From Phoenix, Arizona, USA
aka Lawrence Semiconductor Research Laboratory/The Next Great Event/City of Kyrene/SOAR Foundation/Community Tax Credit/Mountain Pointe High School/Arizona Industrial Hardware, Inc./Costco Wholesale/South Mountain Community College/Arizona Interscholastic Association/Earnhardt Ford/Einstein Bros Bagels/Crumble Cookies/Ahwatukee Water &Ice/Tempe Union High School District/AZTECH Robotics 6479/Dr.s of Smiles Family Dentistry/Mountain Pointe Robotics Booster Club/Pridetronics Parents & Mentors&Mountain Pointe High School
Rookie Year: 2011
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 3853 was 23-12-0 in official play in 2022.

Arizona North Regional

in Flagstaff, AZ, USA
to Week 2

Team 3853 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Damon Dunsmore)

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3853
Pick 1 4183
Pick 2 4418
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2122 3853 2478 498 8745 1828 48 34
498 3019 1891 2288 3853 3187 17 25
498 7426 2122 3853 1492 4183 87 60
3853 4068 4550 3019 1492 2288 58 14
2083 3187 1726 3853 4984 5539 29 47
3200 60 4183 6821 4418 3853 48 50
7426 3853 8021 8745 60 3187 51 49
114 4183 3009 2486 3853 1165 75 47
1492 3009 3187 3019 114 3853 33 49
3853 991 6833 2478 4418 8745 38 56
3019 3853 2083 2478 4418 7426 25 63
8087 6127 3853 6833 1891 1492 *
2403 1726 3853 1165 6127 1891 *
2486 2478 4984 4183 3853 4418 64 65
2486 2478 4984 4183 3853 4418 52 59
114 2122 1726 4183 3853 4418 42 64
114 2122 1726 4183 3853 4418 65 48
114 2122 1726 4183 3853 4418 71 60

Arizona Valley Regional

in Scottsdale, AZ, USA
to Week 3

Team 3853 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 498
Pick 1 3853
Pick 2 3245
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3944 3853 2073 2478 2662 3245 47 38
6833 8306 3853 8012 4415 2840 34 52
2662 3853 3187 5059 6479 1492 37 31
3019 4146 6352 3853 2375 5059 33 35
2662 4817 4565 3853 6413 698 22 67
4111 1212 8848 1165 3019 3853 35 23
6479 2449 3853 2073 7703 6833 53 43
3853 8848 1492 8745 498 6833 51 62
2449 3019 8745 5933 3853 2478 32 64
5933 6413 2449 3853 2403 7703 32 45
7755 3577 6479 8012 8745 3853 22 45
4111 2073 6352 4415 3853 7755 45 90
3853 498 3245 4817 3944 3019 51 30
3853 498 3245 4817 3944 3019 66 25
3853 498 3245 2073 8848 4565 52 76
3853 498 3245 2073 8848 4565 66 42
3853 498 3245 2073 2449 4565 51 35
2478 4415 7703 3853 498 3245 91 64
2478 4415 7703 3853 498 3245 67 57

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