Idaho Regional 2024

to Week 4
Ford Idaho Center in Nampa, ID, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3405 9726 7634 1569 2594 8756 26 42
2130 846 8551 8546 1891 5461 15 62
2288 8839 9114 3245 7895 2584 41 68
7906 4175 3288 2122 6358 5933 29 77
9314 192 9438 6364 114 5480 12 89
4598 9243 3166 3669 4698 9044 26 69
399 6036 9138 9737 2813 5871 77 19
7895 2288 1566 9114 1569 8551 53 38
3245 9726 4175 3405 846 5933 33 45
9438 8546 2122 9314 7906 7634 54 17
4598 3288 114 2130 1891 9044 68 34
2594 5461 2584 192 9138 5871 50 14
2813 6036 6364 3669 1566 9737 62 7
9243 8756 5480 6358 4698 8839 12 66
9314 399 8551 7906 3166 846 37 52
3405 4175 9114 5933 9438 2130 34 29
3245 2288 1891 9044 2584 4598 52 52
2594 3288 192 7895 8546 2813 31 50
9726 5480 6358 5461 9737 4698 49 69
8756 3669 2122 8839 1569 6036 42 73
7634 9138 9243 399 3166 6364 25 80
5871 7906 114 1566 4598 8551 73 26
5933 1891 2813 9438 2594 2288 40 57
6358 9737 3245 9314 5480 8546 60 24
5461 9044 4175 6036 3669 7895 55 70
3166 4698 9726 2584 9138 3288 56 57
9243 1566 846 7634 192 2122 10 85
2130 5871 9114 8756 114 399 31 71
1569 3405 8546 8839 6364 4598 51 58
9044 7895 2594 6358 4175 9438 53 44
9726 2813 3669 2584 7906 2288 21 88
2122 9737 9243 1891 8551 9138 27 30
3288 9314 6036 9114 5480 7634 59 32
5871 4698 399 3405 114 192 46 58
1569 5933 1566 2130 3166 8756 39 27
846 5461 6364 3245 8839 2594 45 57
1891 2122 7895 7906 8546 9726 79 49
9114 3669 9138 9044 6358 9314 40 48
2288 5480 399 114 9243 4175 66 56
1566 7634 2584 9737 3405 4598 66 39
5933 8551 5461 4698 8756 9438 47 49
6364 5871 1569 3288 2813 846 52 55
192 2130 8839 3166 6036 3245 23 85
399 9114 7895 6358 9243 1891 77 48
114 3669 2584 8546 7634 4175 61 27
4598 5933 4698 2122 9314 2594 63 46
9138 6364 2288 8756 3405 1566 55 39
8551 3245 7906 5480 3288 2130 72 31
2813 9044 3166 5871 9726 5461 53 39
6036 192 9737 9438 846 1569 57 67
8839 1891 7634 4175 5933 9314 41 45
6364 6358 7895 4598 2122 2288 61 61
5480 2594 3405 3288 399 3669 34 57
8546 2130 4698 2813 9114 9243 52 18
846 192 9044 7906 9737 8756 75 18
8551 8839 9726 1566 5871 6036 22 36
114 9438 3166 9138 1569 3245 71 66
5933 2584 6364 5461 399 6358 47 55
1891 9114 9314 4175 4598 3669 39 53
2594 2130 7906 5480 7895 9737 34 53
9044 8839 3405 192 8551 2813 57 46
9243 3245 8546 9138 8756 9726 90 21
4698 2584 2122 6036 114 846 83 105
5461 1566 9438 7634 2288 3288 38 64
3166 1569 5480 5871 2594 1891 52 44
9737 9044 5933 3405 6364 2130 35 42
8756 4598 8546 4175 399 192 55 61
8839 7895 7906 4698 9138 114 57 83
2813 3245 5461 1566 2122 9114 76 38
846 7634 6358 3166 8551 5871 53 37
2584 9438 6036 9243 3288 1569 72 42
3669 9314 2130 2288 9726 192 30 77
7895 4598 9138 5480 5933 8839 59 45
399 2122 3405 8546 9044 1566 62 32
1891 4175 3166 8551 6364 4698 56 68
1569 7634 9737 9114 5461 7906 48 35
114 2288 6358 9726 6036 2594 79 55
9438 3245 3288 3669 5871 9243 62 38
846 8756 9314 2584 2813 3405 35 41


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 114 6036 2813
Alliance 2 7895 846 9044
Alliance 3 4698 2288 8839 3288
Alliance 4 3245 2584 4175
Alliance 5 6358 6364 8546
Alliance 6 399 5461 9114
Alliance 7 2122 192 1891
Alliance 8 9438 1569 4598

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2813 6036 114 9438 1569 4598 114 36
4175 3245 2584 8546 6358 6364 81 44
7895 9044 846 192 1891 2122 61 104
2288 8839 4698 399 5461 9114 63 75

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4598 1569 9438 8546 6358 6364 36 69
7895 9044 846 4698 3288 2288 76 39
2813 6036 114 2584 3245 4175 83 47
2122 1891 192 399 5461 9114 72 76

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4175 3245 2584 846 9044 7895 89 89
2122 1891 192 8546 6358 6364 86 51

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2813 6036 114 399 5461 9114 109 54
2122 1891 192 2584 3245 4175 91 69

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9114 5461 399 192 1891 2122 53 84


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2813 6036 114 192 1891 2122 60 76
2813 6036 114 192 1891 2122 85 67
2813 6036 114 192 1891 2122 97 103

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 114-6036-2813 1
8 9438-1569-4598 0
Match 7
1 114-6036-2813 1
4 3245-2584-4175 0
Match 2
4 3245-2584-4175 1
5 6358-6364-8546 0
Match 11
1 114-6036-2813 1
6 399-5461-9114 0
Match 3
2 7895-846-9044 0
7 2122-192-1891 1
Match 8
7 2122-192-1891 0
6 399-5461-9114 1
1 114-6036-2813 1
7 2122-192-1891 2
Match 4
3 4698-2288-8839-3288 0
6 399-5461-9114 1
Match 13
6 399-5461-9114 0
7 2122-192-1891 1
Match 10
7 2122-192-1891 1
5 6358-6364-8546 0
Match 5
8 9438-1569-4598 0
5 6358-6364-8546 1
Match 12
7 2122-192-1891 1
4 3245-2584-4175 0
Match 9
4 3245-2584-4175 1
2 7895-846-9044 0
Match 6
2 7895-846-9044 1
3 4698-2288-8839-3288 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 114 3.18 0.64 71.64 21.45 9.18 10-1-0 0 11 35
2 7895 2.73 0.64 59.82 19.55 6.73 9-1-1 0 11 30
3 6036 2.73 0.55 64.45 22.09 4.91 9-2-0 0 11 30
4 4698 2.64 0.73 62.18 25.73 9.18 8-3-0 0 11 29
5 3245 2.64 0.55 60.36 22.09 4.00 8-2-1 0 11 29
6 6358 2.55 0.73 55.45 19.73 7.64 7-3-1 0 11 28
7 2584 2.55 0.45 60.00 19.73 8.73 8-2-1 0 11 28
8 2288 2.36 0.64 59.36 20.73 4.64 8-1-2 0 11 26
9 399 2.36 0.55 57.00 21.45 5.91 9-2-0 0 11 26
10 2122 2.27 0.45 53.00 17.00 8.55 5-5-1 0 11 25
11 6364 2.27 0.27 58.55 20.18 6.18 7-3-1 0 11 25
12 9438 2.00 0.64 48.27 15.73 6.82 7-4-0 0 11 22
13 846 2.00 0.27 47.55 16.18 6.00 7-4-0 0 11 22
14 3288 1.82 0.64 47.09 17.64 3.91 7-4-0 0 11 20
15 3166 1.82 0.55 50.91 16.64 6.36 6-5-0 0 11 20
16 4598 1.82 0.45 48.18 16.00 6.18 5-4-2 0 11 20
17 1569 1.73 0.36 46.91 17.45 4.73 6-5-0 0 11 19
18 9044 1.64 0.45 46.64 16.45 6.18 6-4-1 0 11 18
19 9138 1.64 0.45 45.09 18.55 4.45 6-5-0 0 11 18
20 192 1.55 0.45 42.18 14.73 5.45 5-6-0 0 11 17
21 5461 1.45 0.55 48.55 20.55 4.55 5-6-0 0 11 16
22 3669 1.45 0.55 40.09 13.27 6.00 5-6-0 0 11 16
23 8546 1.45 0.36 45.00 14.18 4.82 5-6-0 0 11 16
24 3405 1.45 0.18 39.73 15.36 4.45 6-5-0 0 11 16
25 2594 1.36 0.55 42.73 13.91 4.91 5-6-0 0 11 15
26 8839 1.36 0.45 45.45 14.91 6.09 5-6-0 0 11 15
27 7906 1.36 0.36 46.09 14.73 5.27 4-7-0 0 11 15
28 5933 1.36 0.36 45.27 16.73 5.91 5-6-0 0 11 15
29 7634 1.36 0.36 38.36 12.91 5.82 5-6-0 0 11 15
30 2813 1.27 0.09 39.00 15.73 2.73 6-5-0 0 11 14
31 5480 1.18 0.64 40.45 13.45 3.82 4-7-0 0 11 13
32 9737 1.18 0.36 37.00 14.45 3.73 4-7-0 0 11 13
33 8756 1.09 0.27 31.36 10.64 4.45 3-8-0 0 11 12
34 1891 0.91 0.55 44.82 15.45 4.91 3-7-1 0 11 10
35 4175 0.91 0.36 42.00 14.55 5.64 4-7-0 0 11 10
36 1566 0.91 0.18 30.00 11.82 3.45 4-7-0 0 11 10
37 9314 0.82 0.36 33.18 12.00 4.91 3-8-0 0 11 9
38 9243 0.73 0.64 32.55 12.36 3.73 1-10-0 0 11 8
39 8551 0.73 0.36 37.00 17.45 3.73 3-8-0 0 11 8
40 9726 0.64 0.45 36.73 14.00 4.00 1-10-0 0 11 7
41 5871 0.64 0.36 36.18 14.45 4.73 2-9-0 0 11 7
42 2130 0.45 0.45 30.45 13.27 3.36 2-9-0 0 11 5
43 9114 0.45 0.36 35.64 16.91 3.27 2-9-0 0 11 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Los Altos, California, USA
Palo Alto, California, USA
Lancaster, California, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA
Vacaville, California, USA
Calabasas, California, USA
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Saratoga, California, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Big Piney, Wyoming, USA
Salem, Utah, USA
Ripon, California, USA
Driggs, Idaho, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Sacramento, California, USA
Meridian, Idaho, USA
Team Location Image
Reno, Nevada, USA
Garden City, Idaho, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Palo Alto, California, USA
Buhl, Idaho, USA
West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sandy, Utah, USA
Homedale, Idaho, USA
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Meridian, Idaho, USA
Lewiston, Idaho, USA
Twin Falls, Idaho, USA
Shoshone, Idaho, USA
Coeur D Alene, Idaho, USA
Fremont, California, USA
Mount Pleasant, Utah, USA
Orofino, Idaho, USA
Middleton, Idaho, USA
Cove, Oregon, USA
Caldwell, Idaho, USA
Boise, Idaho, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 5461
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2813
Rookie All Star Award 9726
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Suzanne Steiner (5461)
Volunteer of the Year Cody Race
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Grayson J (5461)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Jasmine Y (6358)
Regional Winners 2122
Regional Winners 192
Regional Winners 1891
Regional Finalists 114
Regional Finalists 6036
Regional Finalists 2813
Autonomous Award 4698
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4598
Excellence in Engineering Award 6036
Gracious Professionalism Award 6358
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 399
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2584
Innovation in Control Award 2122
Judges' Award 6364
Quality Award 3245
Rookie Inspiration Award 9438
Team Spirit Award 1569
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 846

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