From Kenmore, Washington, USA
aka Lockheed Martin/Northshore School District & Inglemoor Senior High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Event Results

Team 3268 was 8-21-0 in official play in 2017.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 3268 ranked 127 having earned 24 points.

PNW District - Mount Vernon Event

in Mount Vernon, WA 98273, USA
to Week 3

Team 3268 was Rank 28 with a record of 2-10-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 4
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 4
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PNW District - Glacier Peak Event

in Snohomish, WA 98296, USA
to Week 4

Team 3268 was Rank 30 with a record of 6-11-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4915
Pick 1 5803
Pick 2 3268

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 9
Alliance Points 1
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 20
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1899 5941 3268 1983 4469 4309 265 286
3070 4512 3218 4077 2930 3268 190 355
5495 3070 2557 3268 1983 492 155 255
4915 1899 5827 1778 3268 2557 379 310
5588 1318 3268 2910 4911 2522 265 313
1294 1318 4682 2903 3268 4683 330 195
4469 4089 3268 5803 2928 4915 256 312
6503 2412 5495 2555 3268 4180 160 150
4077 2910 949 2605 3268 5495 264 235
3268 5683 6503 4089 2930 2605 65 160
3268 4512 2928 2522 4180 2976 290 185
3268 3663 4681 492 4180 5683 257 220
3268 4915 5803 1983 3218 4681 311 250
3268 4915 5803 1983 3218 4681 237 306
3268 4915 5803 1983 3218 4681 312 311
3268 4915 5803 2930 492 2928 256 445
3268 4915 5803 2930 492 2928 316 445

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