From Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
aka Cheltenham School District/Comcast/Department of Defense STEM/Friends of Cheltenham Robotics&Cheltenham High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Robot Name: Chip

Event Results

Team 423 was 6-9-0 in official play in 2020.

As a member of the FIRST Mid-Atlantic district, Team 423 ranked 29 having earned 15 points.

FMA District Hatboro-Horsham Event

in Horsham, PA 19044, USA
to Week 1

Team 423 was Rank 22 with a record of 6-9-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 6226
Pick 1 1218
Pick 2 423

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 11
Alliance Points 4
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 15
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
423 6808 2095 1647 1168 484 47 100
1811 7414 423 1089 1640 2729 67 77
1089 1168 2234 423 7110 103 81 74
7414 6808 2495 2234 423 1640 32 178
423 816 1712 103 5895 2539 69 149
7877 341 423 4575 2559 7110 50 76
1168 1403 423 6226 2729 1807 97 114
2559 423 6226 2234 3974 1712 100 76
1403 4575 7877 2495 5113 423 101 104
423 2458 4575 3314 2607 1811 23 103
816 709 1218 365 423 2607 83 100
303 1811 6808 1218 423 2729 116 129
1218 6226 423 1089 2729 2234 154 85
1218 6226 423 1089 2729 2234 93 126
1218 6226 423 1089 2729 2234 115 148

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Robot Name: Chip

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