From Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
aka Storage King & Robodogs Foundation
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 435 was 12-15-0 in official play in 2014.

Virginia Regional

in Richmond, VA, USA
to Week 4

Team 435 was Rank 24 with a record of 9-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 1418
Pick 1 2383
Pick 2 435
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1610 540 1908 435 4472 5279 61 38
1418 2383 122 611 384 435 155 107
3274 435 1533 3359 2363 617 136 76
3307 435 2607 3872 2402 1629 130 91
388 2106 5323 435 3361 2068 47 37
1541 2021 3136 435 4538 4286 62 39
435 1262 4969 1086 2053 1793 137 77
1086 435 3072 2186 1137 2998 77 36
422 435 2988 3072 619 539 129 98
2383 435 1418 346 1598 540 206 160
2383 1418 435 540 346 1598 161 124
2383 435 1418 2068 1533 2363 137 195
2383 435 1418 1533 2363 2068 215 152
2383 1418 435 1533 2068 2363 132 121
1610 384 2607 1418 2383 435 175 157
2607 384 1610 1418 435 2383 150 112

Rumble in the Roads

in VA, USA

No matches played.

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