54 57
2265 1635 271 2579 3111 333 82 26
1563 2070 358 369 3053 1302 36 46
1520 371 1698 56 335 2285 44 70
694 354 329 1340 555 334 100 32
1881 2344 3112 2681 2577 1237 48 58
2573 1862 41 1880 1635 1660 64 28
1563 1600 2753 375 1155 1230 72 96
270 1211 3111 3053 2601 527 30 44
369 743 395 640 2579 1257 66 38
263 1989 2265 1302 2895 2933 32 55
380 1796 2205 806 271 1156 22 68
2554 2070 1396 333 3059 3004 38 18
237 3017 1807 759 421 358 60 0
1862 694 2285 395 1237 3111 64 64
2895 640 3053 375 2681 2753 32 86
270 1155 2579 1880 1156 1989 66 26
2344 1660 1211 1396 2205 369 70 50
2265 527 329 1796 421 2070 36 42
3112 41 1600 371 1807 555 42 76
2601 237 335 743 3004 354 90 74
2554 271 3017 1520 1563 2573 68 26
3059 263 380 1257 1698 2577 61 38
56 1230 759 1302 1340 333 66 48
358 334 2933 1635 1881 806 40 46
1796 1396 743 1862 3053 1989 64 16
1237 1156 2573 421 335 3111 42 44
2070 1698 694 237 271 2753 52 86
3059 3112 640 1230 1660 2265 28 42
1880 2601 2285 375 358 380 36 40
354 1600 2205 1881 263 1520 56 46
1302 1155 1635 329 395 2344 50 58
555 56 2895 270 2577 1563 80 46
1257 2933 1211 41 759 2554 58 36
3017 369 2681 334 333 371 40 22
2579 3004 1340 527 1807 806 20 60

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
555 375 2753 421 1230 1302 94 56
555 2753 375 421 1230 1302 54 46
1796 1807 56 237 369 271 88 42
1796 56 1807 354 271 237 88 24
1155 743 2344 1156 2554 335 96 16
2344 1155 743 2554 335 1156 46 50
2344 743 1155 335 1156 2554 54 48
1396 1660 41 3111 694 395 44 124
1396 41 1660 3111 395 694 37 82
555 2753 375 1807 1796 56 62 102
555 2753 375 1796 56 1807 64 68
1155 2344 743 694 395 3111 64 56
743 1155 2344 395 3111 694 60 40
56 1796 1807 743 1155 2344 68 66
1796 56 1807 1155 2344 743 74 60

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Seeding Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 375 14 46.85 96 7-0-0 0 7 2.00
2 2344 12 47.42 102 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
3 1660 12 43.14 82 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
4 56 12 43.14 80 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
5 1155 12 39.14 108 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
6 271 12 36.28 86 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
7 1807 12 27.42 108 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
8 694 11 45.42 100 5-1-1 0 7 1.57
9 2753 10 45.71 102 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
10 237 10 44.85 90 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
11 335 10 43.42 90 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
12 1230 10 40.57 96 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
13 1302 10 40.57 82 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
14 354 10 40.28 100 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
15 1396 10 40.00 85 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
16 371 10 37.14 76 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
17 369 10 35.14 66 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
18 421 10 34.28 70 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
19 1211 10 34.28 70 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
20 2681 10 32.00 86 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
21 806 10 25.42 68 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
22 395 9 46.28 92 4-2-1 0 7 1.29
23 1796 8 44.28 92 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
24 3059 8 40.85 61 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
25 527 8 40.00 60 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
26 2933 8 38.00 62 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
27 329 8 36.85 100 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
28 270 8 35.14 85 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
29 759 8 33.71 66 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
30 555 8 31.14 92 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
31 3017 8 29.14 68 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
32 2285 7 43.71 90 3-3-1 0 7 1.00
33 1600 6 53.14 72 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
34 2577 6 42.00 73 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
35 743 6 40.00 108 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
36 2601 6 39.71 90 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
37 1257 6 39.71 70 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
38 1881 6 38.28 64 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
39 41 6 37.14 71 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
40 2265 6 35.14 82 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
41 2895 6 33.42 80 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
42 2070 6 33.14 68 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
43 1156 6 32.85 68 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
44 1989 6 29.14 70 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
45 2554 6 26.28 68 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
46 2579 6 26.28 66 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
47 3111 5 35.71 66 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
48 1237 5 35.42 71 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
49 1862 5 30.28 64 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
50 263 4 37.71 61 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
51 1635 4 36.28 82 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
52 2205 4 35.14 56 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
53 2573 4 31.71 102 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
54 3053 4 31.71 46 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
55 380 4 31.14 62 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
56 358 4 28.00 54 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
57 640 4 25.42 70 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
58 333 4 24.85 92 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
59 1563 2 44.57 84 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
60 334 2 39.14 54 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
61 3112 2 36.57 48 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
62 3004 2 36.00 74 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
63 1520 2 34.85 62 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
64 1340 2 32.00 84 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
65 1880 0 35.14 54 0-7-0 0 7 0.00
66 1698 0 31.71 52 0-7-0 0 7 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Warren, New Jersey, USA
Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Ronkonkoma, New York, USA
Deer Park, NY, USA
Bay Shore, New York, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Bronx, NY, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Massapequa, New York, USA
Montclair, New Jersey, USA
Jamaica, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Cambridge, ENG, Kingdom
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
New York, NY, USA
Scotch Plains, New Jersey, USA
Sparta, NJ, USA
Queens, NY, USA
Team Location Image
Staten Island, New York, USA
New York, NY, USA
Newark, NJ, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Elmhurst, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
New York, NY, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Allentown, New Jersey, USA
Cliffside Park, NJ, USA
New York, New York, USA
Paterson, NJ, USA
Vernon, New Jersey, USA
Ridgefield, New Jersey, USA
Mount Vernon, NY, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Irvington, NJ, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Edison, New Jersey, USA
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Flushing, New York, USA
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Bridgewater, NJ, USA
Far Rockaway, New York, USA
Bronx, NY, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Fresh Meadows, New York, USA
Queens Village, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Newark, NJ, USA
Bronx, NY, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2344
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 375
Rookie All Star Award 3059
Woodie Flowers Award Kevin Ray (329)
Outstanding Volunteer Award Glenn Gribble and Keith Hughes
Regional Winner 56
Regional Winner 1796
Regional Winner 1807
Regional Finalist 2344
Regional Finalist 1155
Regional Finalist 743
Autodesk Visualization Award 375
Chrysler Team Spirit Award 1230
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award 237
General Motors Industrial Design Award 2753
Highest Rookie Seed Award 2753
Imagery Award 354
Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism 640
Judges Award 329
Judges Award 1156
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship Award 1660
Motorola Quality Award 56
Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award 1155
Rookie Inspiration Award 3017
Underwriters Laboratories Industrial Safety Award 1807
Website Award 2554
Xerox Creativity Award 271

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
694 48.45
2753 40.41
1155 40.13
2344 37.71
56 34.82
395 34.57
271 33.62
555 31.73
354 30.65
41 29.08
375 28.39
743 28.15
237 27.48
2933 27.06
1660 25.19
1796 24.28
371 24.19
2285 23.47
1807 23.10
1563 22.48
263 20.96
2577 20.45
335 19.48
1302 19.31
2601 18.98
1257 18.69
1396 16.90
527 16.86
3059 16.46
806 16.18
270 16.16
2681 14.22
1881 14.22
1211 14.03
2265 13.59
3111 12.75
1237 12.71
1156 12.07
2205 11.63
1600 11.61
1230 11.28
1340 10.14
3053 9.44
358 9.30
3017 9.20
369 9.11
640 8.66
1635 8.29
333 7.73
2070 7.30
2573 6.82
3004 6.56
2579 5.34
2554 4.92
1880 3.65
1989 2.76
759 2.52
2895 2.33
1520 2.07
421 1.94
380 0.99
3112 0.70
1862 -0.63
1698 -1.64
329 -3.86
334 -6.96
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