From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
aka Caterpillar Inc/Comcast/The Heinz Endowments/National Instruments (LabVIEW)/Solidworks/Autodesk & City Charter High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2021
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Event Results

Team 1743 was 12-13-0 in official play in 2006.

Pittsburgh Regional

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
to Week 2

Team 1743 had a record of 10-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Highest Rookie Seed Award
  • Rookie Inspiration Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1743 306 128 423 1038 1391 22 28
1038 868 1249 1743 808 395 21 25
337 1370 1743 398 1249 117 28 9
1708 808 1370 306 1743 1629 9 46
63 365 1743 868 398 1391 30 13
888 63 306 1249 868 1743 52 18
859 888 1743 1727 398 1038 9 51
1370 859 888 1391 337 1743 14 21
393 365 1743 859 808 337 25 26
117 423 1743 398 395 1708 16 25
1708 1038 395 306 1386 1743 54 29
1708 365 1727 1743 1386 337 70 7
395 1038 1743 34 10
395 1038 1743 11 0
395 1038 1743 63 365 859 45 12
395 1038 1743 63 365 859 51 36
395 1038 1743 393 1629 1370 24 56
395 1038 1743 393 1629 1370 77 12

Archimedes Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 1743 had a record of 2-5-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1743 226 87 1023 4 1756 23 42
1743 999 1492 468 271 922 34 54
217 33 768 1367 1743 1816 76 0
555 343 1138 1743 138 1394 28 43
1302 1714 191 69 1743 447 46 29
1266 60 203 1743 1568 1057 67 2
1654 585 1184 1743 401 1880 21 32

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