From Louisville, Colorado, USA
aka Lockheed Martin / Accelaway / QuickLeft / Ball Aerospace / Premiere Credit Union & Monarch High School
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 1245 was 11-7-1 in official play in 2012.

Colorado Regional

in Denver, CO, USA
to Week 4

Team 1245 was Rank 17 with a record of 11-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1245 1158 1691 662 1303 4386 2 0
1158 3648 1348 2240 4293 1245 16 17
1584 1619 1245 2352 3703 3729 11 2
2259 4387 2083 2945 1245 4388 9 12
1619 1799 1157 1245 2275 2261 0 0
3729 1584 3403 1245 443 159 14 10
1245 2996 1361 4072 1377 662 36 18
1245 2341 4072 3200 4388 1977 18 28
3510 4068 1410 1245 1789 3200 10 22
3172 1332 1245 399 662 1764 23 36
2259 3703 1245 3643 1332 1583 2 31
159 1245 1158 1619 3200 1410 30 23
1245 1158 159 1619 1410 3200 33 12
2240 3729 1157 1245 1158 159 5 28
3729 2240 1157 159 1158 1245 50 34
1157 2240 3729 1158 1245 159 13 32
3807 399 2996 1245 159 1158 44 43
3807 399 2996 1158 1245 159 52 72
3807 399 2996 1245 1158 159 35 14

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