From Statesboro, Georgia, USA
aka Bulloch Academy & Bulloch Academy
Rookie Year: 2012
Last competed in 2019
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Robot Name: B.A.R.T.

Event Results

Team 3998 was 28-20-0 in official play and 35-25-0 overall in 2017.

As a member of the Peachtree district, Team 3998 ranked 11 having earned 198 points.

PCH District - Gainesville Event

in Gainesville, GA 30501, USA
to Week 1

Team 3998 was Rank 22 with a record of 4-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5608
Pick 1 4189
Pick 2 3998

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 12
Alliance Points 3
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 15
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PCH District - Dalton Event

in Dalton, GA 30720, USA
to Week 2

Team 3998 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 3998
Pick 1 6340
Pick 2 5900

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 57
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4516 4749 2415 3329 3998 4080 235 90
6340 5536 3998 4195 6023 6139 155 5
6471 1771 3318 3998 6023 5109 85 95
4235 3998 5608 3815 1414 5109 160 90
4080 3318 4701 5900 3998 5219 100 95
2415 6712 3998 5900 5132 5608 145 140
3998 5293 3344 6715 4701 4749 238 110
2974 3998 4701 4749 5536 4459 185 90
3998 3815 4193 3318 4509 6341 170 80
6340 6705 5109 1311 6341 3998 260 145
5132 2415 5219 832 6471 3998 260 300
5900 3998 6340 1311 5608 5109 211 166
5900 3998 6340 1311 5608 5109 166 125
5132 4749 6023 6340 3998 5900 285 256
5132 4749 6023 6340 3998 5900 185 306
5132 4749 6023 6340 3998 5900 155 285
1771 2415 2974 6340 3998 5900 185 236
1771 2415 2974 6340 3998 5900 255 211
1771 2415 2974 6340 3998 5900 445 206

Peachtree State Championship

in Athens, GA 30602, USA
to Week 6

Team 3998 was Rank 5 with a record of 11-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3998
Pick 1 6705
Pick 2 5293

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 57
Alliance Points 39
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 126
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4080 3998 4468 3815 6349 1414 235 185
4910 5734 3329 3998 4941 5293 205 298
4516 6340 3998 3635 4188 6023 293 295
1771 5074 3998 1746 4080 6750 210 188
3998 6325 5632 3091 1648 5293 305 333
3635 3998 6705 6349 4516 4459 325 187
3998 832 4910 5608 5074 1311 270 257
5132 3091 1002 1414 3998 4189 235 355
3998 6750 5132 4235 5828 3091 230 135
4459 5582 6340 3998 1648 2415 238 330
2974 5900 1746 4459 3998 4235 259 237
4026 4112 6177 1683 5828 3998 235 305
5293 3998 6705 2415 832 1683 257 305
5293 3998 6705 2415 832 1683 422 230
5293 3998 6705 2415 832 1683 380 255
5074 4941 1746 6705 3998 5293 454 205
5074 4941 1746 6705 3998 5293 441 235

Georgia Robotics Invitational Tournament & Showcase

in Gainesville, GA, USA

Team 3998 was Rank 4 with a record of 7-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3998
Pick 1 2974
Pick 2 6829
Pick 3 5293
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Robot Name: B.A.R.T.

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