From Kingston, Ontario, Canada
aka Novelis / Limestone Learning Foundation / Queen's University / Transformix Engineering / Haakon Industries & Frontenac Secondary School
Rookie Year: 2011
Last competed in 2016
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Robot Name: Discepticon

Event Results

Overall, Team 3710 had an average qual score of 46.76 and an average playoff score of 152.13 in 2015.

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 3

Team 3710 was Rank 30 with an average qual score of 37.20 and an average playoff score of 184.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners

Captain 2056
Pick 1 2852
Pick 2 3710
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3387 3710 3530 3386 378 5076 1 26
4015 3173 5652 5036 3710 1241 34 30
5031 3550 3710 746 2056 1325 30 112
3386 3710 4783 5719 4718 1305 26 13
2852 3990 781 3710 2013 4476 97 31
3710 378 2228 1241 4783 5031 62 83
5036 4627 3988 2198 3710 4825 34 22
578 5031 886 3710 3990 3986 39 23
3710 5596 5094 3117 2185 2228 48 94
4825 4252 4248 1815 3710 1325 18 99
2852 2056 3710 378 1815 578 210 85
2852 2056 3710 3986 2935 5596 182 43
2852 2056 3710 5031 2228 4252 175 78
2852 2056 3710 3117 1246 2013 206 56
2852 2056 3710 1241 1325 1305 155 140
2852 2056 3710 1241 1325 1305 170 155
2852 2056 3710 1241 1325 1305 195 147

North Bay Regional

in North Bay, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 3710 was Rank 27 with an average qual score of 55.45 and an average playoff score of 123.62 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 4001
Pick 1 4917
Pick 2 3710
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2185 4678 4914 2994 3710 4902 140 76
2609 3710 2185 5324 4976 5035 50 17
4951 2609 4976 781 3543 3710 18 46
1305 3710 1310 5191 2185 3543 88 62
2386 772 5672 5157 4946 3710 74 36
4152 4992 5164 5324 5672 3710 11 14
4914 2013 781 4001 3710 188 81 106
4476 2609 5164 4914 4951 3710 56 54
5409 3710 4917 1334 2609 5157 60 53
3571 3710 4976 5409 2013 1334 42 32
4069 3710 2013 1310 2200 4917 38 162
4917 4001 3710 2609 4476 781 122 106
4917 4001 3710 4946 5672 4069 134 80
4917 4001 3710 2386 2200 4976 108 90
4917 4001 3710 772 4525 4951 148 104
1310 4678 2013 4917 4001 3710 136 151
1310 4678 2013 4917 4001 3710 132 144
1310 4678 2013 4917 4001 3710 112 82
1310 4678 2013 4917 4001 3710 167 100

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Robot Name: Discepticon

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