From Cypress, California, USA
aka NASA / NASA-JPL / Boeing / Disneyland & Oxford Academy
Rookie Year: 2012
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Robot Name: Jumpman

Event Results

Team 4079 was 6-6-0 in official play and 8-10-0 overall in 2016.

Fall Classic (Day 1)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 4079 had a record of 2-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1452 4584 5810 4079 4486 687 60 52
4486 691 1197B 980 4079 3453 19 45
4079 1197 5810 1138 4470 1138B 59 55
4079 1197B 4619 5209 5810 691 42 66
4619 687 5810 4913 4079 3255 82 45
3453 5209 4486 4079 4584 687 10 0

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Robot Name: Jumpman

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