From Dana Point, California, USA
aka CCA/Salesforce/General Atomics/Schneider Electric/Boeing/Northrop Grumman/Dolphin Foundation/Haas Foundation/Western Digital/Qualcomm/CIRO Design/Industrial Metal Supply Co.&CCA - Capo Unified School District
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 5199 was 17-17-0 during the 2021 offseason.

Argon Group - INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

Team 5199 was Rank 2 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award
  • Skills Competition Finalist

No matches played.

No matches played.

No matches played.

No matches played.

No matches played.

Tidal Tumble

in Port Hueneme, California, United States

Team 5199 was Rank 8 with a record of 8-9-0

Captain 5818
Pick 1 5199
Pick 2 2584
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5199 3759 2584 973B 973 3476B 67 199
359 4414B 2584 5199 599 3476 161 83
3512 5199 7157 599 3476 7415 129 97
359 4414 5199 3925 5818 2584 227 72
973B 5199B 4414 2102 3925 5199 149 57
3476 973B 5199 359 7157 3863 151 50
7415 973B 5199 4414B 3863 8006 95 123
8006 3476B 3512 973 5199 7157 58 205
2584 2102 7157 5199B 3863 5199 115 158
5818 2102 5199 3759 5199B 8006 240 27
8006 5199 3476 4414 5818 7415 165 168
359 3759 4414 3476B 5199 4414B 225 148
5199 5818 2584 3863 973B 3476B 125 104
5199 5818 2584 3863 973B 3476B 158 160
5199 5818 2584 3863 973B 3476B 156 147
4414 973 599 5199 5818 2584 221 93
4414 973 599 5199 5818 2584 207 177

Beach Blitz

in Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, USA

Team 5199 was Rank 12 with a record of 9-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 6995
Pick 1 5199
Pick 2 4079
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
359 4414 687 5199 2659 1836 245 155
4322 2637 2659 4276 3128 5199 75 144
5199 1160 687 696 5818 2658 153 60
2122 3128 3647 5199 5818 6072 205 136
3309 5199 359 3473 3647 4738 131 164
597 5199 599 1160 1138 1836 149 77
4201 3309 599 5199 4414 6995 173 246
7157 6560 5199 3476 4 5124 213 60
6560 1197 6995 2122 5199 4501 197 181
696 1197 5199 3128 4079 3309 152 200
6995 4079 5199 2637 3128 6072 154 113
6995 3309 5199 2637 3128 6072 199 129
6995 3309 5199 1160 1197 4201 148 160
6995 3309 5199 1160 1197 4201 217 68
6995 3309 5199 1160 1197 4201 137 114
3647 4414 4 6995 3309 5199 272 168
3647 4414 4 6995 3309 5199 293 208

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