From Modi'in, HaMerkaz, Israel
aka Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Lapid "Torat Nahum" Modi'in
Rookie Year: 2017
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Event Results

Team 6738 was 21-25-0 in official play and 29-31-0 overall in 2023.

As a member of the FIRST Israel district, Team 6738 ranked 24 having earned 126 points.

ISR District Event #1

in Ra'anana, M, Israel
to Week 1

Team 6738 was Rank 22 with a record of 4-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 6740
Pick 1 3065
Pick 2 6738

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 8
Alliance Points 8
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 21
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ISR District Event #3

in Ra'anana, M, Israel
to Week 2

Team 6738 was Rank 11 with a record of 12-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award
  • District Event Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 7 and won the event.

Captain 6738
Pick 1 4590
Pick 2 3065

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 8
Total Points 63
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3083 6738 1577 5135 5635 6741 112 90
7177 6230 6740 6738 4586 4319 38 81
5291 1577 1690 7177 6741 6738 122 44
6738 3388 3339 5554 5291 3211 118 88
1690 8175 4319 7177 6738 7845 98 79
6738 1690 3065 4590 3083 3388 131 111
1943 8223 3075 3316 6738 5291 68 88
5987 6738 8223 5291 3083 5635 127 46
6738 3211 6740 8175 3388 1657 96 113
1657 3339 3075 8175 5135 6738 153 123
3211 6230 3065 1943 5654 6738 90 114
6230 4661 6738 3211 3316 5987 74 163
5654 1690 3083 3065 4590 6738 91 126
6738 4590 3065 5635 5554 3316 122 111
3388 1943 5135 3065 4590 6738 130 130
6738 4590 3065 3083 1690 5654 120 108
3388 1943 5135 3065 4590 6738 92 126
3388 1943 5135 3065 4590 6738 135 110
3388 1943 5135 3065 4590 6738 78 121

FIRST Israel District Championship

in Jerusalem, JM, Israel
to Week 4

Team 6738 was Rank 26 with a record of 5-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 2630
Pick 1 3339
Pick 2 6738

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 36
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 42
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Israel Off-Season

in Hadera, Haifa, Israel

Team 6738 was Rank 23 with a record of 8-6-0

Captain 1690
Pick 1 1577
Pick 2 4590
Pick 3 6738
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7067 1690 3211 1577 6738 7039 145 122
1943 8223 5990 3065 6738 5715 61 66
5951 7112 6738 9999 3316 5990 87 121
7845 5987 6741 3835 2630 6738 97 128
5990 3211 6738 2096 5987 5951 98 162
6738 1574 1731 3339 7067 3835 165 113
5987 6738 7067 1942 1731 9999 71 146
2679 5928 2231 9999 6738 3075 61 120
4590 5928 6738 4586 5715 3083 89 102
1577 5928 3316 1943 6738 2231 144 133
2231 4590 5990 1690 6738 3339 109 170
1577 1690 6738 5987 2096 9999 199 116
1577 1690 6738 2630 1731 3211 197 172
1577 1690 6738 1574 3075 1942 194 159
1577 1690 6738 1574 3075 1942

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