From Raanana, HaMerkaz, Israel
aka Apple - Israel/Bosh - Israel/PEI Genesis /Bar-Yadin Family/REV Robotics&Aviv High School - Raanana
Rookie Year: 2005
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Event Results

Team 1577 was 10-7-0 in official play in 2012.

Israel Regional

in Tel Aviv, TA, Israel
to Week 1

Team 1577 was Rank 8 with a record of 10-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 1574
Pick 1 1577
Pick 2 3211
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 1954 1952 1577 1578 3083 15 8
3065 1937 1577 3351 1946 1662 22 33
3351 1577 2212 3388 4320 1944 4 10
3316 2672 2630 1944 1946 1577 17 8
4326 3775 2231 1942 1577 1943 11 16
2230 3835 1944 1577 2231 4319 0 25
1731 1943 1574 4338 1577 1657 13 2
3358 2672 1577 3766 3075 1576 10 0
1577 1731 2216 3339 1578 3065 45 9
3774 1577 4326 4406 2213 1578 20 6
2214 3316 1577 3052 1937 1573 29 5
1574 3211 1577 1952 2216 1944 65 45
3211 1577 1574 1952 1944 2216 53 20
3211 1574 1577 3351 4338 1657 55 11
3211 1577 1574 1657 4338 3351 34 31
1690 1937 1662 3211 1577 1574 62 57
1662 1690 1937 3211 1577 1574 50 44

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