From Tainan city, Tainan Municipality, Chinese Taipei
aka Hsing Kuo Senior High School
Rookie Year: 2022
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Event Results

Team 8790 was 3-6-0 in official play and 8-12-1 overall in 2023.

Taiwan Playoff

in Chiayi, Taiwan

Team 8790 was Rank 13 with a record of 5-6-1

Captain 7709
Pick 1 7673
Pick 2 8790
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7551 8169 6083 7130 8790 7632 38 59
7130 6083 9999 8790 7497 8805 38 38
7645 8790 9998 8806 7636 7130 50 44
7497 9998 7709 8169 8790 7589 57 47
9998 7632 8806 8790 6083 8584 120 54
8790 9999 8595 7632 8584 8169 55 91
8806 8790 8584 7645 7589 9999 84 68
8169 7673 8790 7497 7645 7632 78 111
7673 7709 8790 8169 9999 7589 56 30
7673 7709 8790 8169 9999 7589 10 0
7673 7709 8790 8169 9999 7589
8806 7632 7497 7673 7709 8790 95 0
8806 7632 7497 7673 7709 8790 122 50
8806 7632 7497 7673 7709 8790

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