NE District URI Event 2025

New England District Event
to Week 3
Keaney Gym in Kingston, RI, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5112 8085 6333 190 97 2067 75 128
4176 558 1768 3719 1740 6620 99 55
88 1119 3464 1350 2079 10254 129 43
1735 2876 1757 1474 5000 1699 71 83
5735 151 78 663 9443 246 88 94
5494 811 1153 181 2064 5962 112 56
97 3464 348 1768 6333 2067 23 94
4176 5000 2079 1119 1350 190 53 113
246 5112 3719 8085 5735 88 64 139
2064 10254 811 78 5494 6620 153 90
1740 151 9443 558 1699 1757 95 70
1735 5962 1474 2876 663 1153 16 155
348 8085 246 3464 181 2079 74 52
78 3719 1350 5112 4176 2064 76 100
1699 5735 2067 88 5000 6333 92 118
1740 97 1757 663 5494 558 74 55
181 1735 190 1768 10254 6620 118 100
5962 1153 9443 348 1474 1119 128 68
151 811 3464 1350 2876 5000 82 96
558 2064 78 2067 88 4176 134 53
1699 3719 1768 8085 97 181 125 83
9443 1119 1735 5112 1740 663 111 111
6333 246 2876 10254 5962 1757 118 83
5735 1474 811 6620 348 151 72 44
2079 1153 88 190 5494 1699 144 136
2067 1119 5000 2064 663 97 53 103
5962 2876 4176 1350 181 246 59 60
348 1768 5112 6333 1757 811 92 87
3464 6620 1474 5735 1153 1740 39 119
5494 9443 10254 1735 3719 8085 105 66
190 2079 78 2876 558 151 156 62
663 88 181 1119 97 1768 147 147
6620 2067 246 811 5112 5962 93 70
5735 2064 348 1350 1740 1735 127 47
3464 4176 5494 151 3719 190 33 102
2079 1757 8085 1474 78 9443 93 73
1699 10254 6333 1153 558 5000 149 104
2067 5962 1350 1735 5735 5112 54 72
811 190 348 1119 5494 2876 112 73
9443 1757 4176 2064 3464 1768 124 129
1153 1699 97 1740 246 2079 116 69
5000 6620 663 3719 6333 558 100 32
10254 78 181 88 1474 151 127 150
8085 190 2064 348 9443 2067 163 61
5962 1768 5735 2079 1699 1119 91 111
6333 663 1350 246 1757 5494 65 68
97 4176 811 10254 1153 1474 78 93
88 1735 558 2876 6620 8085 129 94
5112 5000 181 1740 3464 78 96 133
3719 1119 5735 151 6333 5962 58 66
811 1350 1699 1768 190 1474 72 155
97 558 9443 246 1735 2064 73 94
5000 348 1740 78 8085 4176 69 108
663 3464 10254 151 2079 5112 148 102
3719 2067 5494 1757 181 1153 57 110
97 2876 88 6620 5735 190 113 66
246 1474 558 1119 4176 6333 42 45
8085 151 10254 5962 348 663 104 88
5494 2064 1350 3464 1699 5112 74 124
2079 6620 1735 181 2067 1740 45 109
1757 88 3719 9443 811 2876 140 86
1153 1768 151 5000 78 97 164 128
558 5112 1119 4176 348 1699 88 106
1474 1740 2064 190 246 5962 100 128
2067 663 2079 2876 10254 3719 67 105
6333 1735 3464 811 78 88 72 137
181 1768 5494 5000 9443 5735 56 110
1757 1350 6620 1153 8085 1119 91 90
1474 5112 2876 2064 2079 3719 105 33
1699 5962 1740 10254 88 348 103 145
1768 246 5000 5494 151 1735 125 97
1757 190 663 4176 181 5735 164 48
6620 6333 97 9443 1350 3464 34 101
78 2067 1153 558 811 8085 122 87


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 190 1768 5962
Alliance 2 88 78 97 348
Alliance 3 1153 1699 5735
Alliance 4 2064 246 5112
Alliance 5 10254 1740 2067
Alliance 6 1757 5000 3464
Alliance 7 8085 663 9443
Alliance 8 2876 1119 151

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1768 5962 190 1119 151 2876 146 117
2064 246 5112 10254 2067 1740 110 83
78 88 97 8085 663 9443 134 96
1699 5735 1153 1757 3464 5000 161 137

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1119 151 2876 10254 2067 1740 115 118
8085 9443 663 1757 3464 5000 120 138
1768 5962 190 2064 246 5112 191 94
78 88 348 1699 5735 1153 168 111

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2064 246 5112 1757 3464 5000 145 141
1699 5735 1153 10254 2067 1740 124 108

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1768 5962 190 78 88 97 158 141
1699 5735 1153 246 5112 2064 138 112

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
78 88 348 1699 5735 1153 155 104


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1768 5962 190 78 88 348 175 151
1768 5962 190 78 88 348 140 176
1768 5962 190 78 88 348 169 137

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 190-1768-5962 1
8 2876-1119-151 0
Match 7
1 190-1768-5962 1
4 2064-246-5112 0
Match 2
4 2064-246-5112 1
5 10254-1740-2067 0
Match 11
1 190-1768-5962 1
2 88-78-97-348 0
Match 3
2 88-78-97-348 1
7 8085-663-9443 0
Match 8
2 88-78-97-348 1
3 1153-1699-5735 0
1 190-1768-5962 2
2 88-78-97-348 1
Match 4
3 1153-1699-5735 1
6 1757-5000-3464 0
Match 13
2 88-78-97-348 1
3 1153-1699-5735 0
Match 10
3 1153-1699-5735 1
5 10254-1740-2067 0
Match 5
8 2876-1119-151 0
5 10254-1740-2067 1
Match 12
3 1153-1699-5735 1
4 2064-246-5112 0
Match 9
4 2064-246-5112 1
6 1757-5000-3464 0
Match 6
7 8085-663-9443 0
6 1757-5000-3464 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Barge
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 190 4.58 0.00 126.42 25.67 14.67 10-2-0 0 12 55
2 88 4.42 0.00 124.17 23.00 16.67 10-1-1 0 12 53
3 1768 4.17 0.00 112.75 18.92 17.17 8-3-1 0 12 50
4 1153 4.08 0.17 113.75 16.50 15.83 10-2-0 0 12 49
5 2064 3.83 0.00 98.17 17.67 15.50 8-4-0 0 12 46
6 10254 3.50 0.00 107.75 14.50 15.67 8-4-0 0 12 42
7 78 3.42 0.00 113.17 20.17 14.67 6-6-0 0 12 41
8 246 3.42 0.00 83.08 15.67 9.33 9-3-0 0 12 41
9 1699 3.25 0.00 102.92 15.83 8.83 7-5-0 0 12 39
10 1757 2.92 0.08 96.25 14.50 14.67 7-5-0 0 12 35
11 8085 2.92 0.08 94.00 12.17 12.67 6-6-0 0 12 35
12 2876 2.83 0.00 91.42 18.08 9.00 6-6-0 0 12 34
13 9443 2.75 0.08 90.58 12.08 13.50 6-5-1 0 12 33
14 663 2.75 0.00 105.25 20.17 9.00 6-4-2 0 12 33
15 151 2.75 0.00 94.83 16.67 6.50 6-6-0 0 12 33
16 5000 2.75 0.00 92.92 22.17 7.67 6-6-0 0 12 33
17 1740 2.75 0.00 88.33 23.75 9.00 5-6-1 0 12 33
18 348 2.67 0.08 77.42 13.08 10.67 6-6-0 0 12 32
19 97 2.67 0.00 88.33 18.00 12.00 5-6-1 0 12 32
20 5735 2.67 0.00 82.00 14.67 9.50 6-6-0 0 12 32
21 3464 2.50 0.00 84.08 11.58 8.67 6-6-0 0 12 30
22 6333 2.50 0.00 77.42 13.08 7.83 6-6-0 0 12 30
23 2067 2.42 0.00 81.08 18.08 12.67 5-7-0 0 12 29
24 811 2.33 0.00 89.83 13.17 10.67 5-7-0 0 12 28
25 4176 2.33 0.00 72.67 10.08 10.00 5-7-0 0 12 28
26 1474 2.25 0.08 79.00 14.00 8.50 6-6-0 0 12 27
27 2079 2.17 0.00 78.17 14.00 9.33 4-8-0 0 12 26
28 3719 2.17 0.00 76.08 17.08 9.67 4-8-0 0 12 26
29 6620 2.08 0.08 68.25 16.58 7.83 3-9-0 0 12 25
30 5112 2.00 0.00 86.92 13.67 5.67 5-6-1 0 12 24
31 1350 1.92 0.08 73.00 14.50 9.00 5-7-0 0 12 23
32 181 1.92 0.00 86.17 14.67 9.33 4-7-1 0 12 23
33 5494 1.83 0.00 75.00 14.17 10.33 3-9-0 0 12 22
34 1119 1.75 0.17 88.50 12.75 10.00 4-6-2 0 12 21
35 558 1.67 0.00 79.25 12.42 8.33 3-9-0 0 12 20
36 1735 1.67 0.00 75.33 12.50 6.67 4-7-1 0 12 20
37 5962 1.42 0.08 75.00 12.17 6.50 3-9-0 0 12 17

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Norwell, Massachusetts, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Ledyard, Connecticut, USA
Westwood, Massachusetts, USA
Team Location Image
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Southbury / Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
New London , Connecticut, USA
North Easton, Massachusetts, USA
Hingham, Massachusetts, USA
Foster and Glocester , Rhode Island, USA
Holbrook, Massachusetts, USA
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Putnam, Connecticut, USA
North Smithfield, Rhode Island, USA
Milford, Connecticut, USA
West Newbury, Massachusetts, USA
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 1757
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2079
Rookie All Star Award 10254
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Dyuthi P (1153)
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Zena G (1153)
District Event Winner 190
District Event Winner 1768
District Event Winner 5962
District Event Finalist 88
District Event Finalist 78
District Event Finalist 97
District Event Finalist 348
Autonomous Award 190
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 8085
Excellence in Engineering Award 246
Gracious Professionalism Award 1735
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5112
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1153
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by nVent 5000
Judges' Award 88
Quality Award 78
Rising All-Star Award 9443
Team Spirit Award 1350
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 181
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 190 22 30 16 5 73
2 1768 20 30 16 0 66
3 88 21 20 15 5 61
4 78 17 20 15 5 57
5 1153 19 13 14 5 51
6 1699 16 13 14 0 43
7 246 17 7 13 5 42
8 2064 19 7 13 0 39
9 10254 18 0 12 8 38
10 1757 16 0 11 10 37
11 5962 4 30 1 0 35
12 8085 16 0 10 5 31
13 5000 14 0 11 5 30
14 5735 12 13 3 0 28
15 348 13 14 0 0 27
16 9443 15 0 7 5 27
17 5112 9 7 4 5 25
18 1740 13 0 12 0 25
19 663 14 0 10 0 24
20 2876 15 0 9 0 24
21 97 13 7 2 0 22
22 151 14 0 8 0 22
23 3464 12 0 6 0 18
24 2079 10 0 0 8 18
25 2067 11 0 5 0 16
26 1119 6 0 9 0 15
27 181 8 0 0 5 13
28 1350 8 0 0 5 13
29 6333 12 0 0 0 12
30 811 11 0 0 0 11
31 4176 11 0 0 0 11
32 1474 10 0 0 0 10
33 1735 5 0 0 5 10
34 3719 9 0 0 0 9
35 6620 9 0 0 0 9
36 5494 7 0 0 0 7
37 558 6 0 0 0 6

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 80 148 54.05%
Barge RP 81 148 54.73%
Coral RP 19 148 12.84%
Coopertition 24 148 16.22%
6 RP 15 148 10.14%

Match Statistics

High Score 164 in Q62
Average Match Score 93.41
Average Winning Score 114.15
Average Win Margin 41.47


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 0 32 0.00%
Barge RP 0 32 0.00%
Coral RP 0 32 0.00%
Coopertition 0 32 0.00%
6 RP 0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 191 in SF7-1
Average Match Score 134.78
Average Winning Score 150.38
Average Win Margin 31.19