From Manchester, NH, USA
aka FIRST Off-Season Demo Team
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 9988 was 15-20-3 during the 2019 offseason.

Steel City Showdown

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Team 9988 was Rank 16 with a record of 3-7-1

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Round Robin Bracket (Rank 4).

Captain 4027
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 9988
Pick 3 9986

Mid-Mitten Roborodeo

in Lake Odessa, MI, USA

Team 9988 was Rank 10 with a record of 8-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and won the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4130
Pick 1 1684
Pick 2 9988
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
703 7226 1684 5460 5843 9988 45 73
4967 9988 703 5685 5448 5316 46 13
5460 4967 5256 1684 9988 5173 58 79
5843 9988 5685 4130 7226 5460 46 69
5448 4130 2767 5685 5256 9988 68 33
1684 4130 9988 703 6591 2767 76 66
9988 5316 6591 5843 5256 4130 56 86
5316 5460 5448 9988 7226 2767 75 45
9988 5685 6591 5316 1684 7056 76 61
7056 6591 4967 2767 9988 5843 95 32
9988 7056 5256 703 4967 7226 42 49
5843 5256 5173 7056 5448 9988 37 57
1684 4130 9988 5843 4967 5173 79 48
1684 4130 9988 5843 4967 5173 *
1684 4130 9988 5460 6591 703 *
1684 4130 9988 5843 4967 5316 68 51
1684 4130 9988 5460 6591 703 68 92
1684 4130 9988 5460 6591 703 95 102

No matches played.

Taiwan FRC Off-Season

in Daya District, Taichung, Chinese Taipei

Team 9988 was Rank 6 with a record of 4-3-1

Gateway Robotics Challenge (GRC)

in St. Charles, MO, USA

No matches played.

Blue Ridge Brawl

in Salem, VA, USA

Team 9988 had a record of 0-2-1

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 9987
Pick 1 9988
Pick 2 9991
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6802 401 1915 9988 9987 9991 0 0
6802 401 1915 9988 9987 9991 1 0
6802 401 1915 9988 9987 9991 1 0


in Tampa, FL, USA

Team 9988 was Rank 10

They are 0-0-0 in the Finals as the 1st Pick of Alliance 6.

Captain 2383
Pick 1 9988
Pick 2 3164
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4592 9988 9990 4064 9991 3242 *
9987 1902 4118 9988 1369 9989 *
9991 59 9986 5472 9987 9988 *
9988 9997 3164 59 5842 1744 *
2152 4065 9988 3164 1065 79 *
1557 9988 9991 3164 5276 9985 *
9988 2383 1523 9997 1744 4065 *
9989 2152 4592 5145 9986 9988 *
9987 9997 4064 9988 2383 3164 *
9987 9997 4064 9988 2383 3164 *
9987 9997 4064 9988 2383 3164 *
4118 4592 5472 9988 2383 3164 *
4118 4592 5472 9988 2383 3164 *
4118 4592 5472 9988 2383 3164 *
179 4065 5842 9988 2383 3164 *
179 4065 5842 9988 2383 3164 *
179 4065 5842 9988 2383 3164 *

No matches played.

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