From Webster, New York, USA
aka Webster Central School District/Xerox Corporation/Bosch&Schroeder High School&Webster Thomas High School
Rookie Year: 2003
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Event Results

Overall, Team 1126 had an average qual score of 88.21 and an average playoff score of 113.83 in 2015.

Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in California, PA, USA
to Week 2

Team 1126 was Rank 29 with an average qual score of 42.33 and an average playoff score of 41.50 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 4991
Pick 1 1126
Pick 2 4269
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Finger Lakes Regional

in Rochester, NY, USA
to Week 5

Team 1126 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 116.64 and an average playoff score of 149.60 and won the following awards:

  • Volunteer of the Year (Dante Dilella)
  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 1126
Pick 1 1507
Pick 2 3838
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
378 5433 3181 4039 3799 1126 36 92
1511 2791 3838 578 743 1126 91 102
250 20 3951 3015 1126 5030 58 132
1660 1585 3044 1126 3181 73 67 70
1126 4505 1551 1155 1765 2809 126 50
1660 1126 2228 4039 5590 2809 134 88
5433 1591 1126 3015 1405 340 66 34
1126 1765 3003 3157 3181 2265 133 53
1507 1126 5349 5254 1518 395 106 94
4505 5030 1450 1511 1126 5590 106 178
3799 1551 174 1518 1559 1126 88 144
1507 1126 3838 3015 4039 378 152 146
1507 1126 3838 1551 4505 2791 154 98
1507 1126 3838 1511 5030 191 94 146
1507 1126 3838 3015 4039 378 152 163
340 5254 174 1507 1126 3838 193 196

CORI Robotics Invitational

in Dublin, OH, USA

Team 1126 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 113.25 and an average playoff score of 107.00

Captain 1126
Pick 1 4269
Pick 2 447
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
234 291 1126 4611 3591 4145 70 58
1126 3324B 1038 2614B 447 3324 108 78
677 461 3138 1126 4145 3138B 34 142
4085 1126 4611 1720 1317 3266 133 76
4269 1126 447 3201 3138B 2614B 117 0
4269 1126 447 461 677 1317 144 60
4269 1126 447 1720 4145 4145B 108 162
4269 1126 447 4269B 5413 3591 78 118
2614 234 3266 4269 1126 447 156 88

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