From Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
aka Lockeed Martin/Neaera Consulting/Front Range Powder Coating/Metal Distributors/DNK Kilts&Neaera Robotics&Neaera Robotics 501c3
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: Simatar

Event Results

Team 4499 was 12-8-0 in official play in 2020.

Greater Kansas City Regional

in Lee's Summit, MO 64086, USA
to Week 1

Team 4499 was Rank 13 with a record of 12-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 3928
Pick 1 4499
Pick 2 1982
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1847 6843 4499 4522 2353 3928 77 114
4499 1982 2353 5268 6805 1777 66 21
4499 4959 1939 7064 1982 5119 69 49
2353 5801 1810 1777 1108 4499 113 52
1785 4959 6420 1987 4499 2357 97 127
6843 1710 1987 4499 7064 1764 107 79
4959 5268 1108 5141 4499 1810 96 81
3284 1994 1847 6805 4499 5119 108 84
2357 1939 6805 4499 525 2723 97 161
1806 6886 4499 1710 525 2457 99 141
4522 4499 5918 1994 1775 1769 211 61
5801 3928 4499 1806 5119 1764 224 127
4499 3928 1982 5119 2353 1939 147 116
4499 3928 1982 5119 2353 1939 159 157
1987 5801 1785 4499 3928 1982 116 116
1987 5801 1785 4499 3928 1982 136 141
1987 5801 1785 4499 3928 1982 94 150
4522 1986 2357 4499 3928 1982 157 176
4522 1986 2357 4499 3928 1982 184 145
4522 1986 2357 4499 3928 1982 158 179

No matches played.

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Robot Name: Simatar

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