From Chino, California, USA
aka Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2018
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 6821 was 9-12-0 in official play and 25-26-1 overall in 2019.

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
to Week 5

Team 6821 was Rank 31 with a record of 5-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Judges' Award

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Wings Over Camarillo

in Camarillo, CA, USA

Team 6821 was Rank 19 with a record of 11-6-0

Captain 4414
Pick 1 5818
Pick 2 6821
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6821 5818 980 4 3925 4414 36 56
7327 7326 5818 2102B 6821 3328 77 26
6821 2659 3863 2584 3759 2584B 51 52
7326 6821 3759 5199 3863 4414B 21 80
7327 3328 691 3863B 2584B 6821 22 46
2102 5199 599 691 6821 3925 48 55
6821 2659 5199 2102B 3328 4414 63 47
6821 599 4414B 7327 980 3328 48 42
5199 2584B 5818 2659 2102 6821 79 67
2102 3759 2102B 4414 599 6821 30 60
2102B 7326 3863 980 4 6821 41 32
5818 4414 6821 9998 9999 9997 1 0
5818 4414 6821 9998 9999 9997 1 0
5818 4414 6821 2102 3863 3925 76 50
5818 4414 6821 2102 3863 3925 71 62
5818 4414 6821 2659 5199 2102B 86 70
5818 4414 6821 2659 5199 2102B 95 75

Battleship Blast (Saturday)

in San Pedro, CA, United States

Team 6821 was Rank 11 with a record of 5-8-1

Captain 3953
Pick 1 4
Pick 2 6821

So Cal Fall Classic

in Placentia, CA, USA

No matches played.

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