From Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA
aka Comcast NBCUniversal/L3 Harris/ASI Technologies/Lansdale Cannoneers Sportsman Club/Landreth Logistics/Airline Hydraulics Corportation&Lansdale Catholic High School
Rookie Year: 1998
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Event Results

Team 272 was 23-10-0 in official play in 2007.

Pacific Northwest Regional

in Portland, OR, USA
to Week 1

Team 272 was Rank 11 with a record of 11-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Judges Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1323 1891 272 1899 360 1346 21 4
1346 1983 272 360 1359 2002 16 34
360 2071 1425 1359 2046 272 2 8
2130 1432 360 2122 1425 272 22 98
1510 360 2147 2142 1432 272 8 4
272 1510 2148 1540 2149 360 76 106
1540 2192 272 1566 2222 360 64 20
2249 272 1566 2273 1569 360 128 62
997 272 1087 1887 114 1280 2 38
272 1087 997 1280 114 1887 79 46
1087 272 997 1280 1887 114 77 0
1294 2122 1425 1087 997 272 62 61
2122 1425 1294 272 997 1087 47 94
1294 2122 1425 272 997 1087 22 62
1540 948 1778 272 1087 997 55 92
1778 948 1540 1087 272 997 32 46

Philadelphia Regional

in Philadelphia, PA, USA
to Week 5

Team 272 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Imagery Award
  • Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
272 444 1634 433 1394 222 20 31
1394 304 381 272 1712 422 0 256
272 486 1791 539 708 284 25 18
444 181 1634 405 2229 272 8 40
2053 563 181 1712 381 272 4 84
484 1391 84 405 272 1712 33 38
1712 423 84 272 422 1791 8 6
272 571 1143 222 444 2223 116 19
272 433 1712 708 381 87 98 10
834 316 381 272 618 816 32 68
399 272 709 708 357 423 16 20
1394 571 181 2223 486 272 92 114
87 272 103 423 486 433 22 4
272 87 103 486 423 433 84 0
272 87 103 834 399 539 22 32
87 272 103 539 399 834 160 2
272 87 103 834 816 539 22 51

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