From Montville Township, NJ, USA
aka Marotta Controls, Inc. & Montville Twp. High School
Rookie Year: 2001
Last competed in 2008
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Event Results

Team 637 was 7-8-0 in official play in 2006.

New Jersey Regional

in Trenton, NJ, USA
to Week 1

Team 637 had a record of 3-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Delphi "Driving Tommorow's Technology" Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1257 225 375 1600 637 563 88 27
1931 637 550 219 1881 293 22 14
1302 1672 1689 41 637 103 0 30
224 637 555 1366 1923 75 11 12
1616 522 1218 714 637 1403 25 53
1048 1882 637 1367 1089 88 7 28
637 1807 1617 303 56 1813 31 53
224 869 223 613 637 1228 12 2

Galileo Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 637 had a record of 4-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1649 830 637 1 1747 67 20 56
637 177 1547 125 935 904 26 18
1567 1241 637 1289 1276 354 18 48
306 1482 1390 118 74 637 4 52
1868 852 100 637 269 341 13 80
1784 1814 1103 637 1319 581 48 13
16 614 237 1625 637 665 34 59

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