From Warren, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors/McNaughton-McKay/Michigan Department of Education/Casadei Steel, Inc./ProForm/All American Pet Resort/Warren Consolidated Schools & Sterling Heights High School
Rookie Year: 2002
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Event Results

Team 818 was 10-11-1 in official play in 2004.

Detroit Regional

in Detroit, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 818 had a record of 5-7-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
519 818 1250 1286 35 15
818 1250 1447 123 30 40
123 818 519 1 40 25
818 857 515 1140 35 80
857 557 393 818 15 25
47 308 818 1037 30 50
217 235 818 1023 100 25
1286 818 313 903 50 70
235 1216 515 818 20 25
1213 393 818 94 65 15
393 1250 818 1188 123 857 75 110
393 1250 818 1188 123 857 75 90

Palmetto Regional

in Columbia, SC, USA
to Week 5

Team 818 had a record of 5-4-1 and won the following awards:

  • Johnson & Johnson Sportsmanship Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1016 818 1028 1293 5 5
818 337 1284 1016 75 15
337 34 1402 818 25 95
1287 95 1293 818 35 15
900 507 818 1102 25 15
507 1051 818 1287 65 80
1051 818 433 11 100 90
818 348 908 186 70 10
5 1319 348 818 900 9 130 65
5 1319 348 818 900 9 75 30

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