From Fulton, Maryland, USA
aka Greenebaum Enterprises/Eaton/W R Grace/Hackground & Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2016
Last competed in 2021
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Robot Name: Owen Wilson

Event Results

Team 5945 was 22-21-1 in official play and 25-26-1 overall in 2018.

As a member of the FIRST Chesapeake district, Team 5945 ranked 37 having earned 109 points.

CHS District Southern Maryland Event

in Oxon Hill, MD 20745, USA
to Week 3

Team 5945 was Rank 9 with a record of 9-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5945
Pick 1 2186
Pick 2 1895

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 38
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1111 5945 2914 4821 4514 1895 231 387
620 5945 5243 5115 6239 2964 316 118
2819 3714 4514 4137 5945 612 152 326
5945 888 1885 4137 6213 2900 439 116
5841 5115 611 6239 5945 3714 276 149
6863 4099 5945 4242 623 1111 285 497
4099 612 2186 5945 2900 2912 368 280
1719 4541 5945 3650 2912 6893 550 182
5841 2819 1885 3793 6505 5945 365 352
620 3793 611 5945 4821 2186 312 322
6863 611 6239 1389 5587 5945 106 352
5945 623 3650 5587 6505 4464 418 243
1111 4242 1389 2186 5945 1895 224 301
1111 4242 1389 2186 5945 1895 436 369
1111 4242 1389 2186 5945 1895 179 404
888 612 2914 2186 5945 1895 464 251
888 612 2914 2186 5945 1895 412 307

CHS District Central Maryland Event sponsored by Leidos

in Edgewater, MD 21037, USA
to Week 4

Team 5945 was Rank 13 with a record of 7-7-1

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 2199
Pick 1 5945
Pick 2 2421

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 26
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2421 2199 5243 1629 6213 5945 371 371
449 5945 6505 339 6584 686 319 328
5945 2961 6239 2988 1915 5115 418 178
5549 5945 2377 5115 449 6326 443 266
3714 2421 3389 4541 5945 4099 134 399
4456 686 5945 5841 6863 2377 265 252
836 2537 4541 5945 4949 2199 402 266
2961 1629 4099 2964 5945 339 377 291
2961 4137 3748 5243 2988 5945 130 362
2961 4472 3941 3650 614 5945 377 361
2849 1727 6213 5945 836 3748 246 481
5945 3714 6584 3650 4456 4137 249 300
614 836 6326 5945 2199 2421 455 225
614 836 6326 5945 2199 2421 315 323
614 836 6326 5945 2199 2421 408 220

FIRST Chesapeake District Championship

in College Park, MD 20740, USA
to Week 5

Team 5945 was Rank 21 with a record of 6-6-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 45
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 45
Watch All Matches

Battle O’ Baltimore

in Owings, MD, USA

Team 5945 was Rank 14 with a record of 3-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5945
Pick 1 6239
Pick 2 4242
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5945 225 4099 2849 2106 6239 477 81
888 5724 686 5945 4505 4242 275 259
384 2534 5945 4505 3941 2537 300 177
2534 5830 5115 6239 5945 1719 379 179
225 2539 3389 5830 888 5945 468 259
9999 2912 4505 614 5945 2377 176 331
2539 225 9999 6239 5945 4242 505 196
2539 225 9999 6239 5945 4242 481 300

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Robot Name: Owen Wilson

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