From San Pedro, California, USA
aka NASA & Rolling Hills Preparatory Sch
Rookie Year: 2002
Last competed in 2020
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Robot Name: Harley

Event Results

Team 848 was 5-4-0 in official play in 2017.

Los Angeles Regional

in Long Beach, CA 90840, USA
to Week 4

Team 848 was Rank 30 with a record of 5-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1515 848 2761 6000 3408 5512 235 91
848 867 4 3309 702 980 120 269
4578 2659 5510 3408 3970 848 185 205
5124 4619 4501 606 2659 848 195 165
2761 5089 1197 848 1759 3303 240 150
1197 848 696 330 4763 294 230 200
4415 5107 6499 848 3952 5285 230 140
5966 2637 848 3512 5765 5285 245 207
4019 5669 1515 5102 848 3120 155 196

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Robot Name: Harley

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