FIRST in Michigan State Championship - Hemlock Semiconductor Division 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5424 3322 2960 5712 5084 5533 73 97
3620 5901 4004 245 3602 548 64 109
5612 6085 7211 9743 6569 503 76 51
3175 2851 85 6528 27 5505 114 114
70 5561 4392 3655 5152 3707 64 93
4237 51 8286 7174 3452 910 75 82
4391 3602 7197 5216 4405 7211 76 79
5712 6528 3322 5424 3620 5612 127 63
70 4004 5152 503 4392 2851 74 77
245 5561 3452 7174 6085 6569 89 56
8286 5084 2960 51 5901 27 53 95
5505 9743 4237 5216 7197 3707 53 89
5533 3655 85 910 3175 4405 91 101
4392 4391 4004 548 5712 5561 107 102
2851 7174 3322 5084 503 3602 80 57
5901 3452 5424 5505 3707 70 86 94
5533 910 4237 85 5612 51 82 88
4405 3620 27 3175 5152 6528 89 98
245 6569 5216 3655 2960 7211 98 83
7197 9743 6085 8286 548 4391 57 103
85 4004 7174 5901 5612 3322 78 78
3707 5533 3452 3620 5152 5712 43 113
51 5561 4405 5505 503 245 53 59
3602 5424 6528 7211 9743 910 71 63
548 6569 3655 4237 27 5084 88 80
2851 5216 70 6085 4391 3175 85 81
4392 2960 3620 7197 8286 7174 90 89
5561 3707 85 3322 51 4004 86 81
3452 503 6528 9743 3655 3602 71 48
27 7211 548 5901 6085 5505 80 65
4391 910 5216 5084 6569 5152 108 94
5712 4405 5424 5612 8286 2851 86 63
5533 3175 245 4237 4392 7197 67 83
85 2960 6528 70 7174 548 77 81
3602 910 51 4391 27 5561 63 76
5152 5216 5901 503 5612 5712 68 90
8286 6085 5533 3655 3620 5505 55 79
7211 3452 4392 5084 4405 4004 92 83
9743 5424 3707 3175 4237 2960 49 85
2851 7197 245 3322 70 6569 113 91
5712 3655 8286 6528 5533 51 102 72
5612 3602 4405 548 5084 6085 68 72
5152 7174 4392 7211 3175 5505 98 79
6569 3707 910 2851 9743 5901 88 39
4237 3322 3452 2960 245 4391 81 102
5424 5561 503 7197 3620 85 70 103
4004 5216 548 27 70 8286 98 106
6085 3602 5152 3707 5712 7174 61 96
3655 4405 2851 245 51 9743 54 83
503 85 3322 3452 4391 3620 69 106
5216 5533 27 7197 5424 7211 101 81
4004 5505 5612 70 2960 910 55 87
5084 5901 3175 5561 6528 4237 78 84
4392 8286 3707 6569 85 3602 79 66
7174 4391 9743 5424 548 5533 92 80
5505 3452 5152 3322 245 27 53 118
2960 5612 5216 910 2851 3620 84 105
3175 7197 70 51 7211 5712 116 98
6569 5901 4405 5561 4004 3655 66 66
6085 4237 503 4392 6528 5084 78 55
5612 27 7174 3322 3707 4391 117 114
910 5712 245 3452 548 3175 122 87
7211 2851 5561 85 8286 5901 76 69
5152 503 51 4004 5424 6085 72 75
3620 5084 70 4405 4392 9743 76 80
5533 5505 6569 3602 4237 5216 51 88
6528 3655 5612 2960 7197 3452 118 60
8286 3322 3175 3707 4004 503 89 86
27 5712 9743 5901 910 4392 94 59
7174 5505 5084 3602 70 5533 82 75
6528 7211 3620 6569 4237 2851 77 88
6085 245 3655 5216 85 5424 95 96
548 51 2960 4405 5152 7197 78 83
5561 3175 3602 4391 70 5612 72 109
4004 7211 4237 3452 2851 5712 49 105
910 3322 3655 3620 5216 6085 123 60
27 4392 6569 51 7174 5424 96 65
9743 85 5084 5152 245 8286 87 91
4405 5505 4391 3707 6528 5901 96 69
503 548 7197 2960 5533 5561 97 52


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 5712 27 51 4405
Alliance 2 4391 3175 5152
Alliance 3 70 2851 3620 5612
Alliance 4 245 7174 4237
Alliance 5 5216 85 6528
Alliance 6 548 3322 6569
Alliance 7 910 3655 7197
Alliance 8 3707 4392 5084

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5712 51 27 3707 5084 4392 140 77
4237 7174 245 5216 6528 85 116 78
4391 5152 3175 7197 3655 910 99 132
3620 70 2851 548 6569 3322 81 134

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4392 5084 3707 5216 6528 85 91 88
4391 5152 3175 5612 70 3620 120 57
5712 51 27 245 7174 4237 90 77
910 3655 7197 548 6569 3322 112 112

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4237 7174 245 3175 5152 4391 95 138
3322 6569 548 3707 5084 4392 112 79

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5712 4405 27 7197 3655 910 98 120
3322 6569 548 3175 5152 4391 79 95

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
51 5712 27 3175 5152 4391 129 116


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
910 3655 7197 27 51 5712 81 125
910 3655 7197 27 51 5712 125 140

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 5712-27-51-4405 1
8 3707-4392-5084 0
Match 7
1 5712-27-51-4405 1
4 245-7174-4237 0
Match 2
4 245-7174-4237 1
5 5216-85-6528 0
Match 11
1 5712-27-51-4405 0
7 910-3655-7197 1
Match 3
2 4391-3175-5152 0
7 910-3655-7197 1
Match 8
7 910-3655-7197 1
6 548-3322-6569 0
7 910-3655-7197 0
1 5712-27-51-4405 2
Match 4
3 70-2851-3620-5612 0
6 548-3322-6569 1
Match 13
1 5712-27-51-4405 1
2 4391-3175-5152 0
Match 10
6 548-3322-6569 1
8 3707-4392-5084 0
Match 5
8 3707-4392-5084 1
5 5216-85-6528 0
Match 12
6 548-3322-6569 0
2 4391-3175-5152 1
Match 9
4 245-7174-4237 0
2 4391-3175-5152 1
Match 6
2 4391-3175-5152 1
3 70-2851-3620-5612 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 5712 3.33 0.92 98.75 36.75 11.08 10-2-0 0 12 40
2 4391 3.17 1.00 94.00 34.75 10.58 9-3-0 0 12 38
3 27 3.17 1.00 93.92 31.25 10.67 9-2-1 0 12 38
4 70 2.83 1.00 84.67 28.33 12.08 7-5-0 0 12 34
5 245 2.83 0.92 91.83 31.58 8.00 10-2-0 0 12 34
6 7174 2.67 0.83 82.08 27.25 7.75 8-3-1 0 12 32
7 5216 2.58 1.00 87.42 25.00 8.83 8-4-0 0 12 31
8 548 2.58 0.92 84.92 27.33 9.67 7-5-0 0 12 31
9 910 2.50 0.92 84.75 28.50 8.42 8-4-0 0 12 30
10 2851 2.50 0.92 78.92 28.67 7.83 8-3-1 0 12 30
11 3707 2.50 0.92 77.42 27.58 9.75 7-5-0 0 12 30
12 5612 2.50 0.83 81.25 27.00 10.75 6-5-1 0 12 30
13 4392 2.50 0.83 77.50 32.33 6.25 9-3-0 0 12 30
14 3322 2.42 1.00 88.83 29.25 10.25 5-6-1 0 12 29
15 7197 2.33 0.92 84.67 30.42 7.58 7-5-0 0 12 28
16 6528 2.33 0.83 81.17 25.58 10.08 6-5-1 0 12 28
17 4405 2.33 0.83 76.08 29.17 7.50 6-5-1 0 12 28
18 3655 2.25 0.83 79.08 24.33 7.83 6-5-1 0 12 27
19 85 2.08 1.00 80.50 28.17 7.67 4-6-2 0 12 25
20 3452 2.08 0.67 78.00 26.08 6.92 6-6-0 0 12 25
21 3175 2.00 0.92 85.75 31.42 7.75 5-6-1 0 12 24
22 3620 2.00 0.83 82.33 30.42 8.00 6-6-0 0 12 24
23 8286 2.00 0.83 79.58 32.67 7.75 6-6-0 0 12 24
24 2960 2.00 0.83 73.92 23.83 11.00 4-8-0 0 12 24
25 5152 1.92 1.00 81.83 26.83 7.33 6-6-0 0 12 23
26 5505 1.92 0.92 69.58 25.75 8.58 5-6-1 0 12 23
27 5561 1.92 0.92 69.00 28.67 7.75 5-6-1 0 12 23
28 6569 1.92 0.83 74.50 23.17 7.92 5-6-1 0 12 23
29 4237 1.92 0.83 72.25 28.00 7.67 6-6-0 0 12 23
30 503 1.92 0.83 71.33 27.33 9.50 6-6-0 0 12 23
31 5424 1.75 0.83 73.58 26.83 6.92 4-8-0 0 12 21
32 4004 1.75 0.83 73.33 22.67 8.08 2-8-2 0 12 21
33 51 1.67 1.00 72.33 26.42 6.58 3-9-0 0 12 20
34 7211 1.67 0.67 75.17 24.00 7.17 5-7-0 0 12 20
35 5084 1.42 0.83 71.58 24.75 8.25 3-9-0 0 12 17
36 9743 1.33 0.67 60.58 24.83 5.92 4-8-0 0 12 16
37 5901 1.25 1.00 68.08 25.83 8.33 1-9-2 0 12 15
38 3602 1.25 0.75 69.17 27.17 7.92 3-9-0 0 12 15
39 6085 1.25 0.67 67.75 25.25 7.58 4-8-0 0 12 15
40 5533 1.17 0.92 68.83 26.58 7.50 2-10-0 0 12 14

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Goodrich, Michigan, USA
Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Northville, Michigan, USA
Madison Heights, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Birmingham, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA
Escanaba, Michigan, USA
Saint Joseph, Michigan, USA
Mason, Michigan, USA
Brighton, Michigan, USA
Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Stevensville, Michigan, USA
Gladstone, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Brimley, Michigan, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Corunna, Michigan, USA
Otsego, Michigan, USA
Essexville, Michigan, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Alpena, Michigan, USA
Clio, Michigan, USA
Flushing, Michigan, USA
Burton, Michigan, USA
Hemlock, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Brown City, Michigan, USA
Gibraltar, Michigan, USA
Ontonagon, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Holly, Michigan, USA
Farwell, Michigan, USA
Vermontville, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District Championship Winner 5712
District Championship Winner 27
District Championship Winner 51
District Championship Winner 4405
District Championship Finalist 910
District Championship Finalist 3655
District Championship Finalist 7197
Autonomous Award 5712
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3620
Excellence in Engineering Award 27
Gracious Professionalism Award 85
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 7197
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3707
Innovation in Control Award 910
Judges' Award 7174
Quality Award 2851
Rookie Inspiration Award 9743
Team Spirit Award 51
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 3655
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 5712 66 90 48 15 219
2 27 60 90 48 15 213
3 910 51 60 30 15 156
4 4391 63 39 45 0 147
5 3655 39 60 30 15 144
6 7197 42 60 21 15 138
7 51 24 90 3 15 132
8 3175 36 39 45 0 120
9 7174 54 0 39 15 108
10 548 51 21 33 0 105
11 2851 48 0 42 15 105
12 3322 45 21 33 0 99
13 70 57 0 42 0 99
14 245 57 0 39 0 96
15 5216 54 0 36 0 90
16 85 39 0 36 15 90
17 3707 48 0 27 15 90
18 5152 33 39 6 0 78
19 4392 45 0 27 0 72
20 6569 30 21 18 0 69
21 3620 36 0 9 15 60
22 6528 42 0 15 0 57
23 5612 48 0 0 0 48
24 5084 21 0 24 0 45
25 4237 30 0 12 0 42
26 4405 42 0 0 0 42
27 3452 39 0 0 0 39
28 8286 36 0 0 0 36
29 2960 36 0 0 0 36
30 9743 21 0 0 15 36
31 5505 33 0 0 0 33
32 5561 33 0 0 0 33
33 4004 27 0 0 0 27
34 503 27 0 0 0 27
35 5424 27 0 0 0 27
36 7211 24 0 0 0 24
37 3602 18 0 0 0 18
38 5901 18 0 0 0 18
39 6085 15 0 0 0 15
40 5533 12 0 0 0 12

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

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